~Chapter Thirteen~

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You smiled as you walked down the street. You knew you probably shouldn't have been smiling, but it just came naturally to you.

Of course you knew a person who's too happy automatically seems more suspicious. But you could care less.

Compared to everything else that had happened so far that day, you were having a pretty good time.

That is, however, until you noticed a small detail. Out of the corner of your eye, you noticed a person dressed in a black suit and tie walking on the opposite side o the street. When you picked up your pace, they did the same, and when you slowed, they did as well.

'I might have to start running very soon...' you thought, nonchalantly feeling your purse to check if your emergency Swiss army knife was still there; it was. "Good~" you whispered.

You passed by a store's window, and in the reflection, you saw two more men had joined the first who was following you.

'Fuuuuck... Why can't Oliver's bakery be closer?' you inwardly groaned, involuntarily shivering when you basically felt their stares boring into your back.

You breathed a sigh of relief when you saw the colorful bakery not to far ahead of you, and you quickened your pace to reach it faster.

You noticed Matt sitting on a bench outside of the bakery, smoking a cigarette.  When he noticed you, he merely raised his hand and waved a bit.

You waved in reply as you approached, and laughed a bit. "Having your smoke break?" you grinned, standing next to the bench.

"Just finished up." he replied, dropping the cigarette bud onto the ground and stomping on it with his boot. "(Name), who are those guys who just stopped over at the street lamp down there?" he asked, without pointing at the as to make it obvious.

"Oh, those three? They've been following me for a while now..." you muttered, rubbing your arms nervously.

"There's four now..." he mumbled, taking off his aviators and shoving them in his apron pocket, "Let's get inside now."

"Yeah, that's a good idea." you agreed.

The two of you quickly entered the bakery, locking the door as you walked in. You peeked out of the window worriedly, and noticed the men weren't at the streetlamp anymore. In fact, you couldn't see them anywhere...

"(Name)? Poppet, what's wrong? You look worried?" you heard a voice ask.

You turned and saw Oliver standing at the counter. He was cleaning some flour from off his hands, his shirt covered in sprinkles and frosting.

"There are some bastards that were following her. They're gone now." Matt answered, untying his apron and draping it on the counter.

"Hmm, well you're free to stay here with us until you feel safer, poppet~ Besides, I was just closing up shop. "Oliver smiled, "Oh, and that's one coin for the swear jar, Matt." he continued, pushing the jar towards the Canadian.

"Alright, thanks Ollie." you sighed, smiling nervously. You looked up and saw Allen sitting in a booth, absentmindedly shuffling a pile of cards.

The American sighed as he shoved the cards to the other side of the table, and looked up at you with a mischievous look in his eyes, "Tch, yeah. And if those fuckers try to do anything to you, well I'll take my bat and shove it up their-" 

"Allen, that's quite enough, and you owe me a coin now, too." Oliver quickly interrupted, glaring at Allen.

You laughed a bit as you sat in the booth next to Allen. "How about a game of cards, Al?" you asked, reaching over for the cards.

"Yeah, sure. Why not." he shrugged, grinning a bit as you separated the cards.

~Time Skip~

After a few rounds of poker(and you beating Allen's ass at the game), you decided you were done playing.

"What did I even come here to do in the first place... Oh! That's right." you reminded yourself, "Oliver, I know you're closing up and all, but is it okay if I have a small coffee?" 

"Oh, of course, (name)! I'll brew it right now." the Brit smiled, walking into the back room.

You sat in silence for a moment. Everything in the bakery seemed peaceful. Allen was next to you playing a game on his phone, Matt was across from you reading a book(he had joined you and Allen in your second round of the game).

... Of course, the peace didn't exactly last long... It never does.

You jumped when you heard the sound of knocking on the glass door of the bakery.

You slowly turned, and your (e/c) irises widened when you saw a blonde man dressed in black standing at the door.

"Oh great, these assholes again." Allen muttered under his breath.

You watched as Oliver rushed over to the door and unlocked it, yanking it open. "Um, sir, I'm sorry but the bakery is currently closed." he nervously laughed.

"Yes, I know. But the police department is currently doing a test on this entire town." the man said, shoving past Oliver as he walked in., three more men following him.

"What do you mean by 'test'?" Matt asked, raising an eyebrow.

"A DNA test. A strand of hair was found at the seen of today's crime, and it's believed to belong to an infamous criminal." one of the other men explained, a brunette.

"So you're testing the entire town. Isn't that a bit much?" you questioned, seriously regretting it when the blonde glared at you.

"No, not at all. Why? Because this 'Nightowl' is a most wanted criminal. We must take every risk to catch them." the blonde explained.

"Alright, then. So, how exactly are you going to do this test, then?" Oliver asked, cocking his head to the side.

"We'll have to extract a piece of DNA from every town citizen, preferably a piece of their hair." the third man explained.

"Well, what if the piece of hair you guys was found was just from a damn wig or something?" Allen scoffed.

"We already tested that piece of hair, and it is indeed human." the brunette explained, "So, if you don't mind, could you please let us do our job?" 

As they all put on gloves, you grew more and more nervous and nervously stood up.

You yelped a bit when Matt grabbed your arm, but he quickly shushed you. "Look, (name), they're obviously targeting you. So, when I say go, I'm going to need you to run out of this store as quick as you can. We'll hold them off for you, so don't worry. Don't look back, and don't slow down until you're positive you're safe, alright?" he instructed.

You anxiously nodded, and gulped when you saw the blonde pull out a pair of silver tweezers. "Alright, why don't we start with the girl." he sighed, a malicious look in his eyes.

He approached you, and you glanced up at Matt and Allen, and they both looked at each other and smirked.

You heard Matt whisper 'Go', and next thing you knew, you automatically bolted out of the store. You could hear yelling behind you, but you didn't dare look back.

All you could do was strain to keep up your quick pace, and all you looked at was the concrete pavement as you ran.


Oooh... Hehe, I love leaving you guys on cliff hangers XD I know you guys hate it though.

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