finally, a little peace

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about 3 months later, everything had blown over and everyone was quite happy. dean and castiel had happily been dating for about a year and a half now and their families were now closer than ever. i was not abnormal to walk into the winchester's house and find gabriel and uriel sitting in the living room watching tv with sam at 8:30 in the morning. the two families acted like both houses was just all one big house. john had become parent to 8 children (which he actually didn't mind because most of them were quite independent) who he loved dearly.

one sunny day in early july, dean and castiel were moving out. the two had managed to gain stable jobs early enough out of high school. they had saved up, making sure to keep their money for this time. and soon enough, they had enough money to buy themselves a pretty decent apartment in the city. they made sure to not be too far from their families, wanting to stay in touch.

the two were just finishing up putting the last of their bags into baby's trunk, the rest of their family waiting outside for them. dean was leaning up against baby, his sunglasses on. he watched as cas walked out, carrying a small succulent anna had given him. he stopped in front of his two older brothers, smiling at them

"stay outta trouble, alright?" lucifer said, giving him a quick hug. cas chuckled

"no promises" he pulled away with a small smirk as lucifer ruffled his hair. balthazar wrapped an arm around casttiels shoulders

"trouble? please. cas never gets into trouble, ain't that right little brother?" the two looked to one another, smirking

"yep. i'm an angel" cas grinned, tracing a halo in the air over his head with his free hand. lucifer shook his head

"yeah. with a broken rusty halo" he muttered as cas gasped

"lucie im hurt!" he put his free hand over his heart dramatically. lucifer shook his head with a chuckle as uriel and gabriel walked over, giving cas a big hug

"you're gonna come visit, right?" uriel looked up at cas, his blue eyes shining

"of course, guys. i will come visits as much as possible, ok?" he hugged them both tightly. sam walked over, leaning against the car beside dean

"are you really leaving?" he asked, looking up at him. dean looked to his younger brother, wrapping an arm around his shoulders

"i'm not leaving forever, sammy. don't worry. but yes. i am leaving" he said. sam looked down slightly, leaning into deans side

"it's gonna be weird not having you around" he mumbled

"hey now" dean said "it's not like we won't be able to see each other. you can come over as much as you want, ok?" he squeezed sams shoulders as he nodded


"hey don't worry about it" dean pulled away, looking to his younger brother "i promise you this isn't the last of me. we can text as much as you want, whenever you want. i'll answer as soon as i can, ok?" he said as sam slowly nodded. dean pulled his brother into a hug as cas walked over with a smile. dean smiled back before sam pulled away

"all set?" john asked, walking over. dean nodded, pushing off the car

"i think so" he turned to his dad who smiled, bringing him into a hug

"i'm proud of you, dean" he said as dean smiled

"thank you, dad" he smiled, closing his eyes. john held him tight for a few minutes before pulling away, clearing his throat as he wiped his cheek

"daaaaad" dean groaned as john chuckled

"i know i know i promised i wouldn't cry" he wiped his cheek, giving a smile

"i just.....i wish your mother could've been here" he said. deans heart sank "she would've been so proud of you" he smiled, putting a hand in the side of his sons head. dean gave a small smile, forcing the ball in his throat down. he refused to cry. not now.

"thanks dad" he said. john pressed a kiss against his forehead before pulling away. anna walked over, hugging dean

"take care of him for me, will ya?" she mumbled as dean smiled

"i will. don't worry" he smiled as she kissed his cheek before pulling away. the two said goodbye to the rest of the novak family before dean turned to castiel

"ready?" dean asked as cas nodded

"yep. ready as i'll every be" he chuckled as dean smiled. they both got into baby, their family waving to them as they drove off. dean looked to cas and gave a gentle smile, putting a hand on his knee. cas smiled, leaning his head against the window. it was a good hour drive into the city to their apartment. it was right in the middle of it all, them being in walking distance of almost everything. the movers had already arrived and were busy moving all their furniture in. they didn't have much; just a new bed, a few chairs and couches, a dining table and a tv. they got inside as the movers were finishing up, getting their bed in the room.

"thanks guys" dean smiled as the movers walked out. he turned to cas with a grin as he closed the door behind the movers

"can i help you?" cas asked as dean padded over, wrapping his arms around cas's waist

"mmmmmaybe" he smirked as castiel raised an eyebrow. he moved his face close to castiels so their noses were touching

"dean" he giggled


"......hurry up and kiss me, fool" he breathed. dean smirked before he kissed cas passionately. cas wrapped his arms around deans neck, his hands tangling in his hair. he eventually pulled away, to catch his breath

"god i love you" dean said as cas smiled

"i love you too" he murmured. dean eventually pulled away

"let's start unpacking shall we?" cas asked as dean nodded

"a new start with my favourite person"  he smirked, planting a kiss on cas's cheek before they began to unpack

and it's done!! thank you all so so so much for reading and sticking with me for these past 4 years lol. now that the book is finished, i think i'm gonna change the title and the cover photo. i had such a fun time writing this and seeing all your votes and comments. it honestly makes my day when i see my followers enjoying my writing. i may write another fanfiction in the future but for now i'm gonna stick with writing my other couple books and i encourage you guys to go read them! thanks again for reading and i'll hopefully do another one sometime soon. love you all ♥︎

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