~Chapter Twenty-One~

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You sprinted up the stairs, ignoring the frantic chatter from the living room. You dashed into the first room you could find, and pressed your ear to the door.

You couldn't hear anyone approaching the door, so you assumed no one had come after you. Quickly wiping the tears away from your eyes, you took some time to look around the room.

It was a little messy. Some clothing was scattered on the floor. The bed had dark purple covers, and had a torn Italian flag hanging above the head board. There was a writing desk on one side of the room that was covered in a thick layer of dust which lead you to believe it hadn't been touched in months, maybe years. On the opposite side of the room was a large wooden board pinned to the wall. The basic outline of a body had been scrawled on it in faded paint, and there were various knives lodged in it, mainly in places where the vital organs would be. There was a knife in the center of the forehead, two in the chest, one in the abdomen, and multiple scattered across the legs and arms.

Before you could look around more, there was a sudden knock at the door. You spun around, and found yourself staring back at Luciano. He had a glass of water and a candy bar in hand.

"H-hey Luci..." you muttered, inwardly cursing for stuttering.

"Ragazza, you-a do realize you-a are in-a my room, right?" he replied, stepping into the room and closing the door behind him with his foot.

"Oh shit, is this your room? Sorry, I wasn't really thinking..." you stammered, blushing nervously.

"It's-a fine. I-a could care less. Here, take-a this, you-a seem hungry." he instructed, handing you the sweet and glass.

"Thank you." you whispered, quickly gulping down the water.

"Nessun problema." he quickly responded. "So, why did you-a run out like-a that?"

You froze up when he asked that question, and you placed the glass down on a trunk at the foot of the bed. 

"I... Fuck, this is going to sound stupid. I'm just... scared to look weak in front of you guys. I'm always moving places, I'm always on the go... It's been a while since I've had a decent group of friends... And I didn't want to look weak. I hate looking weak in front of people... It's degrading..." you explained, not even bothering to wipe away the tear that rolled down your cheek.

'Why am I crying?'

"(Name), you-a are by far-a one of the-a strongest people I-a know. Mentally, at-a least, I-a haven't had a chance to-a fight you-a yet." he stated, making you laugh softly. "To-a be able to-a go through-a all the shit you've-a been through and-a come out sane is-a incredible."

"I dunno Luci, I wouldn't exactly call myself sane." you grinned, shrugging your shoulders slightly.

"What-a makes you-a say that, ragazza?" he smirked, crossing his arms.

"Oh, you know, I'm a thief. I've set buildings on fire. Outsmarted the police on multiple occasions. Stabbed people. Shot people. Fought people." you stated casually.

"So you-a admit to-a being Nightowl?" Luci asked.

"'Course. You're in the same room as a notorious murderer." you sighed.

"Who-a says I'm-a not one too? There's-a still a lot you-a don't know about-a me, (Name)." he retorted, letting your name roll of his tongue. 

The two of you were know standing in front of each other, and with each sentence spoke moved a little closer to one another.

"Then educate me, my good sir." you replied jokingly, placing your hands on your hips.

"The-a first time I-a killed was when I-a was seven."

"Is that so?"

"He-a was a jerk. Harassed my-a madre for sex, stole from us, I-a was just-a trying to keep us-a safe."

"I started out with thievery. I spent most of my childhood in an orphanage. I stole from the kids who bullied me."

"Did-a they find out?"

"Oh sure. One of them, some boy three years older then me, tried ratting me out. I threatened him and his sister, said if they told I'd slit their throats in their sleep."

"How-a old were you-a?"


"Ha, how-a cute. When I-a was nine I-a was helping smuggle-a drugs through the-a city. No one would-a suspect a kid like-a me. If I-a didn't get the money from the cagna, they-a would get a knife in the-a side."

You were both right in front of each other now, faces mere inches apart. Glaring at each other in a playful way, you found it silly that the two of you were comparing crimes you've committed.

Suddenly, the door swung open, and both you and Luciano were caught off guard.

"Hey, ve vere vondering vhat is taking jou two so long- vhoa... Am I interrupting something?" 

You turned to see Lutz in the doorway staring at the two of you expectantly.

"Vere jou two making out? Can I vatch?" he asked, smirking.

"Lutz, get the-a fuck out." he growled, pulling a knife out of his coat pocket.

"Alright, alright, jou don't need to vave the damn knife in my face." he chuckled, walking down the hallway.

You and Luciano turned back to each other, rolling your eyes.



Ragazza: Girl (Italian)
Nessun problema: No problem (Italian)
Madre: Mother (Italian)
Cagna: Bitch (Italian) 

Sorry for the shorter than normal chapter, but what I've got planned for the next few is big and I don't want to obscure it with this slight filler chapter. I kinda just made this one for bonding time between Luci and reader-chan, plus some playful banter.

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