we are going to fix this

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the whole ride home castiel was silent. dean was as well, not wanting to push the other boy into talking. as they neared their houses, dean looked to him

"do you want to go home?" he asked as castiel shook his head

"no. not right now" he mumbled quietly as dean nodded. he drove into the driveway, putting baby in park before turning to his blue eyes boyfriend

"cas" he said in a gentle tone "what happened?" he put a hand on his as castiel looked down

"they know" he muttered "they know about us" dean fell silent before taking castiels hand

"that's ok" he said. his boyfriend looked up at him, almost in shock

"what do you mean? aren't you mad?" he asked as dean shook his head

"not at all. it wasn't your fault they found out"

"but it was, dean! they saw my phone. they saw your contact name"

"so? cas that wasn't your fault. they were being nosy and invading your privacy. if anything, i'm mad at them" he rubbed small circles on the back of castiels hand with his thumb
"none of this was your doing, ok? i'm not mad" he stated as castiel slowly nodded

"al....alright" he mumbled. dean gave a small smile before gently kissing him. castiel kissed back, the two completely forgetting the world around them for that short moment. they finally pulled away as dean patted his arm

"come on. let's get you inside and cleaned up" he said as he opened the car door. both dean as castiel got out before making their way inside. it was about 2:30 am so both sam and john were fast asleep. the two boys silently made their way up the stairs, getting to deans room. dean flopped down on the bed with a groan as cas closed the door. he walked over, lying down beside dean. the eldest winchester looked over, smiling before wrapping an arm around his boyfriend and pulling him closer. he kissed his head as the two closed their eyes, falling asleep


in the morning, cas awoke to the sun shining through his blinds. he inhaled sharply before managing to stretch without disturbing his boyfriend who was still sound asleep beside him. he placed a gentle kiss on his forehead before his mind began to wander.

about 20 minutes later he was pulled from his thoughts when dean began to stir. he looked over as he opened his blue eyes, blinking a few times to get adjusted to the light

"good morning, handsome" dean murmured, placing a lazy kiss on cas's cheek. the other boy gave a small smile

"good morning, dean" he said, his voice being slightly hoarse. dean smiled, pulling him closer. the two stayed there for awhile in silence. that was until sam knocked on the door

"dean?" he called


sam opened the door, poking his head in "dad told me to come get you. breakfast is ready" he flashed them a smile "hey cas" he gave a small wave before ducking back out and closing the door. the two slowly got up, taking their time as they shuffled their way downstairs. john sat at the dining room table, reading the paper.

"morning, dad" dean walked in as his father looked up

"mornin', boys" he nodded
"where'd you go last night?" he asked, placing the paper down. the two boys sat down, joining john and sam

"i went to find cas" dean said. he explained what happened yesterday, and the reason why he was out so late

"so......yer folks found out about you two?" john looked to cas, who nodded slowly. john was silent "well, our door is always open to ya, kid. you are more than welcome to stay for as long as you need. yer part of the family" he gave a small smile. cas nodded slowly, a small smile creeping onto his lips. he could feel his eyes begin to water slightly as he blinked away the tears

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