The mysterious boy next door

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Cas looked out his window and saw a moving truck out infront of the house next to theirs.

"Hey cas. Maybe they will have a kid your age. You guys could be friends." Balthazar said walking over to the door. "You never know." And with that he walked into the long hallway. Cas sighed, turned his music back on, and continued unpacking.

About half an hour later, cas heard the sound of an old car engine. He looked out the window to see a black '67 Chevy impala drive into the driveway of the new neighbors house. As he watched, three people got out of the car. A man and two boys, the older one looked about cas's age and the younger one looked about gabe's age. The older one had sparking green eyes and a mischievous smile. The green eyes beauty walked around and opened the trunk of the car. He passed a green duffle bag to his dad and one to his brother. He picked one up himself, closed the trunk and walked inside. cas's heart did a summer salt as he kept his eyes fixed on the boy until he disappeared inside the house. 

"oh no. he's hot" he muttered to himself "I'm screwed" 


3 days had passed and cas had finally built up the courage to talk to his green eyed Prince Charming. He was lying out on the front lawn one sunny morning, with his arm draped over his eyes. Cas walked up and stood their for a few moments, waiting to see if the boy would notice him. He didn't so cas cleared his throat. The boy took his arm off his eyes and propped himself up on his elbows. He looked at cas and smiled.

"Hi. Can I help you?" He asked. Cas shifted his weight before answering.

"Um... Hi. I just live in that house over there and I wanted to greet you." He said lamely. The boy stood up and faced cas.

"I see. Well thanks for that." He said. Cas put out his hand.

"Castiel Novak." The boy took his hand and shook it.

"Nice to meet you Castiel. I'm D..-" he was cut off by some yelling inside the house. He sighed.

"That's me, I guess. Well It was nice meeting you Castiel. See ya 'round!" He said walking away. He got to his front door, turned around and gave one last wave before disappearing inside his house.


The day after castiel had met the green eyed boy, it had rained. It rained for 4 days straight. Cas was itching to go and talk to his neighbor again. Wanting to know his name. He came up with all the possible names that stared with the letter 'd'. Daniel. David. Dan. Danny. Daniel. Don. Drake. Davie. But the boy just didn't suit those names. Cas sighed and sat down on his bed. He gave up.

Wow. I can't believe that I've been calling him a beauty and Prince Charming! I'm not gay. I'm not gay. IM. NOT. GAY! Cas thought to himself one day. he groaned and fell back on his bed, staring up at the ceiling when he remembered Balthazars words.

You know cas, you should really go out and make some friends. I'm worried about you. Ever since samandriel died, you've been less active.

I'm trying brother. I am.

Cas was lying on his bed when he heard Anna calling everyone down for dinner. Cas grumbled and stood up. He skunked downstairs, careful not to get run over by Gabriel and Raphael racing downstairs. He got downstairs and sat in his usual spot beside lucifer. Anna had set the table and made dinner like every other night that their parents weren't home. Tonight she had made chicken, salad, pasta and baked carrots. After they said grace, they dug in.

"Wow Anna! This is amazing!" Balthazar said which made Anna blush.

"I have to agree with bal. you are getting way better at cooking!" Michel said, with a mouth full of salad.

"You know what would have been good with this salad? Candy!" Gabe said and everyone cracked up. He looked around the table at his siblings. "What? It would!" He objected.

"Gabe you say that about everything!" Anna said between laughs. The rest of dinner, the Novak's where laughing and talking like a normal family should. After dinner, cas and bal where stuck with doing the dishes. While he was washing there was a knock at the door. Anna, who was in the living room, walked over and answers it. Cas looked over and saw that his green eyed neighbor was at the from door. Cas gave a small smile. He couldn't really tell what him and Anna where talking about but he saw the boy give her and envelope. Cas couldn't see Anna's face but he could tell that she was flirting with their neighbor. Tonight he was wearing a Kiss shirt with a Brown leather jacket overtop of it. He also had jeans on with some sneakers.

Wow. Cas thought he is so adorable. He scolded himself. Just do the dished and forget about the cute boy standing on your front porch.!

As the boy left, Anna gave her best flirty wave and closed the door.

"What's that?" Cas asked as she walked into the kitchen. "The stupid mail man accidentally gave them the wrong mail." She shook her head as she threw it down on the counter.

"He's cute tho" Anna said and cas realized she was talking about the green eyes boy.

"Did he tell you his name?" Anna shook her head. "Nope just said, 'nice to meet you Anna but I gotta go so bye!' And left." She said, doing her best guy voice.

"OHHHH!!!! Anna has a crush!" Gabe sang as he came into the kitchen, walking over to the fridge

"Shut up gabe." Anna said.

"You know. You two are like an old married couple. Always bickering." Balthazar said, putting the last of the dishes away and grabbing and apple.

"WE ARE NOT!" Both if them said at the same time. Bal chuckled and took a bit of his apple.

"Are two!" He said walking upstairs. Anna sighed and looked over at cas.

"You can go two if ya want." Cas nodded and walked upstairs. He fell down on his bed, his head hitting the wall.

"Ow." He said, rubbing the back of his head. He stood up and walked over to his desk. He picked up his drawing book, his good pencil and eraser, sat back down on his bed, and started drawing 

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