~Chapter Nine~

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Once you got to Flavio's car, you noticed something. It was a hot pink Ferrari Enzo. You had to stifle a laugh as you got into the back of the car, the two Italians sitting in the front.

"What-a are you-a laughing at?" Flavio asked as he turned the car on.

"Nothing~" you smiled, saying it in a slightly sing-song voice.

Flavio pulled out of the parking lot and began to drive down the street. As soon as he got to the freeway, though, he caught you a bit off guard.

His driving skills were a bit... How would you put it? Pretty reckless...

You nearly screamed aloud as he sped down the road, ignoring any and all passing cars, stop signs, and speed limits.

"Flavio!!!!" you screamed, gripping onto the car seat for dear life. Your hair whipped around your face as shut your eyes tight, praying for dear life that you'd still have a life after this car ride.

~Time Skip~

You felt the car stop suddenly, and peeled open your eyes which had been previously shut for about five minutes. Letting out a shaky breath, you undid your seat belt and hopped out of the car, almost collapsing onto the parking lot pavement.

"I never want to go in a car with either of you again!" you yelled at the two laughing Italians as you tried to keep your balance, your legs feeling like jello after that car ride.

"Why? Did we-a do something-a wrong?" Flavio asked, mockingly innocently as he stepped out of his car.

"Flavio... You're an insane driver! You could have gotten us killed! Or in an accident! Or... Killed in an accident!" you retorted, crossing your arms.

"But he-a didn't." Luciano replied, leaning against the car.

"Still!" you exclaimed, throwing your arms into the air in defeat.

"Do you-a want to go-a into the-a mall or not-a, bella? Flavio asked, pointing towards the big shopping center behind him.

"...Fine..." you muttered, walking with the two brothers into the building.

~ Another Time Skip 'cause I can >^< ~

You grinned as you looked into a clothing store, a pretty silver blouse catching your attention. (A/N: Sorry if you don't like shopping... just go with it... surprisingly this mall has a big plot point XD) However, when your eyes had skimmed for the price tag and found it, you frowned.

"Fifty dollars for a shirt?" you muttered, laying your forehead against the glass. "Clothing is so expensive..."

"Tch, that's-a not even designer clothing. I-a may not be a fashionista like-a my fratello, but I can tell." Luciano tsked next to you. 

Meanwhile, Flavio went out to the other shops, searching for something that he didn't specify. Basically... He left you stranded with his brother. (A/N: Not that that's necessarily a bad thing ;) ... Okay, I need to stop interrupting the story, now...)

As you walked away with Luciano, something caught your eye in yet another window. There was a television in the window, and it was on the news channel. And just who was on the main headline? 

None other than you of course.

"Hey look, a story about Nightowl." you said, stopping the Italian to point at the screen.

"Oh, her? I-a ran into her last-a night actually... Only for a second-a, though." Luciano replied, shrugging his shoulders as he read the subtitles on the screen, which were explaining what crimes the criminal had committed the night before. 

"Didn't-a know she killed-a anyone, though..." he muttered, a look of... mischief in his eyes.

"You do realize that even the fact you saw her could have you dragged into questioning by the police, right?" you asked, crossing your arms, and ignoring the last comment he had made about the murders.

"Yeah, it's-a not like they'll find out I-a saw her right? They'll have to-a look at the security footage for-a that." he replied, glancing over at you. 

"You-a know... she had the-a same (e/c) eyes as you." he continued, smirking a bit.

You merely brushed that comment off as well. "Probably just a coincidence, right? Seriously, I'm pretty sure there's plenty of women in this city with (e/c) eyes." you suggested. 

"Anyway, let's go find your brother before he spends all his money." you sighed, walking ahead of Luciano.

However, the Italian took a moment to just stare at you as you walked away. The way you seemed to avoid his comments and questions... He knew something was suspicious about you. 


Bella: Beauty(Italian)
Fratello: Brother(Italian)

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