~Chapter One~

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(h/c): Hair color
(e/c): Eye color
(f/c): Favorite color
(s/c): Skin color

~No-One's P.O.V~

The smirk is rather visible on your face as you run from the bank, still able to hear the alarm ring from a block away. You have a duffel bag over your shoulder full of cash, and you're very proud of today's haul. As you sprint down the street, you can feel the cold breeze of the night even though you have a mask on and your regular outfit you'd wear whenever your thieving: Black top, dark jeans, grey cargo boots, your mask, and gloves. You had your (h/c) locks tied back in a low ponytail, which helped make sure your eyesight wouldn't be blocked.

You turned the corner of an alleyway, and your (e/c) irises lit up once you saw the uneven bricks on the wall of the building. Using the bricks, you swiftly climbed up the wall, until you reached a window on the third story. You hopped inside the room, closing the window behind you and locking it. This building, it's abandoned, yet you still call it your own. It gives you a roof over your head, and a shelter to hide in.

You sighed, tossing the bag to the side of the room and falling onto the couch behind you. Pulling off the mask and grabbing the remote, you turn on the television in the corner of your room. The news channel is the first thing that pops up, and you laugh once you see the story is about none other than you.

"Reports are coming in from local police saying that the town bank has been robbed, which is something that has never happened before. Officers say they don't know exactly who the thief is, but according to footage and eye witness accounts by employees of the bank, it seems to be a female criminal that police have dubbed as 'Nightowl', seeing as how she only performs these crimes at night. This thief is well known across the United States, since in the past three months she has robbed banks and jewelry stores, performed hit-and-runs, and has severely injured several people in fifteen states. No one knows her true identity, so that is why she is know a wanted in criminal in all of the main states, and officers in every city, every county will be on alert or this elusive criminal-"

At that moment, you turn the television off, a shocked expression on your face. Yes, you had been state hopping by stealing cars and motorcycles, but you didn't know you were now wanted in every state. You never imagined you'd become this- this... Famous? That's a way you could put it.

You began to laugh quietly, and you had no idea why. It was a slightly crazed laugh as well. You quickly snapped out of it, and jumped up from the couch. 

"I have to leave... Now." you muttered, running to you suitcase and pulling out the first (f/c) top and skinny jeans you saw, plus a pair of black converse. You brushed your (h/c) hair out, and hastily packed all your things into your case. 

You pulled a smaller, empty suitcase and started packing away any extra clothing you had scattered on the floor, plus you shoved the duffel bag with all the money inside. Zipping the case shut, you pull both up and off the floor, and run out the door.

Once you're outside, you walk down the block and approach your parked car you had at the end of the street. Well, it wasn't your's.... You stole it... But that didn't matter! You had planned to return it, you just never did. Anyways, you pull out your keys and open the car, putting your suitcases in the bag. You were about to start the car up, but mentally curse when you realize you left your purse in the building. You would've left it and decided it was unneeded, but this had your identification and driver's license, and you did not want to be arrested for that petty matter.

You locked the car again, pocketing your keys and beginning to run down the street towards the building. Looking down at the ground, not realizing where you were going, you run right into something- well, someone. You fall backwards onto the floor, wincing when you feel the sharp pain of the concrete.

"Oh, poppet I'm so sorry! I wasn't paying attention." a voice apologized, as you feel a hand help you up off the ground. 

"It's fine, it's my fault anyways." you reply, brushing yourself off and looking up at the person.

You saw a man with light strawberry blonde, almost pink, hair, lightning blue eyes, prominent eyebrows, and a small smile on his face. He wore a pink vest with a bright blue bow tie, and beige slacks. 

"Oh, we'll its wonderful you're okay, poppet!" he cheered, a grin forming on his face. Behind, you see a figure walking towards us.

"Oliver, hurry it up. Francois wants us to finish up this so we can get across town-... Whoa, who's the doll?" a male asked. 

You looked around this 'Oliver', and see a brunette man walking toward the two of you. He had a cowlick sticking out if his tussled hair, red shades that made his crimson eyes look like an even deeper shade of red, and through his smirk I noticed he had a missing front tooth. He wore a dark brown bombers jacket, a white t-shirt, and tattered, navy blue jeans.

"I'm not a doll. My name's (Name)." you said, crossing your arms. 

"Oh, a pleasure to meet you miss (Name)! My name's Oliver, and this is Allen." the blonde introduced himself and his friend, but you swore you heard Allen mutter, 'It's not Allen, it's Al.' 

"Nice to meet you two as well. Now if you excuse me, I have to go." you said, turning to walk away. 

"Bye, doll." Al said, as he began to walk the opposite way. 

"Good bye, poppet~" Oliver smiled, waving a hand before Allen began to pull him away. You turned to wave, mouthing the word 'bye'.

You shook your head and went back to the building, quickly going inside and grabbing my purse. Once you did, you leave the building, run back to your car, and start it up. 'Let's see where I go now...' you think, smiling as you begin to drive away.

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