Jake Myers

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A/N Hey! I'm baaaaacccckkk! Whoop whoop! Anyways, school has started again, or what I like to call Tartarus. I'm literally four days in and it sucks! 8th grade sucks even more than 7th grade. Who knew! So look forward to less updates. Just saying. But I'm here now, so here you go! My creation, Jake Myers! Love you guys! Don't let the monsters bite! Peace out! ✌🏻️😘~Maddie.


Jake watched his fellow Mathletes file out of the room. He yelled after them, "Remember, our last practice is next Wednesday!"

They all nodded their heads in acknowledgement and continued out the door.

Jake sighed.

"Are you okay?"

Jake nearly jumped out of his skin. Behind him stood Annabeth Chase, the smartest person on the Mathletes team.....and his crush.

He rushed to compose himself. "I'm fine. How are you? Are you ready for the competition? Where were you last week?" Jake internally face-palmed. Whenever he was nervous he started to babble in the form of questions. And poor Annabeth was right in the cross fire.

"Jake. Take a chill pill." Annabeth brushed her honey blonde hair from her stormy gray eyes.

Jake's face heated up. "I'm sorry. I tend to babble when I'm nervous. I don't know why I'm nervous, you're just a really pretty girl. Did I just say that out loud? I think I did-"

"Jake." Annabeth stepped closer like she was going to kiss him. His breaths sped up. And then: "Shut up."

"Okay." He squeaked.

Jake mustered up all his courage and kissed her. He kissed the great and beautiful Annabeth Chase.

And she pushed him away.

"Jake! I have a boyfriend!" Annabeth yelled. "Why did you do that?"

"I-I'm sorry. It's just....I think I'm in love with you." Jake took a step towards Annabeth. She took a step back.

"No, you're not. We've known each other for three months. I'm in love with my boyfriend, not you. I'm sorry Jake. Goodbye."

Annabeth backed out of the room.


The next day was humiliating. Annabeth was in all of Jake's classes, and yet she requested that she sit as far from him as possible. Jake's heart was crippled.

After the bell for lunch rang, Jake rushed to his locker, conveniently beside Annabeth's, and started to apologize.

"I'm sorry Annabeth, really-"

"I know. I'm sorry too. I overreacted. But my feelings are still the same." Annabeth slammed her locker.

A rush of girls swarmed around a boy. Jake says good luck to him!

Annabeth smiled. "I'm going out to eat. You wanna come with?"

Jake's heart sputtered like an old car and roared to life. "Yes." He breathed. "Yeas, I would love that."

"Easy on the 'L' word Jake."

Jake laughed nervously and followed Annabeth to the door.

Picking their way down the stairs, Jake heard a scream. "Percy!"

"What in the world?" He murmured to Annabeth. But when he turned, Annabeth was shooting down the stairs, dropping her books on the stairs haphazardly.

She flew into the arms of a boy about her age, Jake guessed, but he towered over six foot three at least. Annabeth only reached his collarbone and she was fairly tall. He was handsome, Jake supposed. His messy black hair fell into his sea-green eyes. That was definitely his best feature: his eyes. That was probably the only reason he was handsome. He was chiseled, Jake would give him that, but his head was probably hollow. He didn't look particularly smart.

Jake pushed his glasses up his nose and stumbled down the stairs, his heart tearing in half. Why do all the good looking guys get the girl? What happened to never judge a book by its cover? Jake gripped his books against his chest, his head down so no one saw the tears forming in his brown doe eyes.

When he looked up, Annabeth's lips were locked onto the other guy's. Jake's heart shattered and fell to the ground like the shards of a broken mirror.

The one girl that Jake had a crush on, the smartest person he knew, his match, was taken, and by an idiot too.

Jake wiped the tears that had leaked onto his cheeks away with his hand. He then pushed his glasses back up his nose. His book bag hung loosely around his shoulder. His heart beat was slow. Time was frozen on the moment where Annabeth's lips, oh so soft, connected with someone's that wasn't Jake's. He felt faint and nausea rolled over him like a wave.

His throat was raw. Someone was crying. Was that him? His life was upside down. He knew that Annabeth said that she had a boyfriend, but had Jake honestly believe her? To be completely honest, no. He didn't, until now.

The breeze picked up and his papers flew away. Great. Perfect. Peachy.

He rushed after them. Could his day get any worse?

Of course it could. And of course it did.

"Hey." A tap on Jake's shoulder. He didn't feel it. Another "hey" but he didn't hear it. His body was numb and his heart was shattered.

A hard tap on the shoulder. A voice talked to him but it sounded like it was coming through water. "Are you okay? Here, take your papers."

Numbly, Jake accepted his papers. He shoved them into his book bag which spilled pencils onto the ground. Jake didn't pick them up. When he straightened, there stood a boy about seventeen. He recognized him now. Mr. Star Crossed Lover. Annabeth's boyfriend. The lip locker.

Love's a crazy thing. At the time, Jake was sure he was in a walking coma. But, apparently, instincts kick in when you see the one person that separates you from your love. Love jumpstarts your heart. It makes you do crazy things. And how funny it is that that Jake had it in him.

When he registered who this guy was, he didn't wait.

Jake punched him.

Well, almost punched him. Instead of connecting with his nose as Jake had planned, the guy grabbed his fist and twisted it.

Fast reflexes. Another thing to hate about this guy. Jake landed firmly on his bottom, his dignity dripping out of him and into the drain. A sickening crunch resonated through the air. Stunned, Jake found the source of the sound.

His glasses.

So now his heart was shattered, his dignity was deflated and his glasses were broken. And his love was with a meat head who was probably on droids by the looks of him.

Jake growled in the back of his throat.

"I'm so sorry!" The guy said. The nerve. "Reflex."

He offered a hand to Jake, to which Jake laughed internally. While his dignity was mostly gone, his masculinity was not. He picked himself off the ground and dusted himself off.

"Are you okay?"

Annabeth in his face. Her warm breath against his cheek. Her eyes searching his.

Her hand linked with the other guys.

Jake batted her away. "I'm fine." He growled.

Annabeth, startled, backed away. "Okay. Well, this is Percy, my boyfriend." Annabeth beamed. "He surprised me. He lives in New York so we barely ever see each other."

Jake found this interesting. Statistically, long distance relationships didn't last long. And then, when Annabeth was done with Percy, Jake had his chance. He had a better chance.

Jake eyed Percy with distaste. "I'm Jake. I'm on Mathletes with Annabeth." Jake explained, picking the pieces of his heart back up.

"Cool. I'm Percy. Nice to meet you." Percy shook his hand firmly.

Then away they went, and little did Jake know that that would be the last time he would ever see Percy and Annabeth again.

Hopefully, Jake could find true love too. Even though he thought he would never get over Annabeth.

Little did he know, Aphrodite was already all over him.

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