Love is a precious thing dean. Cherish it.

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"Ah. Summer" dean said kicking back in the hammock in the novak's backyard. Grad was over and now cas and dean were free. sam and gabe were busy running around the backyard pretending to be spies. Cas sat beside dean with a small smile gracing his lips. Dean took his lovers hand

"Can you belive we are finally free?" He asked as cas shook his head

"No. I can't seem to wrap my head around the fact high school is finished" he breathed as dean chuckled. They spent the rest of the afternoon lounging around, talking.


A few weeks later dean and cas went on a camping trip for a week. They piled their things into the back of deans beloved car and they set out. They had found a nice little camp ground about an hour away from home.

Dean pulled the impala up and stopped the car.

"Now that's a sight" he said. The camp ground over looked a lake that was perfect for swimming in. The sun was reflecting off the water, making it look absolutely beautiful.

"Yeah I can agree" cas said in awe. After they looked around the two started setting up the tent and unpacking their things. Soon everything was set up. Dean walked over to cas, pulling him into his arms

"You picked a beautiful place, cas" he said smiling as cas returned the smile

"Why thank you dean" he said as dean gave a cheeky grin

"Let's go swimming!" He exclaimed making cas chuckle

"Alright dean" he said as they quickly got changed and walked back out and towards the lake. They stood on the dock for a while before dean smirked

"Hey babe" he said as cas turned

"Yes dean?" He asked innocently as dean picked him up

"TIME FOR A SWIM!" He yelled and threw cas into the water with a laugh. Cas yelled in protest but it was cut short when he went under the water. Dean jumped in after him, the two coming up for air both breathing heavily.

"You are going to pay" cas growled, splashing dean in the face. The eldest Winchester laughed, splashing him back as the fight began. They kept splashing back and fourth, the two laughing their heads off. Soon try were too tired to do anything. Dean was floating around on his back, staring up at the sky as it turned a beautiful dark blue color. Castiel got out and got changed, starting to make dinner. When he was almost finished and looked over to the lake to see Dean still floating around

"Dean! Dinners almost ready!" He called as the Winchester looked over

"Coming!" He called and started to swim back over. He got out and walked over, drying himself off with a towel "what's for dinner?" He asked towel drying his hair

"Well I'm making breakfast for dinner" he said "bacon, eggs and toast" he said as dean grinned

"You seriously are the bomb" he said kissing his cheek and going to get changed. He came back out just as cas was finishing up dinner. He walked over, wrapping his arms around cas' waist and resting his chin on his shoulder

"Hello dean" cas said smiling as dean chuckled

"Hey Cas" he said kissing his neck, his fingers slipping under cas' waist band

"Dean..." Cas said squirming a little to his touch.

"Yes cas?~" he asked

"Dinners ready" he said as dean sighed, taking the plate

"Thanks angel" he said as cas got his plate and they sat on the dock eating their dinner.

"Thanks cas" dean said setting down his plate after he had finished "that was amazing" he lied back on the dock, his hands on his stomach. Cas did the same after he finished his food, lying back beside dean.

"Hey look at that" dean said pointing to a lone star in the sky. "My mom and I used to go out an look at the stars and wish on the first one we saw" he said giving a sad smile "I haven't wished on one since she died"

"Then Make a wish, dean" cas said looking at him as dean looked over and smiled, grabbing Castiel's hand before closing his eyes and wishing. He opened his eyes after about a minute and sighed, looking over to his boyfriend

"Did you wish for something?" He asked as cas shrugged

"I don't need to. I've got everything I want and need"


The two spent the whole weekend out camping, enjoying the beautiful weather and the peace and quiet. One night they were lying on the dock looking at the stars when dean looked at cas

"Hey angel?"

"Yes dean?" He asked looking at him.

"Thank you"


"For everything you've done for me.

Cas smiled and kissed the back of deans hand

"Anything for you"


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