hell at its finest

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dean hadn't a clue. he didn't know what happened between cas and his family. he didn't know things had turned to shit. he didn't know until later that night.

he was sitting on the couch watching tv with sam when there was a knock on the door

"i'll get it" he said getting up. he walked to the door, opening it. standing there was lucifer

"ah hey luci" he said "what's up?"

"have you seen castiel?"

"uh no....why?"

"well we can't find him" those words stuck into deans heart like knives

"what do you mean....you can't find him?"

"we haven't seen or heard from him since this afternoon" he said. there was worry lining his voice

"well where did you see him last?!" dean was becoming frantic

"our grandparents house"

oh no. cas had told dean about his grandparents and how they were very very homophobic.

"tell me nothing happened" he said. lucifer looked to him. there was a look in his eye and dean knew right away. he took a step back
"what happened" he asked as lucifer explained the situation

"we didn't meant to go as far as we did. honest" he said, his voice brittle. dean clenched his fists, falling silent

"who knows?" he finally asked as lucifer fell silent

"our entire family...." he muttered. dean couldn't believe his ears.

"how long ago did he leave?" he asked, blood ringing in his ears

"about 3 hours ago" he said

"3 hours?!" he demanded. by now he was panicking

"by now he could be god knows where! he could be in the middle of fucking nowhere!" dean yelled. lucifer flinched slightly at the raise of deans voice, avoiding eye contact

"we've been looking everywhere but there's no sign of him-"

"yeah no shit!" dean grabbed his shoes, putting them on before he grabbed the keys to his car

"sam im going out i'll be back!" he called before walking out and slamming the door behind him

"dean-" lucifer began. dean spun around, glaring daggers at him

"if you were his true family, you wouldn't have let this happen" he snapped before walking to his car, getting in and driving off.

he spent all night looking for castiel. he searched high and low. but he still had no luck. he eventually stopped on the side of a road, shutting off baby's engine. he put his head in his hands as he began to sob

"come on cas. you can't do this. not now. not ever" he sobbed out, banging his hands against the steering wheel. he began to sob even more, his entire body shaking as he did so. he was lost. dean couldn't think of anything else to do. he had done everything. he was looked high and low, he had spam texted him, he had called him so many times but still no answer. but, he wouldn't give up. dean sat up in the front seat, his cheeks damp from the tears. he gripped onto the steering wheel as he slowly began to calm himself down. when he was calm enough, he turned baby back on and continued to drive around in hopes of finding castiel. and soon enough, he did. he found him in one of his favourite places; a cliff he used to go to with his parents, he had said. and dean had taken him there on countless dates, knowing he loved the view. dean pulled up, putting baby in park. he could see a figure sitting on the edge of the cliff, their back to him. he quickly got out, starting to walk over

"cas?" he called. the person slowly turned, looking over their shoulder. he could see it was castiel, eyes red and cheeks damp from crying. he quickly rushed over, pulling him away from the cliff and into a hug. he fell down to the ground in the process but didn't let go, holding cas tightly. cas himself hugged back, hiding his face in deans chest. dean rubbed his back, gently swaying back and fourth

"shhh shh it's ok" he mumbled "you're ok" his eyes began to tear up as he squeezed them shut, wanting to be strong. but it didn't really work as he began to cry with castiel. the two sat there for a good long while, holding the other tightly


haaaaaa haha finally an update. lol i've been having super bad wrighters block and a hard time w/ life rn buuuuut i did it! i am thinking of stopping it here and just sorta doing an small end chapter cause i honestly don't have any more ideas but if you guys want to suggest them then please do

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