an unpleasent visit

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castiel walked up the steps to his grandparents house. he looked up at the old knocker as a ball formed in his throat. they were going to ask him about his love life. they were going to tease him about having a girlfriend. his family didn't even know about dean. not even balthazar. he froze up, staring at the door in fear. he didn't even hear his sister calling his name

"castiel!" she cried as he snapped out of it, turning to her


"aren't you gonna knock?" she asked as he nodded, slowly bringing up a hand to knock on the door. a couple seconds later his grandmother opened the door. she smiled brightly. her sea blue eyes shone with happiness when she saw them. her frail, white hair pulled back into a neat bun on the back of her head, keeping the hair our of her face.

"oh my favourite grandchildren!" she exclaimed, hugging them before ushering them inside. it smelt like cigars and air freshener. it wasn't the best smell but it brought back so many memories for castiel he couldn't help but smile. they all were stripped from their coats and shoes and made their way into the living room where castiels grandfather was sitting in his recliner, watching the football game with a cigar in between his teeth. he looked over as a big fat grin appeared on his face

"i was wondering when i was gonna see my favourite grandchildren next!" he exclaimed, getting up and giving them all a bear hug. he was a bigger man with little to no hair. and little hair he had was all combed back all neat and nice, his face clean shaven like always. castiel smiled. they all sat down as anna and lucifer went to help in the kitchen

"so, what have you kids been up to?" their grandfather asked as balthazar (with the help of gabe and uriel) started to tell the whole story of what they had been doing and the trouble they had been getting into since they had last seen their grandparents. castiel sat beside his brothers, listening silently. well half listening that is. he was zoned out, too busy thinking about dean. eventually anna and grandmother called for the boys to get ready for dinner. gabe and urial raced to the bathroom to see who could wash their hands first, lucifer and balthazar following close behind. he waited for them to finish before walking into the bathroom himself to wash his hands. we all sat down at the dining room table, grandmother and anna having put the food down. they had made ham, mashed potatoes with gravy and carrrots and broccoli. we all settled down as grandmother smiled at yus

"let us pray" she said as we all held hands, closing our eyes

"dear lord, thank you for this wonderful food and the chance for us to be able to see our wonderful grandchildren again, all of them growng up big healthy and strong" grandmother said "amen" she said as they all chimed in

"amen" to cas, it didnt feel right to be praying anymore. he didnt belive in god that much. not after what had happened to mother and father. he even found himself glaring at the photo of jesus that was hanging on the sand coloured walls of the dining room. the mashed potatoes got passed around along with the gravy. he grabbed a spoonfull, slapping them onto his plate.

"so castiel, found yourself a nice girl yet?" grandmother asked as he froze. there it was. the question he was dreading to answer the entire time he was there. he slowy shook his head, grabbing a couple slices of ham

"and why not? im sure all the girls in your nrighbourhood are just fawning over you. i mean look at how handsome you are!" as the boasting began. grandmother always got like this whenever they talked about relatonships.

"hah yeah. cas is getting all the girls" uriel snickered as anna kicked him in the shin.

"ow!" he hissed as lucifer gave him a glare, making him shut up.

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