~Chapter Six~

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Not too long after that rather strange meeting, you got back to their house. Oliver unlocked the door, allowing you to step in first. 

You stood in the main hallway while the other's came in, but jumped slightly when Oliver gasped loudly.

"Oh Francois! I told him we were having a guest tonight!" he whined, pinching the bridge of his nose. Allen snickered slightly while Matt just stared into the living room, a faint frown on his face. 

You peeked into the living, and held back a slight laugh.

Lounging on the couch was a man with messy blonde hair and a scruffy stubble. He wore a hastily put on button up white shirt and jeans. There was also the faint smell of smoke in the air, as he snoozed on the couch, fast asleep.

"Would you like me to help wake him up?" you offered, still smiling. 

"No no, it's fine poppet. You are our guest after all." Oliver replied, shaking his head. He walked over to the couch slowly, almost crouching, and peeking over the couch armrest, and devious grin on his face. He placed his arms on Francois' shoulders, and shook him rapidly.

"Francois wake up! It's time for dinner!" Oliver yelled, while you and Allen broke out in laughter, and Matt rolled his eyes and leaned against the wall. Francois jumped up and looked around, frowning when he saw Oliver. 

"Oh, it's just you." he sighed, leaning back on the couch.

"Yes Francois, it's me. Anyway, I'd like for you to meet one! This is the poppet I told you about, (Name)!" Oliver smiled, pointing towards you. 

"Hi, Francois." you smiled, while he just looked you over. 

"Hello..." he muttered, laying back against the cushion of the couch and closing his eyes. 

"Oh no you don't, mister! We are having a family dinner and for once you are going to join us!" Oliver practically yelled, grabbing the Frenchman's arms and tugging him off the couch.

Francois grumbled slightly and complied, shuffling away into the dining room. 

"There, now that that's settled, why don't you three go get ready at the dining table. I'll go get the food out~" Oliver smiled, skipping into the kitchen.

You looked over at Matt, who shrugged and walked into the other room. Then you looked back over at Allen who smirked a bit. "After you, doll~" he laughed, nodding his head towards the dining room. 

"Why, you're such a gentleman." you said, a hint of sarcasm lacing your voice. You laughed a bit along with him, and walked into the room.

The table was wooden, with a crimson table cloth laying over it. You had to admit, you were a bit surprised at how neat and organised the table looked. Then you remembered the Oliver probably set it up, and not one of the other three. 

The plates were white, and there were five at the table. Two on the sides, and one at the head of the table. Each plate had a knife and two forks accompanying it.

"Wow Ollie, did you do all this just 'cause you have a guest?" you smiled. 

"Of course, poppet! Only the best for a guest~... That and also the fact that no one else volunteered to set the table." he replied walking in, but you heard him mutter the last part. He was holding a few different trays of food.

The first tray held a bowl of fruits and a bowl of salad. The second tray held a plate with steak and other meats on it. The last tray held some drinks, including juice, wine, and water. Oliver set the three trays in the center of the table, and grinned. 

"Pick whatever you want, poppet~" he smiled, sitting down on the right side of the table. Allen sat at the head of the table, and Oliver was across from you, while Francois was next to him. Meanwhile, Matt had taken his seat next to you.

A slight awkward silence fell over the table as you all got your food. Oliver and Matt both got some meat, and Francois just poured himself some wine, not bothering to get any food. Allen got some salad, which surprised you a bit. 

You grabbed (whatever you want T^T) and began to eat.

The silence didn't last long, when a loud roar rang through the house. 

"What the hell...?" you muttered, looking at the four of them. Allen ducked underneath the table while Matt rolled his eyes and stood up. 

The Canadian whistled loudly and called out, "Kuma!"

'Kuma?' you wondered, but your thoughts were soon cut off when a large white polar bear walked into the room. You stared at it wide eyed, shrinking back into your seat slightly. "(Name) this is Matt's polar bear Kuma. Kuma, this is our guest (Name). Please, don't eat her." Oliver said, a grin on his face.

"Hi Kuma..." you mumbled, holding your hand out. The bear sniffed it, nodded, and walked out of the room. "Weird..." you mumbled turning back to your food.

~Time Skip~

Soon you were all done eating, and you were preparing to leave. You had said bye to everyone, even Kuma, and were now walking down the street.

'What a day...' you thought on your way home.


A/N: Sorry if this chapter sucks... It's just filler XD The next chapters should be more interesting, I promise.

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