Chapter 11!

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Chapter 11!

Cammie’s P.O.V.

I awoke to the sound of Macey on the phone with someone, and groans coming from the corner of the room. What the hell happened to me?! Then, with the blink of an eye, I remembered what happened; all the memories from the summer came tumbling down on me. My opened with a flash, and I sat up so fast I got head rush! As soon as I had made movement I felt 11 pairs of eyes on me. I looked at Zach first, to see the worry in his eyes, then at Macey and the phone.

“Is that my mum?” I asked. Macey nodded and I held my hand out for the phone.

“Erm, Mrs Morgan, Cam’s just come round and she wants to talk to you. Should I put her on?”

I heard my mum scream down the phone to put me on, and Macey rushed over and gave me the phone – trust me, no-one wants to get on that bad side of Rachel Morgan with the safety of her family is at risk!!

I hesitantly put the phone to my ear, took a deep breath and spoke into the phone.

“Hey Mum”

Cammie? Are you okay? What happened?”

“I’m fine mum, calm down. We were playing a game of truth or dare, and everyone had, had a go so we were just going in a random order, when I felt a presence, like something shouldn’t be there so I using the family heritage instincts and looking round the place but couldn’t see anything, then when Zach asked if I was okay, I looked outside and saw Catherine. She asked if I wanted the cure for what they did to me over the summer, I said I didn’t as it’s not as easy to unremember something as it is to remember something. I said that I didn’t want to remember anything, and then I was saying things that I didn’t remember, such as how they tortured me, tricked me into thinking Bex and Zach we’re dating, about dad and stuff. Then I thought back over the summer and was bombarded with memories, of everything.”

At this moment, I stood up and left the room, I could feel the tears brimming my eyes and I didn’t want the be in the room and have everyone see me cry, I don’t mind my sisters or Zach seeing me cry, they’ve seen it before, but I don’t want the others, I especially don’t want Catherine to see me cry, showing weakness.

What do you mean you remember everything Cammie? Dr. Wolf said it would be impossible for you to remember everything! She said if you hadn’t remembered anything after a couple of months, you probably wouldn’t remember anything, especially after you stopped hearing the music!”

I cringed at that memory, I didn’t want to remember how Dr. Steve had, hypnotised (?) me into trying to commit suicide!

“I don’t know Mum! All I know is one minute I was talking about what had happened, and the next minute I’m remember, and oh my god mum, there was so much pain, I was screaming from just remembering it!! And then, I passed out from what I guess was the extent of what I was remember, I mean it was a whole summer!”

Okay Cammie calm down, me and Abby are going to come down there, to see if your alright and deal with Catherine. Speaking of Catherine, what have you done with her, or what did the others do to her?”

Well before i blacked out, I saw most of them rushing at her, and her screaming for mercy from Zach, and then when I woke up she looked to be double handcuffed to the table and piping – which is pretty smart actually!”

Right, okay Cammie, stay where you are! I mean it, me and Abby will be there in about 50 minutes – Macey has a helipad on top of her house doesn’t’ she? We’ll take the Gallagher Helicopter and be there soon! Let everyone else know, even the people who aren’t like us. I’ll see you soon Kiddo, I love you!”

“Bye Mum, love you too” and then I hung up.

I walked back in the room where everyone was to see they were all standing in a line facing Catherine, who was sat up the floor, with 95% of her covered in cuts and bruises. When they heard me approaching they turned round, I smiled weakly at them, and wiped my eyes again, making sure there were no remains of me ever crying.

I cleared my throat and got ready to talk.

“Hey guys, my mums worried about me, so her and aunt Abby are gonna take the Gallagher helicopter and come here, mum said you had a helipad on you roof Macey and they would land on that, and that they would be here in 50 minutes. Now I don’t know about you lot, but I’ve really gone off the game of truth or dare we were playing, so could me please just put the game on pause and watch DVDs or something?”

They all agreed, and then looked at Catherine.

“Well, we can’t move her, she’ll kick up a fuss and one of us would get seriously injured! Macey, do you have something we could put round her so we don’t have to look at her evil face, I may have remembered my summer, but that doesn’t mean I want to be reminded of it!”

Macey rushed out of the room and came back with a partitioner, we put it round Catherine, making sure that she can’t see out of it, but we could see in it! We all got settled on the sofa, me snuggling into Zach, needing the comfort of him after what I remembered. We decided on Pitch Perfect. It’s a fun film, with a slightly serious story line! I love this film, its got such a good mix of music etc. We were just getting to the first round of the competition when there was a knock on the door. We all looked at each other and screamed not it. The last person to say it was Liz, which meant she had to go answer the door. I was went back to watching the film, and was happily singing along to the Bella’s, when I heard someone clear their throat.

I looked up to see mum and Aunt Abby. I don’t know where they came from, but as soon as I saw mum my eyes instantly brimmed with tears and mum opened her arms. I clambered out of Zach, and rushed into my mums arms, with Aunt Abby putting her arms round both us. We stayed like for a few minutes, with me silently crying onto mums shoulder!  We would have stayed like this for ever if it hadn’t been for Bex clearing her throating. We looked at her, and asking without Cameron looks ‘What was so important you had to interrupt this?!” look. I saw Bex shrink away a little and look towards where Catherine was being hidden.

“I was just wondering what we were going to do with piece of scum?”

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