Isabelle Lightwood

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A/N Okay. I swear this is the last Mortal Instruments update. Final. I've just had a bunch of requests for another one. So, this is Isabelle Lightwood, only the best warrior ever. I mean, she uses a golden whip, and fights in heels! She also loves her brother so much, and it is so endearing. Too bad I don't love my brothers that much. But then again, my brothers aren't as awesome as Alec. So, on with the story! Also, I will probably start updating more and more again! School is out  so expect more updates! I love you guys SO much! Until next time . . . Peace out! ✌🏻️😘 ~Maddie.

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Isabelle Lightwood was feeling lowly and inferior. She didn't like feeling that way. She wasn't lowly. She wasn't inferior.

Breathing heavily out of her nose, Isabelle stepped forward. Maybe she wanted to help further preserve Jace's pride. Or maybe, she wanted to preserve her own.

Rolling up the sleeves of her gear, she threw her whip and seraph blades into a corner. She turned to Annabeth, her head held high. "You and me," Isabelle said.

Annabeth raised her eyebrow. "Fine by me," and with those words, she unsheathed a medium sized, white sword, and a baseball cap from her belt.

"Let me guess," Isabelle said, pointing to the baseball cap accusingly, "that's glamoured."

Annabeth grinned like the Cheshire Cat, then shrugged a full bodied shrug. So, yes, Isabelle gathered. Isabelle then surveyed the weapons wall, considering. She couldn't use a bow, or a spear. A lot of the weapons were also not familiar to Isabelle. She, in the end, went with a golden short sword, with a tip that glittered in the sunlight menacingly.

Isabelle grinned wickedly and turned around–


An invisible force barreled into Isabelle, nearly knocking her off of her feet. Isabelle staggered, then quickly regained her balance, whipping her head back and forth to find her opposer. Nothing was there. Isabelle grunted in frustration as she was knocked around again. Annabeth suddenly materialized in front of Isabelle, knocking Isabelle backwards with a force Isabelle couldn't imagine a small set girl like Annabeth, could produce.

Isabelle struck back, finally landing a blow to Annabeth's gut. Unfortunately, Annabeth barely moved. Annabeth then swung around, knocking Isabelle with a roundhouse kick, sending Isabelle careening backwards.

Annabeth rested the tip of her blade to Isabelle's neck, grinning. She offered a hand to help Isabelle up. Isabelle took it gratefully, and smiled at Annabeth. "Damn girl! You are good!"

Annabeth laughed. "Well. We kind of have to be, you know, with all the monsters following us. Percy and some of our other friends especially," she said wistfully.

"Why those specific people?" Alec asked, curiosity spilling from his lips. Isabelle smiled a little. Alec had developed so much, he used to be so shy, wouldn't say two words to anyone but Jace and Isabelle. Ever since he met Magnus, something has changed in him. His confidence had spiked dramatically.

"There are three gods that are the most powerful of all the gods, Poseidon, Zeus, and Hades. There used to be a prophecy that one of these three's children would either save the world or destroy it. While these three's children have the strongest scent and for the longest time, Kronos, bad guy, ordered all monsters to kill any of these three's children. Also, if Zeus had a child, then Poseidon or Hades would be mad and may have sent minions of their own after that child. As you can see, Percy and Nico are in one piece, but, at times, I was afraid that weren't going to come back alive." Annabeth smiled grimly. "Every moment of our days are spent training and training and training. Just to get by."

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