~Chapter Twenty~

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Quick trigger warning, the subject of rape will be talked about briefly in this chapter


After about half an hour of driving and idle chatter within the car, you soon drove into a heavily wooded area.

"I thought we were going to your house, Luci." you mumbled, poking his shoulder.

You saw him cringe at your use of his nickname while his friends were around, but he shook it off. "We-a are. It's-a just a little secluded." he responded.

"Why?" you shot back.

"... Reasons." he growled, and you took that as an end to your conversation.

'Well okay then,' you thought sassily, sitting back and crossing your arms.

It was silent for a few more minutes, and you were about to ask how much longer it would take, when you were blinded by a bright light. Once your sight got adjusted, you stared in awe through the window. 

There was a huge house, almost like a mansion, in the middle of the woods. It looked aged, and had some vines crawling up the sides. Some of the windows were boarded up, and the front door was a bit beaten down, but other then that the house looked to be in good shape.

There was a poorly cared for garden in the front yard, and a few paths the lead to various places in the wood.

"You guy own all of this?" you gasped as Allen pulled the car into the drive way.

"Si." Luciano answered back.

"How?" you asked.

"Let's just-a say it-a was inherited through-a family, alright?" Luciano sighed, running a hand through his hair.

Allen parked, the car and turned it off, which meant everyone had to get out. You were the last to hop out, and shut the door behind you.

While the group made their way up the drive way, the front door swung open, revealing an ecstatic strawberry blonde.

"(Name)! Poppet!" he squealed, running up and hugging you, almost tackling you to the ground.

In most situations, you would've enjoyed the hug, but after what happened back at the jail, you flinched. Oliver noticed, but decided not to question you about it, just yet.

He pulled away and held your hands as you continued your walk to the house. "It is so good to see you. I thought we were going to lose you forever!" Oliver exclaimed, hysterically giggling at the end of his sentence. 

He looked you over again, and you noticed him frown slightly. "Um, poppet, why are your arms covered in bruises?" he whispered, raising an eyebrow.

"Oh, I got in couple fights with the other inmates. No big deal." you bluffed, laughing nervously.

"I never thought of you as the type to get into fights." Matt muttered, suddenly standing next to you.

"Well, I'm usually a passive person, but I won't hesitate to snap a bitch if they go to far." you smirked, stepping into the house.

You could hear Oliver yell something about a swear jar, but ignored him as you walked through the halls. You peeked into what you assumed was the living room, and you saw Flavio flipping through a magazine.

He had healed pretty quickly in a short amount of time. The scar on his forehead had healed considerably, and he didn't need bandages on his arms on anymore. There were still bruises, but they were decently small. He was lounging in a simple white shirt and black pants, which was extremely different from the normal flamboyant suits and outfits you'd usually see him in.

You cleared your throat softly, which caused him to jump up and look at you. He gasped and grinned wildly, before jumping off the couch and sprinting toward you.

You braced yourself for the impact of his hug, and yelped when he squeezed you in a hug.

"Good to know your legs are working." you chuckled.

"Who-a cares about my-a legs, it's-a good to see your-a face!" he exclaimed, hugging you tighter.

You winced as he pressed down on some of your bruised, and he noticed.

He let go of you and looked you over from head to toe. "Are you-a okay, you're-a pretty beaten up-a." he mumbled, tilting his head to the side.

"Yeah, yeah, I'm fine." you replied, faking a smile.

"That's-a lie." a voice said behind you.

You turned and saw Luciano leaning against the wall, staring at you. "I-a can tell you are-a lying, (Name). What-a happened to you?" he asked, crossing his arms.

You glanced around at everyone in the room. You knew they were concerned, you didn't want to lie to them, but you weren't sure you wanted to tell them what happened either.

"I'm fine." you laughed, fiddling with the fabric of your shirt. "I don't understand what you guys are worried about, you know I can handle myself." you said.

"Dollface... (Name)... I can tell too. What's wrong, you know you can tell us." Allen interjected, and you could hear his voice crack slightly.

You sighed deeply, crossing your arms uncomfortably. "I... One of the guards..." you muttered, staring at the ground.

"One of the guards raped me." you stated, tears pricking the corners of your eyes.

You felt Flavio place a hand on your shoulder softly, but you pushed him away. Before anyone could say anything, you ran out of the room.

~Luciano's P.O.V~

(Name) ran out of the room before I could do anything. I heard her sprint up the stairs and into one of the rooms on the second floor, probably a bed room.

"We should give the poppet some time to calm down. That's not exactly an easy thing to get over." Oliver sighed.

"I'm going to kill what ever bastard did this to her." Matt growled, curling his fist.

Flavio grabbed my arm and pulled me aside.

"Che cosa dovremmo fare? Questo è veramente grave." he whispered frantically, running a hand through his already messy hair.

"Lo farò la figura qualcosa di fuori. Pensi che devo parlare con lei?" I replied, biting my lip nervously.

"Provare e calma la sua verso il basso. Forse portare il suo cibo? Guardò affamate." he suggested, shrugging his shoulders.

"Alright. Tutti si stabilirono. Inoltre, trovare il suo alcuni vestiti nuovi. Lo odio come quella prigione merda guarda." I replied, before walking out of the room to find (Name).

'Non preoccuparti, amore, vi terrò al sicuro. Vorrei proteggere da ora in poi. Non importa che cosa.'



Si: Yes (Italian)
Che cosa dovremmo fare? Questo è veramente grave: What should we do? This is really serious (Italian)
Lo farò la figura qualcosa di fuori. Pensi che devo parlare con lei: I will figure something out. Do you think I should talk to her (Italian)
Provare e calma la sua verso il basso. Forse portare il suo cibo? Guardò affamate: Try and calm her down. Maybe bring her some food? She looked starved (Italian)  
Tutti si stabilirono. Inoltre, trovare il suo alcuni vestiti nuovi. Lo odio come quella prigione merda guarda: Alright. Get everyone settled. Also, find her some new clothes. I hate how that prison shit looks. (Italian)
Non preoccuparti, amore, vi terrò al sicuro. Vorrei proteggere da ora in poi. Non importa che cosa: Don't worry, love, I will keep you safe. I will protect from now on. No matter what (Italian)     

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