
762 94 28

◇بسم الله الرحمن الرحيم◇

" If you died today leaving all your social media active,
Would your posts benefit you in the grave or cause you pain? "

Subhan'Allah .. So many people have passed away.
But their posts on social media remain...
Some might be still gaining Rewards from their posts or the work they did there.
While others might be gaining Sins, Mountains of sins from their inappropriate selfies, music, dance, and other impermissible videos & posts they shared.

There are some deceased sisters on whose selfies, non-mehrams are still writing 'Ma sha Allah, u look so beautiful!' & there are some selfies of deceased brothers too, showing off their handsomeness to the world and sisters going crazy over them...
In short, such few posts spreading so much fitnah whether intentionally or unintentionally but Imagine the regret they must be feeling in their Grave now. ( that's really scary btw )

Remove such pics of yours brothers and sisters or atleast set some privacy so that non-mehrams can't see them. Also remove other inappropriate posts from your social media. Believe me no amount of likes or comments are worth displeasing Allah.
So.. Clean up your social media Today.
And repent, as i always say It's never too late to do something good.

May Allah(swt) protect and forgive us.ameen.

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