Part 4:1:2

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The light subsides as I cover to my senses one again... Gradually ...

"Hey kid? Are you dead?"

The light enters my eyes as I mean up for air.

"Hey take it easy! You're gonna need your energy to keep up today!"

I can't feel my face. Probably need to get used to light travel. "Who is it?"

"You probably don't remember, but I saved you yen years ago."

"Oh you? I can't really make sense of anything right now... I remember that clearly though."

"Ah so Dial came through for us?"

Dial? Came through for us? What's going on? Time for answers!

"How do you know Dial? How do you know his name either?"

"Easy, we are both very good associates.... And you named him about five minutes ago."

How could he have known that? Let's test him?

"Then I guess you know why I am here? Don't you?"

His smile was a mask that hid a hard hitting statement. "Well, I am the Sage of Hope, and I am here to help you realise your potential to become the Sage of Triumph!"

My senses are once again, voided from my body. I hit the ground feeling sick from the spinning of my head.

"That sounds... Complicated.. What exactly is the Sage of Triumph?"

The man places his hand up to his chin in wonder... "You know... We don't quiet know yet. That's why we must find out!"

I begin to heave at his feet. He seems rather calm, despite the vast quantity of biomass being regurgitate at his fancy black shoes.

Come to think of it, why is he always so dressed up?

I attempt to get back onto my feet. Poorly but surely I place both shoes on the ground before asking, "why are you so dressed up? Are you trying to impress someone?"

His head turns in what seems to be sorrow or shame "no.... This is just what I was wearing when... I entered the spirit world."

See, that makes more sense. This guy is dead. And dead sages mean more wisdom or something.

"For goodness sake! Stop shaking my girl! Fear is not befitting of a safe, note respectful to the ground you walk on!"

He's right! I have a destiny! If I'm going to complete it. I must be ready on the body and the heart, as well as the mind!

"Your right! I'm ready! I will take on any challenge or trial that comes before me on order to realize my destiny! I am ready!"

A grin emanates across his mouth as he releases a hardy "no your not!"

What the fuck?! What just happened? I thought I was the mother fucking Sage of Triumph?

"What? How can I be the most important person in existence one second, and the next not be ready for anything? What's your game?"

"My game is to get you ready for your destiny! If you haven't noticed, your not ready to go out there! You might get by with shinis, they go for small fries. You ever seen a gogori? They like to kill for fun. Anything to sharpen their killing instincts. And fate forbid you find a specter or a reaver! You won't know what hit you until you are dragged into the void!"

My levels of anger peak at an all time high.

"Then what should I fucking do?!"

"Read your wrist little girl!"

Titans of the Current: Hands of God EditionWhere stories live. Discover now