Chapter 5

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Chapter 5.

Cammie’s P.O.V

Everyone had just finished eating the pizza we’d gotten when the doorbell rang. Macey and Kat went to answer it and came back with who I presume was Simon. He looked like any stereotypical geek would look like. From the short, dark brown curly hair, to the way his shirt was tucked in his dark blue jeans.

When everyone had finished staring at this guy Kat stepped forward and said “Guys, this is Simon, my nerd”

I stole a look at Jonas, and swore I saw a hint of jealously flash though his eyes at the word ‘nerd’ specially when I saw Liz’s eyes spark up at the same word!. When everyone had introduced themselves we went back into the room where we were playing truth or dare.  The circle now went Macey, Nick, Bex, Grant, Me, Zach, Kat, Hale, Simon, Liz and Jonas.

When everyone had settled down Macey clapped her hands and said “Kat, I believe we are waiting for an answer”

Kat nodded and said “Well, I don’t really know  you guys that well, but I’ve seen some of the dares so I’m gonna go with Truth “. Liz looked relieved at the idea of not having to come up with a dare, while everyone else looked disappointed, I think Hale was hoping for a dare to kiss him!!

Liz thought for a minute and said “Okay then, Kat, I don’t really know you that well, so I’m gonna say, What’s the craziest thing you’ve ever done?!”

Kats P.O.V.

“…… Craziest thing you’ve ever done?!”  Well, where the hell do I start?? From many there was the Henley, The Cleopatra gem, then that thing with Hales business!! I looked at Hale, and saw the same look of panic on his face, I turned to Simon and he too looked panicked. I then risked at glace at Macey and saw she was smirking, actually smirking!  The only way I was gonna answer this truthfully was to either tell them the truth or lie. I looked at hale, and told him with my eyes that I was gonna tell the truth, but twist it a little.

"Okay, I’d have to say the craziest thing I have ever done, was with these two, my cousin and some family friends. We were bored and decided to do something, crazy, we thought about it for like an hour before deciding we were gonna plan to steal the Cleopatra gem! Obviously we didn’t do, but someone did, didn’t they? They must have been smarter than us! But yea, that’s the craziest thing I’ve ever done!”

Everyone looked at me stunned, so I just spun the bottle and waited to see who it landed on. It landed on………………………….Grant! I know that I don’t really know these people that well but I think I had the perfect dare for this guy. I saw Bex inching to talk to me but I just went ahead and said “Grant, Truth or dare??”

He looked at me incredulously and said “Look, Kat I know you don’t know me that well so let me tell you something, I ALWAYS take Dares!”

My smirk only grew when I said “I hoped you would say that. I dare you to go to the first guy who’s name begins with ‘T’, call them and tell them that your secretly gay and that there your gay crush!” When I finished saying that, I was smiling that a kid on Christmas, and everyone but Grant was rolling around on the floor laughing their heads off!

Grant’s P.O.V.

After receiving my dare, I sat there stunned for 49 seconds before getting my phone out and scrolling down to ‘T’, oh brilliant it had to be Tyler! I glared at Kat and hit call, I put the phone on speaker and waited until he answered.

After 4 rings he answered and said ‘Yo, what’s up man’

I replied “Hey man, I gotta tell you something”

‘………….. okay, what’s up dude?’

“I’m gay”

‘…….Your what?!’

“Gay. And I’ve had the biggest crush on you for about a year and a half now. “

‘……….. Erm Grant, hate to tell ya this but I don’t float that way man, I mean I’m honoured – creeped the f.. Out but honoured. I’m sorry man’

While Tyler was talking I was eye begging Kat for me to tell him it was a dare, she unwillingly said I could, I breathed out a sign of relief!.

“DUDE! You thought I was serious!! You know I love my British bombshell – sorry to burst your ‘honoured’ bubble but it was a dare, gotta go – see you at Blackthrone hellschool!” and with that I hung up.

I looked up at Kat, who looked shocked that I’d actually done it and spun the bottle. It spun, and spun and landed on…………………………………………………

Double Crossed - When Macey and Kat play Truth or Dare!!Where stories live. Discover now