~Chapter Twelve~

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You watched her body slump forward, and rolled your eyes as red soon pooled around your feet and her head on the floor. You pocketed the pistol, and remembered to grab the glass shard to not leave any fingerprints for investigation. 

As you left the back room, you remembered that you had left Flavio injured at the front of the store, and picked up your pace to check on him.

Once you got back to where you left him, you noticed he wasn't there anymore, and that there were some turned over clothing racks and footprints leading back to the doorway.

Speaking of the doorway, you noticed there was now more glass on the floor, and an empty pathway where the glass door used to be.

"Tch, they must've busted down the door, huh?" you thought aloud, before walking out of the store.

You noticed that the crowd had gotten noticeably smaller, and that there were several police officers and official medical people rushing around. 

Looking around, you tried to spot at least one of the two Italians you had previously abandoned, but jumped when you felt a hand on your shoulder.

"Ah-" you yelped as you spun around, only to meet eyes with Luciano. 

"Calm-a down, ragazza, it's just-a me." he sighed, rolling his eyes at your reaction.

"What are you- Wait... Where's Flavio?" you panicked, grabbing the collar of Luciano shirt and shaking him.

"Aye, I-a said calm-a down! He's-a fine, they took him to the-a ospedale, okay?" he exclaimed, pulling you hands off him.

"Alright, alright, sorry. I just wanted to make sure he was okay." You muttered stubbornly, crossing your arms.

You heard Luciano mumble something in Italian, but you didn't question. You got the feeling it wouldn't be the best idea to get him mad. 

"So... What now?" I asked aloud, glancing back over at him.

"I don't-a know... I think it's-a best if we-a go home though..." he said, shrugging his shoulder a bit.

"Oh, I don't have a house... Or apartment. I'm staying in a hotel at the moment." I replied, awkwardly laughing.

"Tch, c'mon. I'll-a give you a ride-a." he sighed, leading me out of the mall.

~Time skip brought by reckless Italian driving XD~

"Grr, Luciano, I'm going to teach you how to properly drive when I get the chance!" you exclaimed angrily, slamming the passenger side door of the Ferrari shut, while the Italian in front of you snickered.

"Ciao, (Name), I'll-a see you-a later." he smirked, before speeding off.

"Tsk... Bastard..." you cursed, before walking into the building. You waved a short hello to the woman who stood at the front desk, before turning right and walking down a long hall before arriving back at your room. You slipped the room key in, and walked in. Then.... you noticed two things.

1) Your window was open, when you had left it closed.

2) You saw the shadow of a figure jump up, and leap out of said open window.

"... What...?" you whispered, your eyes widening as you analyzed the situation. You ran over and examined your room.

Everything looked the same, all the drawers were closed and not tampered with, same went for your bags and the closet. You slammed the window shut, and glanced around the room one last time, before noticing a small, important detail.

There was something shining in the corner of your eye, specifically, in the corner of the bed's headrest. You walked over to investigate, and yanked the object off.

"... A camera?" you thought aloud, eyeing the object. You inhaled sharply, but through the small metallic object at the wall, and watched it be smashed into pieces. You then grabbed the plastic tracker from the inside and proceeded to step on it, hard, crushing it into the floor.

"Someone bugged my room..." you whispered, before doing a more thorough check of the room.

~Another time skip because why not?~

After about fifteen minutes,  you had found and destroyed three microphones and four more cameras.

"Now that I know it's safe to speak..." you muttered, "I need to figure out who the hell decided they wanted to spy on me... And who the hell must be onto me..."

After pacing for a few minuted, you sighed and sat on the edge of the bed, grabbing the remote and flicking the television on. "I'll just take a short break..." you promised yourself, "Then I have to make a plan to leave by tomorrow morning... Or at the latest tomorrow night."

'- at this well known mall, quite the shocking event has happened. A break in, and attempted robbery has occurred. A clothing store has been wrecked, and there had been injuries given to three civilians, and one death. The apparent criminal was found at the back of the store dead, with cut wounds and a bullet in their head, which was the cause of death. Who killed them has not been confirmed, but local police are saying this is not a wanted criminal, and not Nightowl, unlike what many people were beginning to believe. More investigation is soon to be done, but that's your local news at the moment. Now for the weather, with-'

After that bit of the news you tuned the rest out. 'Good... At least my reputation hasn't been tarnished, and they know it's not me... That also helps explain why someone bugged my room and wasn't at the scene of they crime... They knew it wasn't me before the news and police even announced it... Whoever this fucker is really knows their facts...' you thought, before standing up again.

"Well, today's been weird and unexpected... What I could really use now is some coffee... And maybe a cupcake..." you thought aloud, before grinning and grabbing your purse again, "Welp, I guess I'll go to Ollie's bakery again." 


Ragazza: Girl(Italian)
Ospedale: Hospital(Italian)

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