Annabeth Chase Part Two

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A/N Hey! Again, I have no inspiration right now for Harry, we are. And I wanted to do a Percabeth wedding, so imma do the wedding! Plus, I control this, so I can do as I please! But seriously, until I get inspiration a draft that is labeled Harry Potter Part Two, I will bring doing other things. Like Percabeth weddings! Annabeth's outfit is shown above! And plus I am hiding out inside because I am visiting family in Texas and it is currently 103 degrees outside. So here goes nothing! Hope you like it! Love you guys! Peace out! ✌🏻️😘~Maddie.


Annabeth was a ball of nerves. She was excited, nervous, and kind of scared.

What if Percy left at the alter? Her friends then countered, Why would he do that if he asked you to marry him and literally went through Hell for you?

It calmed Annabeth down, but only momentarily.

What if she forgot her vows? How could you forget them if you practiced for three hours straight? Her friends had asked.

Again, that had only lessened her nerves for a moment before she found something else to fret about.

What if monsters crashed the wedding? Again, her friends replied, You're in Camp Half-Blood. Monsters can't pass the border.

As Aphrodite laced up Annabeth's dress, she voiced her worries.

Aphrodite's eyes softened. "Oh Annie-"

"Don't call me that!" Annabeth hissed.

"Okay, okay. But on a serious note, why do you think Percy would back out?"

"I don't know. It's just....I feel like I'm not good enough. I have nothing. I don't have any cool, amazing powers like him or anybody. Everyone else has something. I've got nothing." Annabeth put her face in her hands.

"Oh, sweetie." Aphrodite placed her hand on Annabeth's back, smiling tersely. "But you've got the smarts. And anyone, man or woman, even a god, would die for that. You are an amazing person and I think Percy already knows that or he wouldn't have asked for you to marry him."

Taking her face out of her hands, she searched for Aphrodite with her tear clouded eyes. Gods, she thought, what is wrong with me? I never cry!

Aphrodite embraced Annabeth and even though she was expecting it, Annabeth's eyes watered from the intenseness of the perfume. It was like they were surrounded by a thousand lilacs.

Annabeth wiped her tears as Aphrodite reapplied her eyeliner and mascara. She then laced up Annabeth's dress and grinned. "That's it hon. You're ready!"

Annabeth stood in the mirror and gasped. Her dress was perfect. It was so her. She knew the moment she saw it, it would be the dress. And oh, how right she was. As she looked at herself in the mirror, she felt beautiful. The dress was simple, but elegant. It was strapless and had a sweetheart neckline that glittered in the light of the sun. It stopped at the waist and flowed out. She couldn't wait for Percy to see it.

Annabeth stopped. Percy. All of her worry returned like an atomic blast. She felt nauseous. Sweat glistened on her brow and she tugged at her Camp Half-Blood necklace, that hid underneath her dress, nervously.

Her eyes snagged on the mirror again. As she looked into the mirror once again, she realized she could barely see the girl she used to be. She remembered when she was little; the fearless daughter of Athena that would do anything to save her friends, even if it meant sacrificing her own safety. And yet, here she stood, fretting over walking down a piece of carpet in a dress and kissing a boy.

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