~Chapter Fourteen~

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You didn't slow down until you could read the signs in the hotel windows. Yow slowed your sprint to a fast-paced walk as you passed through the hotel, waving nervously at the confused man at the lobby desk, who just waved back.

You began walking down the hall to your room, eyes going wide when you heard yelling coming from the lobby that sounded suspiciously like 'where'd she go!'

You pulled out your room key and rushed into your room, making sure to lock the door behind you as you walked in.

"Oh this is bad... this is really, really bad..." you whispered as you paced your room, biting your lip. "Just... just calm down (Name). They'll be at the door any second now, just.. just get what you need and make a quick get away." you mumbled, looking up at the room's window.

You pulled out a duffle bag and put your usual crime outfit inside, a bag of money, and some extra clothes. You grabbed your purse that had your phone, identification, and car keys inside of it, and shoved it in as well. 

You slung the bag over your shoulder, and started prying open the window when you heard a loud bang. You felt something fly past your ear and embed itself in the wall.

"A bullet...?" you muttered, examining it. You spun around and saw a small hole in your door near the lock. "... Shit..."

Your hands grew sweaty as you continued working on the window, your panic making it much harder to focus as more gunshots filled the door.

You finally yanked the window open and jumped out as soon as you heard the door behind you burst open.

You grabbed onto your bag tightly as you sprinted down the street again, turning sharp corners and nearly slipping a few times. You found yourself taking a familiar path back to the bakery, but stopped in your tracks when you saw a few familiar faces.

Oliver, Allen and Matt all stood in front of you. Allen was holding his nose which looked bloody, Matt had a fresh black eye and was holding his arm tightly, and Oliver held his stomach tightly.

'Did they do that because of... me...?' you though, eyes wide as you looked them over.

"(Name)-" Oliver gasped, almost happily, but stopping in his tracks. You noticed an expression of fear crossed his face.

You were confused, but stopped all movement when you felt a hot breath on your neck.

"Heh, we finally caught you~"

... Then everything went black.

~Allen's P.O.V~

The last thing I remember was being thrown to the ground.

I had already fought one of those jackasses back at the bakery, gave me a damn bloody nose. We ran out after them, but we had to slow down because they threw a few hard punches at Oliver. You don't know how happy I was to see (Name) back out on the street, but then that bastard came up behind her.

All I could do was watch when he hit her on the neck, and she just... collapsed. 

Everything just went red. I was so mad at him, I just lunged forward and knocked him down. But two more of them came and threw me down. I'm pretty sure they kicked me too, 'cause when I woke up my entire chest and stomach just ached.

"Ugh... you sick bastards... get back here..." I groaned, sitting up and holding my abdomen.

But I didn't feel the rough concrete under me. Instead I felt a soft cushion. "Huh...?"

"Oh, Allen, you're awake. Wonderful..." I heard Oliver say to my right. I didn't turn to look, I knew it was him (Besides, I probably couldn't even turn my head like that now). But, Oliver didn't sound like his normal 'happy-go lucky' self.

"Jeez, what happened?" I muttered, wincing as I tried turning around.

"They took her." Matt answered nonchalantly. I knew who 'her' was.

"And you just let them take her?" I asked, narrowing my eyes at him.

"Allen, they had a car. Even if we tried we couldn't catch up them." Oliver quickly said, obviously not wanting anymore confrontation today.

"You still could've done something, dammit!" I yelled, jumping up, completely ignoring all the pain. "You could've tried. We can't just let those... those dickheads take her away!" 

"God, why are you getting so worked up over this girl?" Matt sighed, taking off his aviators as he stood up to reach my height.

"C'mon Matt, don't act like you don't care about her. I know you do, we all do!" I growled, clenching my fist.

"Yes, we all care about her Allen! But... we- we can't act irrationally!" Oliver cried out, biting back tears, "We have to think of a plan..."

"Well we can't do shit like this. I can barely move, Matt's only got half his vision and a broken arm, and Oliver's beaten up too." I groaned, falling back onto the couch.

"Then we'll need help." Matt mumbled.

"Yeah? From who?" I asked, raising an eyebrow.

Oliver said one word, and I knew I would absolutely hate the next few days.

"... Axis..."

~No one's P.O.V~

You groaned as you blinked your eyes, trying to let your eyes adjust to your surroundings. The room was pitch black, and you fidgeted around, taking notice that you were tied tightly to a chair. You didn't feel any major pain, but there was a slight stinging feeling on the back of your neck, as though you've been bruised there.

Suddenly, a door about five meters in front of you creaked open, and you had to turn your head to avoid being blinded by the white light.

"Well, well, well. Hello there little miss criminal. Or should I say (Name) (Last name)?" a voice rasped out as a silhouette approached you.

"How do you know my name?" you asked, narrowing your eyes as you looked up.

The man wore a pin striped suit and held his low. You couldn't see his eyes or nose, but just his mouth. All you could distinguish was the long pale scare that ran down his cheek and down his neck.

"Well, we took this from you." he chuckled, holding up you duffle bag and pulling your I.D out.

You eyes went slightly wide, but you wiped all the emotion from your face quickly. You didn't want him to be able to tell what you were thinking.

"All right, so you finally caught little ol' me. Miss Nightowl. Congratulations," you laughed, "What're you gonna do now? Put me on trial? We all know I'm guilty. Put me on death row? Like that will do anything. No one would care if I died anyway-"

"Shut up!" he roared, slapping you across the face. Hard. "I don't want to hear your filthy voice anymore, got that? You'll be kept here, in solitary. You are only to be let out if you receive a visitor, which I doubt will happen. You will be put on trial and you will be convicted. And trust me, it would be my pleasure to be the one who kills you." he smiled, bearing his ugly teeth as he held your chin up with his thumb. 

"If so much as a peep comes out from you, I'll send the guards in here to... 'teach you a lesson'~ Got that? Now, lights out. Go to bed." he laughed, cutting the ropes and walking out.

You hissed in pain as you held your hand up to your cheek. You looked around and noticed a thin mattress sprawled on the ground. 

'You've got to be kidding me...' you inwardly groaned, rolling your eyes.


Whoop! I'm back, baby~

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