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A/N Hello demigods! I read a headcannon on Pinterest about a Percabeth wedding and I really had the urge to write another one—so here goes. If this comes out before any other chapter, just know that I am working on three other chapters that should hopefully be up before the close of July. Thanks for the support—I love you all very much. Don't let the monsters bite! Peace out! ✌🏻️😘 ~Maddie.

P.S. Obviously the picture is of Annabeth's outfit, NOT Poseidon's.

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Poseidon sat down in his seat in the front row, breathing in the smell of the sea, of the salt, and of the sun. The sand beneath his toes was warm and welcoming and Long Island Sound lapped at the shore gently as he commanded it. Demigods, gods, satyrs and even a few mortals roamed about, starting to take their places or sit in their seats. Sally Jackson stood in the back, as radiant as ever, her husband on her arm—it pained Poseidon a bit to see her with another, but he was happy that she was happy. Her eyes glowed with laughter and with joy. Poseidon's son, in a tux, stood before his mother, swatting away her attempts to smooth down his unruly hair.

Percy's groomsmen flanked him—the satyr his best man, Tyson and Nico. The members of the seven, however, sat in the audience. The flower girl was a beautiful little hellion, the adopted daughter of Nico and Will, while the ring bearer was handsome son of Grover and Juniper. The bridesmaids and the bride were nowhere to be seen as the procession came closer to beginning.

As Poseidon strained to see his son, someone plunked down next to him, breathing, "You've got to be kidding me."

Poseidon turned his head. And frowned. The insufferable goddess of wisdom stared back at him, her gray eyes widened slightly in distaste. Poseidon returned the look. "Listen here," Poseidon said lowly. "This is our children's wedding; I don't want to argue today."

Athena scowled but nodded her agreement—she didn't glance at him for the duration of the ceremony. As Paul Blowfish (or was it Blofis?) sat down next to him, albeit a bit skittish looking, and Annabeth's parents beside Athena, the music began. Sally escorted Poseidon's son down the aisle, them both smiling as Percy stepped up to the alter, his hair blowing in the light wind. He fidgeted nervously, but managed to keep his feet still. Poseidon smiled up at him and dipped his head.

Percy tried for a smile.

Then came the maid of honor—the Zeus girl—and the best man—Grover. Thalia did not seem too pleased to be in a dress, but she smiled anyways, whispering something to Grover as they continued down the aisle. And so the rest of the pairs came down the aisle—Nico paired with Juniper, who both seemed uncomfortable, and Tyson paired with, surprisingly, Rachel, the mortal. As they all took their place either beside Percy or opposite him, the ring bearer and flower girl pranced down the aisle.

And then it was time for the bride.

Everyone rose, and Poseidon shot his son a quick wink before turning down the aisle. From behind a curtain of red she strode out, looking so much like her mother, it scared Poseidon a bit. Annabeth's smile lit up the whole procession, and she had no eyes for anyone but Poseidon's son. Despite her father being there, Chiron walked the bride down the aisle, both beaming. Tears were already swimming in the girl's eyes; when Poseidon looked to his son, his eyes were rimmed with liquid too.

Annabeth clutched her summer bouquet to her chest, but smiled at Percy anyways. And then she was at the alter, Chiron handing her off to Poseidon's son. Poseidon could feel the love radiating off of them both as Percy enclosed her hand with his and he beamed down at her.

"Seaweed Brain."

"Wise Girl."

The audience rumbled a laugh, and the couple smiled wider, their eyes never straying from one another's eyes. Poseidon felt something bloom in his stomach—pride for his son, love for him, happiness at his joy.

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