Chapter 28!!

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A.N, So i know i that i havent go the reviews i wanted before i updated, but i'm in such a writing mood recently that i just really wanted to update this!! So, as i said in the AN for the previous chaper, this one is going to all be about how Kat and her family came to be friends with Steve, and what kind of jobs he was giving them to do. I hopeyou enjoy this chapter. PLEASE READ THE AN AT THE BOTTOM!!! Happy Reading!!!

P.S. You will need to re-read chapter 25 for all of this to make sense!! I've changed some of the content in that chapter!!!


Chapter 28!!

Kats P.O.V.

"We have to tell Rachel!! If we tell her what we know about Steve, it might change her mind about sending Cammie away with them!"

"We won't have enough time to go and tell her!! And you know that Rachel will send Cammie away, she'd rather risk the life of one person, than of thousands!! Even if it is her daughter!"

I had to admit, that Gabrielle had a point there! But what could i do? I can't just let Steve get away with it!!

It had be 10 minutes since we'd been sent out of Rachels office, surely to Steve should have come storming out, or Cammie should have come out crying. We were just sat there thinking, when the first time i met Steve popped into my head.

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Flashback to when Kat met Steve ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

"Kiddo, come here!! I have a friend i want you to met!" i heard shouted up the stairs.

"Coming Dad!" I quickly put the plans away for the Henley, and ran downstairs, shutting the door for my room on way.

When i got the kitchin, i could see my dad, sitting at the table, and a man sat opposite him. He had a roundish, reddish face and looked like quite a happy man, he had a huge smile on his face. He also looked like quite a small man, he was shorter than my dad for sure.The two men were deep in conversation, so i cleared me throat and Dad looked up at me.

"Oh, there you are Kiddo!! Steve, this is my daughter, Katerina, otherwise known as Kat, Kat, this is Steve, we were friends at School, not best friends, you had 2 other best friensd, if i remember correctly, he's here just cos he needs our services!"

"Wheres Uncle Eddie Dad? Normally people that need our help have to go through Uncle Eddie first, and he decides who does the job!"

"Well, Katerina, because Steve is a old friend of mine, i didn't think it had go through the normal roots."

"Okay Dad, whats the job then?" I asked while sitting down next to him.

"Well, Kat, i actually been told yet. Steve wants us to both do it, says he needs your help to do it as well."

"Oh, okaii. So, Steve, what is it you need OUR help with then?"

"Well, actually its serveal jobs. I need you to get a few things for me! One of them is at Cambridge University, London, when thats done, call me, and i'll give you the next one. Katerina, i'll need your one in particular one, but it will be with your dad. I need to keep an eye out for this person." he said while handing me a picture of a pretty much plain girl, she had shortish hair, which was honeyish, but had clearly been dyed that colour, he roots were pitch black, she was dressed in quite ordinary cloths, and looking back, looking for something.

"Whats so special about this person? She looks so ordinary!"

"There is nothing ordinary about this girl Katerina!! Just be careful, that she doesnt see you!!"

"Okay, okay, but what am i watching her for? Do i need to steal something from her? What?!"

"No. Theres nothing you need to steal from her, but she will lead you to something that i need you to steal. I can't explain what it is that you need to take, but your know it when you see it!"

Steve then looked at his watch.

"I'm very sorry, but i have to go now, good luck on your job, any problems, call me. I gave you my number."

With that he stood up and walked out of the kitchin. A second later i heard the door open and then close.

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ End of Flashback ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

I was suddenly awoken from my little trip down memory lane, from the door to the room we were sat in opening and closing. And what would you guess, it was Steve!!

"Why, hello Steve. It's been a while! I'm sorry i didnt complete your job as much as you wanted me to, but she was very good at not being seen, and had i known i would later become friends with her, i most certainly wouldnt have even agreed to do that job for you in the first place!!"

"Always as out spoken i see Katerina. And you pretty much just answered the question i wanted to ask you. Now that i know the answer to one part, let me ask you the next part of the question; Where is Cammie now?!"

"What do you mean wheres Cammie? Shes supposed to be in the office with you and her family!"

"Well, she went to go and pack, and never came back!! That was 30 minutes ago!"

"Well we havent seen her!"

"Are sure Katerina? I'm sure your father and Uncle Eddie wouldnt want to know that you've been hanging out with spies!!"

"Oh, well Steve, thats were your wrong!! They already know, and we're having a family discussion about it when i go home, when we're finished here!"

I could see the shock on his face that they already knew, like he couldnt believe i would have the balls to tell them!! I am a thief for crying out loud!! I have to be quite confident and outspoken

"Well, if you see her, come and find me and tell me!!"

I just nodded and he walked off! There is no way in hell was i going to tell Steve if i saw Cammie, i dont want him to kill Cammie!!


AN. So there we have it!! I know its not as exciting as my previous chapters, but people have asked for a chapter on how Kat and Steve know each other. Now, i hate to be this kind of person, but i am dissappointed by the lack of reviews my latest chapters are getting, i have had one person continously reviewing my chapters, and they always make me smile! Please, if you read this chapter, review it, telling me what you thought of it, what you think needs improving, and what you want to happen in the next chapter!! The next chapters going to be continuing on from the preivous chapter with Z ach and Cammie running away.

Happy Reading!!

And dont forget the review!!


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