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◇بسم الله الرحمن الرحيم◇

"  Happiness comes when we stop complaining about our problems and start being grateful for all the problems we don't have.

Stop focusing on how stressed you are and remember how Blessed you are..
There is always more to thank for than to complain about. :)


Assalam o Alaikum wr wb everyone (:

I hope u all are doing good and if not then don't worry a bit .. Allah is with u..He'll make everything easy for u..just be patient & trust Him. :)

I'm really sorry I'm not replying to any of your comments lately.. but idk what to do as Wattpad is acting a bit weird these days, it isn't letting me reply to any comment much.
So I hope that u people will understand that. :)

Remember me in ur duas ..phleeez :>

Have a good day/night:P


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