Chapter 21

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Chapter 21!

Zachs P.O.V.

So after 2 days of careful planning, negotiating and arguments we finally had our plan done to the last bullet point! Liz was going to track Cam down using the trackers they'd put in her, once we knew where she was, Hales private jet was going to take us there. When we were there, Kat and Gabrielle where going to figure out how to get in without being noticed, we would sneak Liz and Simon into a room with there laptops watching for security guards, checking that the cornors where safe and directing us to where Cam was being held, they would also find out if there was an airvent above it, if there was we would go throgugh that, if not then we would have the go the way we came. Once we knew where Cam was being held we would go and get Cam, and follow the plan if there was an airvent or the other plan for if there wasnt. As soon as we had Cam and everyone, we would get back onto the Jet which would then fly us to Gallagher. I cant believe this plan took 2 days to organsie but at least it seemed idiot proof and had back-up plans built in! I just hope my Gallagher Girl is okay.

Cammie's P.O.V

No. NO. It wasnt true!! My dad can not have been best friends with Steve Saunders! He can not be friends with the cheif tortureer. I sat there shocked. I saw Dr. Steve move towards me, as soon as he was about to touch me, i jumped away from his touch, punched him in the face and kicked him in the family jewels at the same time! After i did that the guard come and grabbed me round my torso, pinning my arms down to my side - as if that will stop me! I bucked my head back, hearing a satisfying crunch of a brocken nose and the splat of blood hitting the top of my head. He instantly let go of me, the other guard had started to make his way towards me, i round-house kicked him and he collapsed onto the floor, i next looked at Steve on the floor, cupping his area, i walked up next to him elbowed him in the back of the neck, and kicked him in the back of the head, i then went and opened the door and found my way back to my room. There was a new guard there, he looked at me, then looked behind me, questionably.

"Wheres John? Dr. Steve?"

"In the intergration room, knocked out cold, let me in my room, and then you can go and check on them!"

He looked at me unsure, before opening the door, locking it behind me and then going to check on them in the interegratiuon room.

I sat on my bed, just looking at the wall. How could that be true, surely my dad would have known better than to be friends with Steve. Surely he would have gotten a sixth sense about him as i always do with people, then again maybe i got that from mum.

I sat there staring at the wall for another 3 hours, just thinking, thinking of ways of breaking out of here, how my dad could have been friends with a main person in the COC. I must have been staring at the wall for a while because before i knew it, Steve was at the door, must be 3;15, afternoon session time. I looked away from the wall to register what injuries i'd give Steve, he looked bad - good! Once i'd looked at him, i went back to looking at the wall.

"Well Cammie, i've come to get you for your afternoon session, and this one will be back to normal and seeing as you broke the compromise we came up with, your going to have to keep your handcuffs on, and the avoid the risk of you going crazy on us again, your going to have your feet and torso strapped to the chair, and we're going to bring in our old friends, if you dont talk, then they will be used!"

I just shrugged my shoulders. I was in too much emotional pain for the physical pain to hurt me. Timothy, the new guard opened the door and came in. He put the handcuffs on my hands and ankle and stood me up. I was then chaperoned to the intergration room, when i entered i saw a table against the wall with all the torture tools that had been used on me last summer - yippee!

I was sat into the chair, they undid my handcuffs but held me into place as i locked into the chair, i think they did the one round my torso a little too tight on purpose but hey ho. The guards went and stood by the door and steve sat opposite me, just staring at me, i was looking right back at him. I didnt want him to know how much what he had told had effected me!

Once we had been having a staring competion for 10 minutes, Steve stood up and walked over to the table, fingering different tools, finally he decided on the whip. He came to stand next to me.

"So, Cammie? Care to tell me what it is i want to know?"

"For the thousanth time Steve, i dont know what you want. you alreafd have the list, what more could you want?"

Apprently, that wasnt the right answer as the whip came down, slicing open my thigh. Well this was going to be a long afternoon session.

When 5:15 rolled around, i was sliced, cut, burnt and whatever else they found to do to me, they unlocked me from the chair and handcuffed me again, they dragged me to back to my room, where my 'dinner' was waiting for me.

I couldnt help but think, if Zach and everyone doesn't hurry up, they might be a bit too late.


A.N. Soooooooooooooooo, long time no wirte ah. I am very sorry about that, but after my Grandma i kind of just lost all motivation to write or do anything really, so i am very sorry about that, but i think i migth be back now, i feel better, i came off my meds which is such a relief!

So, what did we think of the chapter? Did you expect any of it? What Cammie? What do you think is going to happen? Will Zach and the crew reach Cammie in time? What about Liz and Simon? Do you think something will go on between them when they come to carry out there plan in rescuing Cammie?

So, Question time!!

1. Did you all have a good Christmas?

2. What was your favourite and worst christmas present?

3. What do you think the Gallagher and Hesit people ask for Christmas?

My answers are:

1: My christmas was nice, very quiet and i was very spoilt - not sure if thats good or bad to be honest :/

2: My favourite is a toss up between my tablet and kindle, and my worst would be a toy bumblebee, from transformers.

3. I think they would ask for spy equitment and maybe certain things that will help them with their missions!

So, everyone if you have any questions please feel free to put it in a review, and if you have any ideas in what you want to happen in this story, please also feel free to review that as well!!

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