~Chapter Eighteen~

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... I'm going to make myself cry again... Just wait.


When you woke up, you didn't really move much. You looked up and saw a white ceiling, and felt a thin but soft mattress underneath you.

You slowly sat up, ignoring the aching feeling in your joints as you moved. You looked around the room and recognized it as an infirmary. Not as nice as a hospital room- more similar to the Nurse's office of a school. 

"Guess I'm still in the prison..." you muttered, looking down at your hands which laid in you lap. You noticed that someone had cleaned you up and even changed your clothes to a soft shirt and pair of shorts.

You had been bandaged up slightly, but the black and blue bruised were still vibrant on your skin across your arms and legs.

"Ah, your finally awake. I was beginning to worry." a familiar voice sighed.

You turned your head to the side and saw Raven walk in, a glass of water in her hand.

You didn't say anything, but just examined her. Her expression was soft, but you could see the stressed look in her eyes, worried aura surrounding her.

"I understand if you don't want to talk. I... I know what happened... This isn't the first time." she mumbled, offering the glass to you.

You reached out to grab the drink, your hand shaking. Once you grabbed the water, you immediately gulped it down, not realizing how parched you were. 

Once you were done, you placed the water on a small table near the bed. When you looked back over at Raven, you saw a faraway look in her eyes. There was something on her mind, and you could spot it from a mile away.

"... How long was I out?" you asked, you voice small and quiet.

"Hm?" Raven asked, clearly surprised that you had chosen to speak. "Oh, nearly a day." she answered.

'Two more days to my trial...

"Raven... If you now how corrupt this place is... why work here?" you wondered aloud.

She was taken aback by your question. "Well, I need some way to get money. I'm not dirt poor, but I ain't exactly middle class either, kid. This was the best paying job in the area."

"... That's not it. You're hiding something, Raven..." you said.

She sighed deeply, before grabbing a chair from one of the corners of the room and placing it in front of you. She sat down, opened her mouth to speak, but then closed it again.

"(Name)... I'm going to tell you something. It's the reason why I never left this town, and I why I became a police officer. It's a rather short story, only covering a fraction of my life... But it's important, and effected everything I've ever done since then."

You nodded your head.

"I'm not as young as I look. I'm actually thirty five. And about 16 years ago, I gave birth to a beautiful baby girl. Gorgeous brown, curly hair, bright green eyes and freckled skin. Her name was Monique. She was the most amazing person ever. She was stubborn and persistent, and when she put her mind to something she wouldn't stop until she completed her goals. She was loud and happy, though- always smiling about something. She was a prankster, always tricking me or telling jokes. She was the light of my life. Her presence lit up a room... And she was taken from me. 

"A little over four years ago, it was her twelfth birthday. I decided to take her out to an amusement park, for some simple, innocent fun. Eat some snacks, go on rides, y'know the usual stuff they have a places like that. Well- it was a weekend, and the crowds were big... A little too big. I had lost her. I spent hours looking for her, trying to call her on her phone, asking park security, anything... I never found her.

"I reported it to the police, and they started a search. Nearly a week later, they called me saying they had found her. I was ecstatic... Until they told me the bad news. They brought me to the crime scene... And I got to see the damage myself. I saw my daughter's body utterly ravaged, bruised and bloody. There was a bullet hole in her head, and her eyes had been gauged out. When the autopsy report came in, it said she had been raped at least five times.

"I was naturally devastated. I cried for weeks. I felt like I had no purpose... And that's why I became an officer. Save people from that sort of thing. Protect them... I wanted to be someone she could be proud of... But I couldn't even protect you when you were in the same building as me... Heh, why do you think I took such a shine to you when I met you? You remind me of her." 

At the end of her story, you were both in tears.

"I'm sure your daughter would be proud of you Raven. Your such a good person... there was nothing you could do for me, don't act like it's your fault." you sniffled, placing your hand on her shoulder.

"... My mother was taken from me when I was six..." you muttered, wiping some tears from your eyes. "She was murdered, and they could never find my father, so I was put into an orphanage. I hated it. I was bullied, teased... Some bastard tried to set me on fire.."

Not too long later, you and Raven ha eventually told each other your life stories. Turns out, she had gotten pregnant because of her boyfriend at the time. The day before Monique was born, the jerk had left. Packed his stuff and disappeared, so she raised Monique on her own with some help from her mother.

Suddenly, an officer burst into the room.

"What is it, Nathan?" Raven asked, looking over.

"... The boss moved the prisoner's trial to today." Nathan answered, pointing at you.

"What...?" you asked, eyes wide.


Yeah, so I did cry making this one. Yay~

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