Chapter 4

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Chapter 4.

Recap: And with that, Zach spun the bottle and it landed on…

Cammie P.O.V.

Bex. Everyone saw the look in her eye and automatically knew that she was going to pick dare. I mean, this is Bex. I looked at Zach when he said " I know I don't need to ask Bex, but Truth or Dare".

As we looked at her, she acted torn, trying to decide. After a minute and 34 seconds she said "Well, I've come to the decision... that I'm going to do a bloody dare!"

She then looked at Zach, smirked and said "Give it your best shot Goode"

I saw Zach's eyes harden for a minute before he smiled and said "Okay then, Rebecca, I dare you to strip to your bra, and short shorts, go next door and ask if they have any spare sugar as you've run out and are doing some baking."

As soon as Zach had said strip, Bex's smirk had fallen, gone from her face. Grant exploded with rage until he heard the rest of the dare and was then rolling on the floor laughing. Bex then did as was told but before she left, us following, she turned to Zach and said "You're going to pay for this Goode, the dare and calling me Rebecca!"

With that we followed her, hiding behind the neighbour's front garden wall and watched as she walked up to the door. We heard the door open, and peeked up over the wall but so we couldn't be seen. We saw the man's eyes widen. Bex then cleared her throat and said "Excuse me Sir. But do you have any spare Sugar. I'm doing some baking, and I'm running low, you don't think I could get a cup do you?"

She said this in her flirty American accent – you wouldn't think she was British if you didn't know her beforehand!. The man looked her up and down, we could see that he was deciding weather to either give her the sugar or call the police. He gave Bex another admireing glance, at this we had to hold Grant down to stop him going and snapping his neck – which trust me he could! The man then replied "Errrr yeah, sure hang on one minute".

With that he closed the door and went and got the sugar. As soon as the door had closed, Bex looked over at us, gave us the evils and turned back to the door with a smile on her face. 2 minutes and 28 seconds later, the door reopened with the man standing there with a cup of sugar. Bex's smile widened and she said "Thank you sir, if the batch turns out well you can count on getting one!"

And with that she turned around, walked down the drive and back towards Macey's beach house. Once we'd all heard the door close we got up and followed Bex back to Macey's. Once we were all sat back down where we were, Bex took hold of the bottle and spun it.

It landed on….. Liz. Sweet little, country belle Liz. We all looked at Bex, then at Liz and back to Bex until Bex said "Okay Lizzy, Truth or Dare?" It was safe to say Liz was scared, it would either be an very embarrassing truth, or a dare where she'd end up hurting herself somehow! After 2 minutes and 04 seconds Liz hesitantly said "erm, I'll go with truth – at least I can't hurt myself this way!"

Bex smiled at her and said, "Don't worry Lizzy; I won't make it too hard. It's a simple one for me! Liz, who do you love most in this room?"

What shocked me most wasn't how easy the question was, but how shocked/worried she was about the question! I looked at Macey who looked at me, with the same look of shock. Liz stuttered until she said "Bex, do you mean love as in friend love or love as in love love?"

Bex thought for a minute and said "love love of course Lizzy!" The look of relief that crossed Liz's face was hilarious!

Liz blushed bright red and said "You already know the answer Bex!"

With that Bex smirked and said "Oh I know I just want you to say it"

With an evil glint in her eye, she winked at me and Macey. Liz then sighed and said "Okay, the person I love most in this room is obviously, Jonas!"

I'd never seen a guy blush so fast in my life! I could see everyone was trying to hold in their laughter while 'aww'ing at the same time! Liz then grabbed the bottle and spun it hard! The bottle spun, and spun and then spun some more before landing on… KAT!

She looked up and blushed a shy kinda blush when she realised it had landed on her. Liz then look up at her and said "Okay Kat, Truth or Dare?"

While we were waiting for Kat to decide, Hales phone rang, he excused himself for 5 minutes 47 seconds before coming back over and saying to Kat "Okay Kitty Kat, that was Simon, he was wondering if he could come and join because apparently Gabrielle is boring him to death with fashion and the Bagshaws and experimenting with things!"

Kat sighed, looked at Macey who said "The more the merrier," Kat then looked at Hale and said "Call him, back tell him he can come but he needs to tell the Bagshaws that if they destroy anything I'm banning them for 3 months!"

Hale nodded, walked out and come back 3 minutes exactly later. Macey then looked at Kat and Liz and said "Well guys, as we wait for this Simon guy to get here, so does anyone fancy Pizza or something?" And with that everyone walked into the kitchen and ordered a couple of pizzas while we waited for this Simon guy to get here!

Double Crossed - When Macey and Kat play Truth or Dare!!Where stories live. Discover now