Road trip!

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Castiel Novak sat in his seat in the car as his siblings continued to bicker and fight. Lucifer and Michel where trying to figure out where to go, Gabe was throwing his 'healthy' snacks at the back if Anna's head and Balthazar and Raphael where arguing over who was better at singing: Elvis or the Beatles. Cas put his earphones in and turned on his music.

"GABRIEL! I swear if you throw something at me ONE more time I WIL BREAK YOUR NOSE!" Anna threatened, half yelling at her younger brother. Gabriel put up his hands in defeat.

"No lucifer you just missed the turn off!" Michel scolded. "Well I'm sorry mister navigator! You are supposed to tell me where to go!" Lucifer defended

"No I told you! Elvis came out with more records then the stupid Beatles!"

"The Beatles aren't stupid! Your stupid!!!" Cas sighed and turned up his music to drown out the sounds if his bickering siblings. This was going to be a long summer.


They arrived at their summer house and cas almost jumped out of the car window. he grabbed his stuff, ran inside to his room and flopped down on his mattress. He heard his sibling filing into their proper rooms with all their stuff. Cas heard a door slam, and he suspected it was Anna's. She had almost strangled Gabe in the car, and now she was probley trying to get away from him. Gabe was a royal pain in the ass. Castiel was setting up his room when he heard a knock on his door.

"Come in!" He said. The door opened and Balthazar walked in.

"Heya there Cassie. How things going?" His brother said, his thick English ascent echoing throughout the mostly empty room.

"Good, you?"

"Same." There was and erie silence before bal spoke up.

"You know cas, you should really go out and make some friends. I'm worried about you. Ever since samandriel died, you've been less active."

"Well what was i supposed to do. Go out all smiles and rainbows and just think everything was fine, that God did that for a reason?!" cas shot at his brother who shook his head 

"Well no, but you could come and socialize with your family once and a while."

"I do!" Cas said, looking at his brother.

"But you need to do it more often. We barely see you 'cause you are up in your room hiding." Cas sighed and sat down on his bed.

"I miss him, bal. I really do." Cas said putting his head in his hands. His brother sat beside him, and put a hand on his back.

"I know, cas. I know." Just then, gabe came up and ran into cas's room.

"Guys! we have new neighbors!"


Well there y'all have it! Sorry it's so short. But please vote/comment/ like. Please!!!!

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