Chapter 10

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I had taken a shower at the arena, just a quick one, and changed into jeans and a tank top. When Paige and Phil walked by, "He is really trying isn't he?", I softly smiled and watched as Randy laughed with Nick and John, "Yes he is.", they looked at each other, "I wish you would've heard what he said to Summer." I chuckled, "What did he say?", they smiled, "He called her a whore basically and that the company only used her for the different love story lines, oh and that nobody likes her.", I laughed, "Oh god that's great." They chuckled, "Anyways, so what happened out there?", I looked at Randy and he smiled, "Apparently we are going on a demanded two week vacation with his daughter and my dog." They nodded, "What about Jon?", I froze and watched as Renee tried talking to him but he ignored her and started walking toward us, "I act like it never happened." I smiled at them and waved, "Bye, I've got to go pack up." I spun on my heel and walked away, straight to Randy, John, and Nick. "Can we go to my house yet?", Randy looked at me, "Only if we party.", I rolled my eyes, "Well that's not plausible, we have to wake up at 4:30 to get on a 5:00 plane to St. Louis. Then we have to go pick Alanna up and then get her packed, and we then have to get on a 8:30 plane to Honolulu." He looked at me, "Why do you always pick the early flights?", I chuckled, "So we aren't Jet lagged." The other two chuckled, "Anyways, we also have to go get all the supplies Duke needs for traveling." Randy nodded and put an arm around my shoulder, "Anyways, we will be waking up at 3 to get ready." He groaned, "Why so early.", I lightly punched him in the stomach and walked away, "You should be use to it pretty boy." He chuckled and told his friends bye, hurried over to me, "Let's go pretty woman." I rolled my eyes, "That was just cheesy." He chuckled, "But you really love cheddar." I shook my head, "You're an idiot." He smiled, "But I'm your idiot.", I looked at him, "Not quite." He frowned, "But I'm getting closer?", I shook my head, "Let's see what these two weeks do."

I rolled over in the bed at 2:45 and got up. I walked into the kitchen and made some coffee and a small breakfast, of hash browns, pancakes, scrambled eggs, biscuits, and gravy. I whistled and Duke came scrambling down the stairs, "Outside?", he was wagging his tail and I chuckled, "Alright." I opened the door and let him out, leaving the door slightly cracked so he could push his way in in about 10 minutes. I smiled as the 3 am alarm went off upstairs and I heard a crash, "Randy! I have to replace that!", he groaned and I rolled my eyes, "Breakfast!"  I heard scrambling and he hurried down the stairs, "What did you make?", I chuckled and grabbed two plates, two coffee cups, and two tall glasses along with the orange juice and the apple juice, "Just a small breakfast before we fly." He smiled and started to make his plate, "Where's Duke?", I sighed, "The crazy dog is outside." I looked at the clock, "He should be coming in, in a few moments." I chuckled as the door slid Alittle and his paws clicked across the floor, "When we land he'll need to go again." Randy nodded, "He is scheduled little thing, what does he do when you aren't here?", I smiled, "My dear friend Anna comes and watches over him. I thought about getting a bus and just bringing him with me." Randy looked at me, "While that actually seems like a good idea." I smiled and finished eating, grabbing both our plates to wash them and quickly going to the laundry room and grabbing our bags, Duke's carrier, and changing into jeans and a tank top, slipping on my converse and and flatbill hat, "Alright Pretty boy, we've got to roll. Duke, kennel up." The dog ran into his kennel and I picked it up, and grabbed my bags, "I can do that.", I raised an eyebrow, "You can but you won't. Come now, we have a long day ahead of us."

We landed in St. Louis at exactly 7:30, when we got to the parking lot a black car was waiting for us, "Let's go, it will be back in about a half hour anyways." We loaded the things but I lead Duke over to the grass, letting him do his business, when he was done I loaded him up and we went to Randy's house. We were quiet walking in, and I grabbed a medium sized luggage bag and went to Alanna's room, quietly packing up two weeks worth of clothes, two bathing suits, and 3 pairs of shoes. I smiled and grabbed some of her toys, her DS, and her tablet putting them in my purse along with the chargers. I huffed out in satisfaction and took her bag out to ours, "Without waking her up?", I winked and started making her a small breakfast of French toast, eggs, two sausage links, and some orange juice. "Wake her up." Randy nodded and crept into her room, "Daddy!", Randy chuckled, "Yeah, and Daddy has a surprise for you." She giggled and I heard Randy pick her up, "Keep your eyes covered." They walked in and he dropped his hand from her eyes, "Ali!" She wiggled out of his hold and ran over to me, "Hey sunshine." I bent down and pulled her into a hug, "I've missed you Ali.", I smiled, "I've missed you too." Duke barked, "Duke!", she ran over and started playing with the dog, "Alanna, we need you to eat and then get dressed because we have a surprise okay." She nodded and got to the table and we place her food and drink down, "Yummy, my favorites."

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