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◇بسم الله الرحمن الرحيم◇

" Every soul shall taste death. Then to Us will you be returned. "
( Quran 29:57 )

Life isn't guaranteed at all but Death is absolutely guaranteed, yet still we prepare for life more than Death.
Remember.. Time is running out and nothing will stop Death..
Ignoring a reality doesn't make it any less real, it's still going to happen whether you are prepared or not.
Keep in mind that nothing is permanent in this impermanent world. :)

So.. one day if you heard that I died, don't cry for me because this won't bring me back to life.. just pray for me because I'll need it badly at that time. :')

Ya Allah, let our death reach us when you have forgiven our sins & you are pleased with us..

Ya Allah, when our bones will be lying beneath the soil.. grant us the ones who will remember us in their duas..

Ya Allah, When we'll be long forgotten, let them in their busy days remember us & ask you to forgive us and grant us Jannah..

Ya Rab, let their dua be powerful and let us all meet in Your jannah.

▪ آمين يا رب العالمين

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