Piper McLean

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A/N Hey everyone! I WILL do all your suggestions, but I really felt like doing Piper today, so imma do Piper! Anyways, thanks again for all of your compassion for my story and giving me suggestions! Love you guys! Peace out!✌️😘~Maddie.


Piper stepped off of the rope ladder, staring at the surrounding Romans, searching around. What did Jason like about these people? She thought. They were so stiff. Camp Half-Blood was probably the complete opposite of Camp Jupiter. Their war council was a bunch of teenagers and a ping pong table, she was pretty sure the Romans were a little more.....sophisticated.

A regal woman made her way through the crowd, her onyx colored eyes scanned the Greeks coolly, her pale skin bringing out her black as night hair out even more.

Another boy made his way out behind the girl. He looked at Piper, Jason and Leo curiously. Piper sucked in a breath. His eyes were magnificently green, like swirling waves. His hair was jet-black, and went nicely with his sun kissed skin. He, like the girl, wore a formal, purple toga. He seemed uncomfortable in it though, or at least not as relaxed as his colleague.

Piper heard Annabeth take a sharp intake of breath. She whipped her head around to find Annabeth's eyes locked on the boy, hopefulness and genuine worry running across her face all at once. Realization dawned on Piper. The boy was Percy.

She turned her head back around. Percy had obviously found Annabeth too. Their eyes locked together, gray on green, and Piper almost started crying. She could tell that Percy and Annabeth truly loved each other. It seemed so easy with them. She could tell by one glance that their feelings were rooted further down than Piper could imagine.

They rushed towards each other, arms open wide. They fell into each other's embraces and kissed. It was definitely awkward. Piper tore her eyes away from the couple and noticed pain blossoming on Percy's colleague's face. Piper hurriedly looked away.

Percy and Annabeth broke apart, smiling. Percy started to say something but was cut off mid-sentence by Annabeth. She grabbed his hand and judo flipped him. Piper smacked her hand to her mouth.

"I swear to the gods, of you ever leave me again....." Annabeth's sentence remained unfinished. Piper was terrified for Percy's life. Annabeth, Piper had realized, could be quite violent and deadly.

Percy actually had the nerve to laugh. Piper stared at him in awe and admiration. Piper expected Annabeth to start pummeling him, but she too, started laughing. Piper watched the exchange with a high level of interest, and realized the other Greeks were bewildered as her. No one had ever seen Annabeth this happy. Ever.

Percy was a part of Annabeth. When he was switched with Jason, something in Annabeth had obviously died and Annabeth was ecstatic to have it back.

"You remembered me?" She squeaked, venerability spread it's wings on her face. Her gray eyes swirled with unshed tears, and her cheeks warmed slightly. Annabeth was blushing.

"Of course. How could I ever forget you?" He said, his smile was so bright, Piper almost had to shield her eyes. His grin was almost like the Stoll's Piper noticed, and she made a mental note never to cross him. From the stories she had heard, he was a pretty cool guy, but he would stop at nothing to make your life miserable if you messed with his friends. Mother Earth had no idea what was coming for her.

Pieces of a puzzle clicked into place when Piper saw Jason look at the other girl in a toga. Her black eyes were guarded, but Piper could see relief in the girl's armor. The girl was Reyna. Jason's fellow praetor. And.....she had given the job to Percy.

"Hey, I'm Percy Jackson. I'm a son of Poseidon." Percy had placed himself in front of Piper, giving her a smile that could stop any girl in it's tracks. Piper was a bit star struck. It was like meeting the president. Flustered, warmth flooded her cheeks and she held out her shaking hand to shake his outstretched one.

"I'm P-Piper. Daughter of Aphrodite." She stuttered, trying in vain to cover her embarrassment.

When he swept away to greet Leo, Piper nearly fainted. She closed her eyes for a second and opened them to see Leo shaking Percy's hand like a rag doll.

"Leo!" She cried.

Percy just grinned. Piper noticed that when he wasn't moving or talking, he, like Leo, had to be moving. He must be super ADHD like Leo.

"I'm Leo, Leo Valdez. Son of Hephaestus and supreme commander of this baby, the Argo II, at your service." He smiled so wide, Piper was suddenly afraid that his face might crack open. Percy returned his grin and moved on to Jason.

"Hey. I'm Percy Jackson. You must be Jason. Yes?" He focused his intimidating eyes on Jason and Piper could see he was nervous.

"Y-yes. That's me. Son of Jupiter, I mean Zeus or Jupiter. Or it-" Jason was a mess and surprisingly that small thing made Piper like him more.

"I get it man. And listen, I didn't mean to march in here and take your job, I would be glad to step down. I mean, I could barely get this thing in this morning and I am totally not made out for this job!" He smirked and Annabeth scurried over to his side. She grabbed his waist and he rested his arm around her shoulders.

Annabeth couldn't possibly grin wider. She looked like she wanted to pepper him with kisses right here, right now, but she settled for kissing his cheek and squeezing him a little harder.

He looked down at her with complete love and adoration blocking out everything else. Piper wished someone would look at her that way, like she was their other half. With Percy and Annabeth reunited, she could barely remember what Annabeth looked like with tear stained cheeks and hopeless eyes. She was content and in love.

As the daughter of the goddess of love, Piper, better than anyone could tell they were in love. Though they might not even know it yet. By the way they seemed like they would die if they weren't next to each other and the look in one another's eyes that said, this one's mine. They seemed to be connected at the hip. For all of lunch, they were touching each other in some way.

For example, if they couldn't have their arms draped across the other's waist of shoulders, they would hold hands under the table. And if they couldn't hold hands, they would have their legs pressed against each other, stealing glances at each other every minute or so. They were so in love. Piper's heart hurt. She stared at Jason longingly, and wished he would love her that much.

Percy and Annabeth were the perfect couple. Even though they were polar opposites, they always could finish each other's sentences and communicate just through eye contact. After all, opposites attract.

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