Chapter 3

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Chapter 3.

Hale P.O.V.

What the heck was nick doing here??  I heard Macey say “Wait, you guys know each other?” I looked at Nick and replied “You could say that. He has a talent of turning up whenever we either don’t want him there or he knows something we don’t but need to know, if you catch my drift Macey?” She nodded and went and sat with the other girls. “So, Macey wanna introduce us to these fine looking ladies, and erm tough looking guys (?)”  She looked up shocked that she hadn’t aready and said “Oh yea! Well, this is Bex, Liz and Cammie,” she pointed at an exotic one first, then someone who looked like a nerd and then a plain Jane, and then carried onto the boys saying, ‘this is Grant, Jonas, Zach and you obviously know Nick’ she pointed at someone who looked like a shed he was so built, then another nerd and then Zach who looked like a ladies man to say the least, she then continued to introduced me and Kat by saying, ‘Guys, this is Kat and Hale, I met them at a charity thing that my Mum and Dad dragged me to”.

Cammie P.O.V.

“…. Dragged me to” She was lying! Or at least partially. I made it my mission to find out what really happened, or who they really are, I know the Hale guy is rich, but I’ve never heard of Kat, I’ll get Liz to search her! I looked at Bex and Liz through the corner of my eye, and noticed them giving Macey a strange look, and knew they were thinking the same as me, I then saw Bex look at me through the corner of her eye and nod ever so slightly so no-one would notice and knew she was thinking the same as me.

After a few minutes (3minutes 43 seconds) of awkward silence, I heard Macey say “Okay then, we all have our drinks, so why don’t we play a game? Oh I know!! Truth or dare!” I inwardly groaned, the one game I really hated to play!! We all sat in a circle it went, Macey, Nick, Bex, Grant, Me, Zach, Kat, Hale, Liz and Jonas. Macey had gone and got an empty bottle of coke and placed it in the middle of our circle and spun it. It landed on Hale.

“Hale, truth or dare” We all turned to him and saw a twinkle in his eye, and he had a slight smirk on his face, nothing like the sexy smirk that is nearly always attached to Zachs face, but a smirk never the less. He thought about it for 28 seconds before saying “Well Macey, I think I’m going to have to go with dare, don’t wanna look like a wimp around everyone here!”

Macey smiled an evil smile, the one she only ever uses when she has a really good dare or an evil question for the truths. “Okay then Hale, I dare you to make out with the person you find hottest here for exactly 5 minutes, and we’ll be timing you!” Hale smirked back at her, turned to Kat and started to make out with her, right in front of us! I hope Macey was keeping track of the time, as I was too busy hiding myself in Zach, shaking with laughter at the look on Kats face when he turned to her – a girl from my own heart, doesn’t realise her good looks! After 5 minutes I heard Macey cough, and Hale detached himself from a very red in the face Kat. He then spun the bottle, it landed on Zach. I groaned – whenever he gets dared it always involves me in one way or another! Hale smirked and said “Right Zachy poo,  truth or dare?” He looked at me, smirked and said with confidence “Well boy I’ve only just met but think I will get on with, I’m gonna go with Truth as I know my Gallagher Girls hates it when I get dared to do something that involves her!” I blushed at how caring he is, and gave him a peck on the cheek. I then turned to hale to see what he was going to ask.

“Okay then, how do you really feel about Cammie?”

I gasped, was I finally about to find out how I really felt to him?! I mean, I think I know how I feel to him, but you can never really be sure until you ask. I saw Zach smirk even more and turn to me. I looked into his gorgeous green eyes. He stared back down at me and smiled, yes actual smileage, and said “Gallagher Girl, Cammie, I love you more than I have loved any one in my life, you are my soul mate and if anything was to ever happen to you, I don’t know what I’d do, go crazy maybe! I love you Gallagher Girl!” OH…… MY……GOD!! He loves me! He actually loves me! That was so beautiful! I could feel the tears of happiness spring into my eyes, as I forgot about the circle of people sitting round me, and did something totally not me and sprung myself on Zach, kissing him like there was no tomorrow. I won’t go into details as I know you don’t wanna know them, but let’s just say it took Bex whispering in my ear that she was gonna pour icy water over my in 3.4 seconds if I didn’t break away when I did! Once I’d realised what I’d done, I blushed crimson red and hid myself in Zach’s harm as I heard him chuckle. I heard Macey clear her throat and say “Okay, after that cute, yet disgusting show of PDA, Zach would you please spin the bottle so we can get onto the next Truth or Dare!” And with that Zach spun the bottle and it landed on………

Okay guys! So what did cha think? Good, bad? Please review what you thought of the dare etc. Also, feel free the review who you think the next person is gonna be and what you want the dare to be! If I pick one, they WILL be mentioned in the beginning of the next chapter. Happy reading J xx

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