New life?

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The night after cas had told Dean about his parents, Dean was desperately trying to figure out a way to make his friend happy again. He tried everything from getting him gifts to spending almost everyday with the boy. But nothing seemed to work. And Dean was out of ideas. He sat down on his bed groaning

"Why can't i do anything right?!" He demanded punching his pillow. He sighed, lying down on the bed and staring up at the ceiling.
"I'm an idiot. That's why!" He mumbled. All night Dean was tossing and turning, not being able to fall asleep. The image of castiels dull, sad blue eyes burned into his mind which made him determined to make those blue eyes shine with happiness again. He hates seeing his friend like this; sad and so drained of life. All he wanted was his cas back. He didn't get much sleep that night and was so tired in the morning he barely noticed Sam talking to him at breakfast

"Dean? Are you even listening?" Sam asked as Dean looked up

"Hmm what? Oh yeah" he said as Sam crossed his arms


"I'm fine, Sammy!"

"You better be" the young boy said and kept eating. Dean sighed as there was a knock on his door. He got up, walking to the door and opening it, hoping to find cas. But no it was the stupid mail man. Dean thanked them and closed the door, throwing the mail on the stairs, not even bothering to look through it. He walked back into the kitchen to finish his food.

"Hey dean where'd dad go?" Sam asked when dean walked back into the kitchen

"Dunno. Probably gone back to work to do some paper work or somethin" he sighed as Sam groaned

"He promised to take me to the comic book store today!" He whined as dean rolled his eyes

"Quit whining Sammy. You can probably go tomorrow cause I guarantee he's gonna be coming home tired or in a bad mood. Or both." He said clearing their plates. The younger boy flopped down into the table, his face on the table

"Plus you need to finish unpacking"

"But deeeeeeean...-" he whined as dean put up his hand

"No whining. Finish eating then go unpack" he said as Sam pouted but didn't talk back. Sam took his dishes to the kitchen and walked upstairs, going to his room. Dean finished cleaning up and flopped down onto the couch, turning on the tv, his mind wandering. Sam came downstairs a few hours later

"I'm finished unpacking" he said and dean looked over at him

"Ok" he said simply and Sam frowned a bit but walked off back upstairs. As dean lie there on the couch his surroundings became blurry and all he could hear were his own nagging thoughts in the back of his mind. Before he knew it about 2 hours had passed and dean hadn't moved from that one spot on the couch.

"Dean" Sam said but there was no response from the older boy

"Dean!" He said again, louder this time.

"Huh wha..." Dean asked snapping out of his daze "oh sorry Sammy"

"You have a call" Sam grumbled as dean sat up

"I do?" He asked and Sam nodded "ok. Thanks Sammy" he said getting up and ruffling Sam's hair and taking the phone from him


"Hey dean it's Anna. Castiels sister" She said on the other end of the line

"Oh hey Anna. What's up?"

"Well I was wondering if you where busy?"

"You mean now? not really"

"Great. Would you be able to come over in about 20 minutes? We are going out and cas refuses to come with us and I don't feel safe leaving him home alone so I would really appreciate it if you could keep him company and make sure he doesn't do anything bad" she said sighing as deans heart shattered

"Sure I can do that" he nodded as he heard Anna sigh through the phone

"Fantastic! thank you so much" she said and dean had a sneaking suspicion she was smiling

"No problem" he said chuckling and hung up, sighing. About 20 minutes later dean told Sam where he was going and walked over to the novak's, knocking on the door. A few seconds later the door opened and Castiel stood there, still in his Pajamas.

"Oh hello dean" he said as dean waved

"Heya cas. I just came over to see how you where doing" he said as the other boy nodded

"I'm doing alright" he nodded "would you like to come in?" He asked as dean shrugged



The two boys sat in Castiel's room talking about anything they could think of to keep cas's mind off his parents death. They played a few board games even. As dean watched, Castiel was starting to smile a bit more, laughing at deans terrible jokes. He smiled, not realizing he was ever so slowly falling for the other boy.


It soon started to rain as dean and Castiel where just finishing watching their second movie. Dean looked outside, sighing.

"It's raining" he sighed, shaking his head

"I like the rain" Castiel said also looking out the window at the now dark and gloomy sky.

"You do?" Dean asked as Castiel nodded

"Yes. Very much. I don't know why but ever since I was young I've always admired the rain" dean chuckled

"You sure are somethin else, cas" he said as Castiel looked at him

"I am? Is that good or bad?"

"In a good way!"

"Oh" he said, looking away. Dean swore he saw him blush. He shook his head, thinking it was just his imagination. They decided to watch yet another movie but this time it was more like background sounds. The two boys talked about their pasts and the good times they had when they were younger.

"You mean to say you actually did that?" Castiel asked wide eyed as dean laughed, rubbing the back of his neck

"Eheheheh yeah......" He said laughing nervously. He was suddenly cut off when cas grabbed the collar of his shirt, pulling dean into a kiss. His eyes widened in surprise, the eldest Winchester not knowing what to do. The other boy pulled away a few seconds later, blushing madly

"S-sorry I uh.....I have to go" he said quickly getting up and running upstairs. Dean tried to call out to him but it didn't work. He sat there, his lips still tingling from the kiss.


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