New Story?

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A/N Hello demigods! I think I may have a new story on my hands. A Percy Jackson fan fiction—mixed with the world of Rosamund Hodge's Cruel Beauty. I wanted to get some opinions of yours before I published it. I'm not exactly sure if a title yet but I have a (tentative) summary and an excerpt of the first chapter. So here goes. I love you all so much and thank you for the continued support. The goal is to have a new chapter of this book up by Sunday, and one for the Arranged Marriage on, or around the same day. Don't let the monsters bite! Until next time . . . Peace out! ✌🏻😘 ~Maddie.

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Title: A Rose in a Bed of Thorns
Beauty in Darkness
(subject to change)

Genre: Fanfiction/Fantasy

Summary: Percy Jackson is the most ruthless ruler that has ever lived; the terror of Olympus and all it's citizens. He resides in his castle, only ever seen by those who are desperate enough to strike a bargain with him. But everybody knows that bargaining with Percy Jackson does not come without a price. And Annabeth Chase is about to find that out on a very personal level.

Fredrick and Helen Chase are in debt, thus in danger of losing their home and business. They can barely feed themselves, much less their children. So Fredrick calls upon the almighty 'King of Bargains' to help them. In a twist of fate, Percy, in which he calls a "show of good faith," offers to pay off the Chase's debts, but under one condition . . .

Annabeth, the Chase's oldest child, is to be married to Percy.

Betrayal fresh in Annabeth's blood and a mission set in her heart, she knows what to do. She is going to kill Percy, the despot that has ruled her kingdom for much too long. But never had Annabeth considered the possibility of falling for the man that she had been taught to hate. Never had she imagined that, of everyone, he would make her feel the most alive. Never had she imagined that ths evil ruler she knew was actually a kind, loyal man forced to do the dirty work of his masters.

But who are his masters? And why are they forcing his hand? Annabeth is delving into dark subjects, and they might just destroy her, or remake her.


These characters do not belong to me, they belong to Rick Riordan. The idea for the Beauty and the Beast retelling is based off of the novel, Cruel Beauty, by Rosamund Hodge.

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Now, to the fun part! Here's an exclusive excerpt of said fanfiction—please, PLEASE tell me your thoughts and do not hold back. I want some real thoughts here. Would you read this? Let me know in the comments section—but for now, here goes:

"You are to do what he says, do you hear me?" Fredrick Chase turned full bodily towards Annabeth has he straightened the cuffs of his suit. Annabeth worried away at the red carpet laid beneath her, feeling sick as she followed it's path under her doors which led to the alter. Percy Jackson didn't even have the nerve to emerge from his castle and marry her in person. She would deliver her vows to thin air. "Annabeth," Fredrick hissed. "Are you even listening to me?"

"Yes, Father," she drawled. "I hear you. Loud and clear."

"When you get to the castle, you must knock thrice to indicate that you are friend, by for, then - "

"Then go inside and wait patiently for him. Don't do anything but what he says. Only do what he says," Annabeth droned. "Do you think I don't know the conditions of my servitude? I do. I would like it if you could leave me be for the final moments of freedom I have left. Please." Annabeth meant for her words to sting her father, and they may have, but she couldn't help noticing the warble in her own voice and the tears that threatened to spill at any minute. She turned her head away, drawing in a shaky breath, unable to look at her father.

Fredrick Chase said nothing more, he simply loosened his grip on his daughter's arm, his lips pressed together in a thin line. Annabeth felt her stomach plummet when the doors slowly began to open; it felt like she was about to walk straight to her doom, and on a carpet red with the blood of those who were born, lived, and died in Olympus. Annabeth closed her eyes, pushing such dark thoughts out of her mind. Maybe the King of Bargains, the tyrant of Olympus, wasn't so bad after all.

Annabeth snorted out loud, ignoring her father's concerned look. As if Annabeth's life was a romanticized fairytale waiting to unfold—the mere thought almost sent Annabeth over the edge and to hysterics. Breathing sharply, she turned to face the gathered crowd: half of them her family, friends, acquaintances, the others people she had seldom crossed paths with. But everyone, everyone, had come to see Annabeth off, looking up at her as she passed them, whispered murmurings filling her ears. She's so brave. Yes, yes, sacrificing herself for her people. What a martyr she will be. A hero. A legend.

Annabeth almost clocked a few of the whispering girls, but refrained, pulling her lips into a painful fake smile as she hiked up her skirts and continued to the end of the alter. Once there, her father kissed her cheek, whispering ferociously into her ear, "Do not embarrass me."

"Never," Annabeth murmured back, thinking that if she wanted to humiliate him, she would have done it a long time ago. Annabeth turned to to the priest, squinting in the early morning light of the sun; the King of Bargain's castle shielded some of the blinding light, casting it aglow from behind. It almost looked beautiful, if one forgot what went on inside it.

"Ladies and gentlemen of Olympus, we are gathered here today to witness the binding of our very own Annabeth Chase to the King of Bargains, Percy Jackson, himself. Due to the King being unable to attend, Miss Chase and will recite her vows to us so we can bare witness to this union. Miss Chase," the priest gestured for Annabeth to continue on, and with a cleansing breath, she did.

"I, Annabeth Chase, swear to be forever loyal to our King, Percy Jackson, through death and afterlife, through sickness and in health, and trough thick and thin. I bind myself to him, forever pledging to obey him, live with him, and die by his side," but not before I kill him first, Annabeth thought to herself. "With these words," Annabeth sucked in a sharp breath, "I give my mind, body, soul and heart to His Majesty."

It was done, but Annabeth still felt the odd numbness and emptiness inside of her. In fact, nothing felt different than before, almost as if she could forget it had happened at all. But when she opened her eyes and dozens of people peered up at her with different expressions—dispair, awe, pity, disgust—she found the weight of what she had done even more crushing. She yanked up her skirts and flounced down the stairs of the alter, her eyes focused on getting to the carriage that would take her to the king's castle. Maybe, once there, she could hide herself away, only to see Percy Jackson when absolutely necessary. But deep down, Annabeth had a sinking feeling that her life was never going to be the same again, whether she killed the ruthless king or not.

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