Happiest time of my life ( well other then that one time....)

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3 days. That's how long it took for someone to catch on dean and Castiel were dating. The first person to catch on? Sam. He instantly knew something was up the next time he saw the two together. They acted......well a bit different, per say. A little closer then usual since whenever they were walking beside one another their arms would occasionally brush and the two would glance at one another before looking back ahead of them. Also when they ever sat on the couch they sat a bit closer then usual, like what couples would do when they sat together. Soon pieces started to fit together in Sam's mind and he figured it out in the matter of days.

So One day while John was out dean and Sam were sitting in the living room, Sam watching cartoons and dean reading when one and one were put together in Sam's mind. He gasped, slapping his hand down on the chair, making dean jump

"You are dating!" He exclaimed looking to dean who looked at his younger brother with a scared sort of look

"Uh Sammy you feeling ok?"

"I'm fine! Fantastic!" He said "so is it true?!" He asked as dean started reading again

"Is what true?"

"That you and cas are dating?!"he said making dean freeze

"W-what?" He asked as Sam crossed his arms

"Don't you dare lie to me dean Winchester. I am your brother and I deserve to know!"

"Ok Jeeze Sammy!" He grumbled "yes I am"

"I knew it!" Sam exclaimed, clapping his hands as dean sunk down further into the couch, holding his book up so it covered his face making Sam laugh.


Dean had made Sam promise not to tell john or anyone else for that matter. They were trying to keep it a secret for as long a possible, not knowing how anyone else would react. They felt a bit bad keeping if from Balthazar but they couldn't risk anything that would potentially ruin their relationship. Most days they would go into the forest to a little clearing that they had called theirs and sit, talking about anything and everything really. They would sometimes have little arguments which turned into play wrestling which turned into kissing. It was like paradise. Well while it lasted that is.

One night dean walked inside after going on a walk around town with cas to find john waiting for him, his arms crossed. He did not look impressed. Dean stopped and looked at his dad

"Um hi?" He said as john scowled more. He looked like he had a bad day. There were rings under his eyes and dean could tell he was stressed.

"You think this is some kind of game, do you?" He demanded as dean frowned

"What do you mea...-"

"You know what I mean boy!" John yelled making dean jump. His heart was pounding

'Please no. No no no no he couldn't have found out. Please Not now.' He thought as john stepped forwards

"You think this is funny?!" He yelled as dean flinched

"Dad I don't know what you're talking abo..-" he said as john growled

"You do and you better bloody well better fess up or you are going to be in big trouble young man" dean stood tree for a second before taking a deep breath

"Castiel and I are not dating" he said in a strong, confident tone due to the fact his heart was racing. John scowled more, taking another step forwards till he was about a foot away from his eldest son, fire dancing in his eyes

"You're not lyin to me, are ya, son?" He asked as dean shook his head without hesitation.

"No dad" he said

"You better not" he growled, backing up and turning around. Dean accidentally muttered something about parents being the worst at understanding things. John spun on his heels, all his anger and sorrow and annoyance from the past 3 days taking over as his fist connected with deans jaw, making the boy stumble, holding his face. John backed up, his hands shaking as dean looked at him, his eyes filled with fear. John realized what he did and his eyes widened as he looked to his eldest son

"Dean I..-" he started but dean turned on his heels, throwing open the door and sprinting out of the house into the now poring rain.

"DEAN!" John exclaimed, running after him but stopping at the front porch. Dean sprinted down the street, hot tears streaming down his face. He ran past Castiel's house, cas just so happening to be outside grabbing something from the car. He looked up as dean ran past, not even bothering to stop. His face burned where john had punched him as he could hear Castiel calling his name.


*evil smile*

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