The meet

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One morning Dean was lying out on the front lawn of his new house cause his dad had kicked him out of the house. he was lying there with his arm draped over his eyes, when someone cleared their throat, Obviously trying to get his attention. Dean took his arm off his eyes and squinted. Standing there was a boy about his age, wearing a black shirt, blue shorts and flip-flops. He had dark spikey hair and charming blue eyes. Dean stood up and smiled.

"Hi. Can I help you?" The boy shifted his weight before talking.

"Hi,um... I live just over there and uh...I wanted to um...greet you" dean chuckled.

"I see. Well thanks anyways." The boy put out his hand

"Castiel Novak" he said and dean shook his hand.

"Nice to meet you castiel. I'm d..-" just then, dean was cut off by his brother and his dad arguing again. Dean sighed.

"That's me I guess. Well I was nice to meet you castiel. See a round!" Dean said, running towards his new house. He got up the stairs on his front porch, turned around once more to wave to castiel, then ran inside. He ran inside int the kitchen to find his brother and his dad arguing again.

"Dad! I told you I just went to the store and back! I stopped and talked to some of the people here then came home!"

"Dad! Sam!" Dean said and they stopped arguing to look over at me. "Can you please stop arguing. Our neighbors can most likely hear us because the front door is open. If you could at lease clo...-" dean was cut off. The back of his dad's hand came and slapped him hard across the face. Dean cried out in pain, his hands flying up to cover the side of this face as he fell back onto the floor

"What did you say to me boy?" He demanded.

"W...well I...I just thought maybe we should close the doors so the we don't d...disturb the neighbors." Dean stuttered. His dad glared at him.

"Since when do you tell me what to do?!" He growled. At this point, dean was sitting on the floor with his father towering over him. Deans eyes where tearing up from the burning sensation where his dad slapped him.

"You do that one more time and I swear your gonna get more then just a slap. Ya hear?" His dad demanded and dean nodded.

"Now get outta my sight. Go." John said, closing his eyes and pointing towards the stairs. Dean's bottom lip was trebling. He slipped past his dad and ran upstairs. he got in his room, closed the door and slid down it, bringing his knees up against his chest as he started to cry.


Sam had watched his brother get slapped by their dad. He never slapped them before. Ever. And worst of all, he had to see his older brother cry. After dean left, sam stood there frozen. John looked over to his younger son and glared.

"Go to your room." He said Sam stood there for a few seconds, before running off upstairs. He walked past deans room, and stopped. Sam backed up a bit so he was looking at the door. Inside, he could Hear dean crying. Sam hadn't heard dean cry since he was 10 when dean had gotten bullied at school. Sam walked over to the door and knocked lightly.

"Dean?" Sam walked in to see his brother sitting on his bed, tears streaming down his face. Sam walked over to deans bed, sat down and hugged his brother. Dean was shocked. But after a few seconds, he hugged back.

"I just want to live a normal life again." Dean mumbled, closing his eyes "I want mom back"

"I know dean. Me too."


That night, when John had passed out on the couch, and Sam was sleeping, dean snuck out and went behind their house. It was a clear night, with a full moon, and the stars shining bright. Dean walked out so he was standing at the shore of the ocean. He walked in just up to his ankles. Dean loved the water. He would live in it if he could. He sighed. Memories of him and his friends where flowing into his head. Dean smiled. He missed his friends so much, he would run back to Kansas. But he couldn't. He had to stay and help with Sammy. Dean sat down on a rock that faced the ocean. This was his favorite place. This was his place to just be alone with his thoughts, not having to deal with the constant yelling and arguing going on in the house. He sat down on the sand and sighed. It was a clear, warm night, the full moon shining bright in the sky. Dean sighed and lied down on his back. As he looked up at the stars, he remembered his mom, and all the good times he had with her.

"Now if you look up, you will see the stars twinkling, like they are talking to you." Mary pointed up at the sky as a little dean sat on her knee, the stars sparkling in his green eyes. 

"Moma, what's that big clump of stars?" Dean asked, pointing up at the sky.

"That's a constellation."

"What's that?"

"It's a big group of stars, that make a shape." Mary explained.

"Wow. When I'm older, I wanna know all the names!" Dean exclaimed, throwing his arms out the the sides, making his mother laugh.

Dean smiled at that memory. He was lying there for a whole before he heard someone behind him. He looked up to see Castiel standing behind him.

"Hello" the boy said, making dean smile.

"Hey. What are you doing out here?" Dean asked, a little curious

"i was gonna ask you the same thing" cas said " I needed to get away from my family. They where getting on my nerves" dean chuckled. He could relate to that. 

"Same." He said and patted the grass beside him "Wanna sit?" Cas nodded an sat down next to Dean, looking at the stars

"Beautiful night isn't it?" He asked and Dean nodded

"yeah. It is" Cas looked over at Dean.

"I don't believe I ever got your name" Dean looked back at Cas
"Dean Winchester" he said with a smile

"I like that name" Cas said returning the smile.

"And I like your name. It's.......different" Dean said Castiel gave a small laugh

"why thank you"

The two boys stayed there for about 2 straight hours, talking and laughing, telling stories and looking at the sky. They knew it was going to be an amazing friendship


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