Chapter 6

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Cammie P.O.V.

Grant spun the bottle and it landed on….. ME!

Oh crap! I looked up in panic at Grant to see he had a mischievous smirk on his face! I sneaked a look at Zach and saw he looked slightly panicked.

"Cammie, Truth or Dare?”

“Erm dare?” I said uncertainly – not that I was scared or anything!! His smirk instantly increased. Oh shite!

“Okay then Cammie, it won’t be too bad as I don’t want Zachy here to beat me up, so I’m just gonna dare you to make-out with Zach for 5 minutes flat!”

Okay, so as far as Grant dares go, that’s not too bad, but making out with Zach for 5 minutes – with other people in the room is gonna be awkward!! I mean, we’ve made out before but only ever when we were on our own!! Anyways, I turned to Zach, who was smirking as per usual; I flashed him a shy smile, before climbing into his open arms and on his lap. I slowly tilted me head up to meet his lips. It began, soft, sweet innocent. Then the hunger took over, soon there was not enough space between us, not enough air. I could feel Zach’s hands creeping up my back, while my hands where too busy feeling his sculpted abs. I faintly heard someone clear their throat but we just carried on, it wasn’t until I felt myself be pulled away from Zach, that I realised just how carried away we’d gotten. I felt my cheeks instantly heat up from embarrassment at the way my old and new friends where staring at me and Zach - I looked at him to see his lips, swollen but still smirking, damn him and his smirking!!

To take the attention away from me and Zach, I spun the bottle and it landed on…………. Macey!

“So Macey,Truth or Dare?”

Macey smirked and said “Like you have to ask Cam, it’s got to be a dare!”

YES!!! I have the perfect dare for Macey. I felt a giant smile creep on my face, and saw the panic in her eyes when she saw my smile.

“Everyone, I need you to stay here, I’ll be back in approximately 3 and a half minutes! Bex, I need you to come with me!” I saw Macey become even more worried, and Bex smile an evil smile when I asked her to come with me!

We walked around the beach house just chatting but secretly exchanging ideas, did I mention that Bex and I had come up with a secret code to exchange dare ideas without anyone knowing and she loved me idea! We soon found Macey’s parents room and went to the wardrobe – JACKPOT!! Macey’s mums clothes. We picked out the cringe worthy outfit in there, smirking we went and picked out shoes to go with it and heading back to the group.

Macey P.O.V

When I saw them coming back in with one of my mom’s campaign tour outfits I groaned!  They came in and sat back in their places, Cammie holding the outfit.

She then looked at me, smiled and said “Macey, I dare you to put this outfit on, like Bex put your hair in a sophisticated style, go to the same person that Bex was dared to go to, and convince them to vote McHenry in the next elections!”

That evil b****!! OMG I am gonna get her when I get her in this game! I went into the toilet and got changed, then came out and let Bex do my hair. I then made my way to the door, the others following. I let them go ahead and hide in good places before I went ahead and knocked on the door.

“FOR GODS SAKE!! IF I HAVE ONE MORE PERSON KNOCK ON THIS DOOR I’M GOING TO COMMIT A CRIME!!’ I heard the person shout before he opened the door and his eyes shoot open with shock. “…………………… Miss. McHenry, I’m not actually going to commit a crime, I was just annoyed, I swear!!!”

I held my hand up for him to stop talking, which he did almost instantly. I then said “Don’t worry about it! Your secrets safe with me! I’m here to see if I can convince you to vote for McHenry in the next elections. As you know, my father, the senator is still running, and every vote is crucial!! Can I count on your vote to help us in the running?”

The whole time I was looking into his eyes, and could see the different emotions running through his head.

After about 3 minutes the man said “Err sure, you can definitely count on my vote!”

I smiled perfect, clear smile and said “Thank you. Sorry for any inconvenience! Bye now” And with that I turned and walked back down the drive and back to my beach house. When the door was closed I counted 20 seconds before I heard the sound of the gang following me.

When we got back to the house, I walked straight into my room, took off the hideous outfit and put some denim shorts on with a tank top with the words ‘Love New York, Hate LA’ on and some sandals. I took my hair out of the style Bex put it in and chucked into a pony tail. I then went back to the group, sat in my spot and the spun the bottle. It spun, and spun and spun and landed on………………………..

Double Crossed - When Macey and Kat play Truth or Dare!!Where stories live. Discover now