Chapter 20!!

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A.N. PLEASE READ THE AN AT THE BOTTOM AS WELL! I'm sooo sorry that its taken me so long to update this! I have meant to update earlier, but I've just had so much going on with my Grandma being ill and being taken back into the hospice and being told that she wont be going home again, I've been revising for my driving theory test (which I really should be doing now but I felt bad for not updating so I thought I'd take a break and do this chapter for you!) and then when I'm not revising or seeing my grandma I'm at work and training and overtime so my life pretty much not had any social life! I did plan on updating this yesterday but after I'd typed up the whole chapter the application that I was writing it up on stopped responding and i lost the whole chapter! It was so irritating! So, here it finally is, this chapter doesn't follow Hope you enjoy :) Happy Reading! :)

Chapter 20.

Cammie's P.O.V.

2 days, I've been here for 2 days and have not been rescued yet. I understand why I haven't, I mean Zach and everyone will have to plan this down to the last detail to prevent anything going wrong with this plan. I am keeping myself entertained though, the guards here are hilarious!

"Hey, John. How's it going today?"

As usual I was greeted by silence, this had become part of my usual routine, annoying the guards as much as possible! They never answer me, but I cant tell its working when either the vein in their neck is very prominent and twitching, or if they do finally snap and tell me to shut up etc.

"Did I ever tell about that time when I was having private study sessions with Zach and Joe? Yeah, they thought I had better have sessions on here, ya know the COC, just so I could be more prepared, well anyway, during one of those sessions they were about to tell me the biggest secret that the COC, apparently only select people actually know this secret, and because Zach is Catherine's son she told him, thinking she could trust him, and he told Joe and then they were about to tell me but my mother walked in just as they were about to so they didn't. You don't know this secret do ya?"

I was watching the vein on his neck very closely, it was twitching very hard, I'd say he was close to snapping - time to pull out my secret weapon, talking about Zach. You see, seeing as he's a top persons son, no-one really allowed to know anything about his personal life so this is a good way to seriously irritate them as they can get severally punished if anyone finds out that they know something about him.

"Hey, John, did I ever tell about the time Zach and I went on a secret dare? No-ones about this date. He took me to this big, posh restaurant and told me that he'd called ahead and ordered out main and had, had music organised so it would be romantic. We were just sat there talking, about anything that came to mind, some of it was really stupid really, anything i looked over his shoulder and saw a waiter coming towards us with a GIANT plate of spaghetti and meatballs, i looked at Zach then we a great big smile, lady and the tramp is one of my favourite films, and that is my favourite scene and then..."

"Would you please just SHUT UP! I don't care for any secrets you may or not know and I certainly don't care about..."

Before John could finish his sentence we could hear footsteps heading towards my room. Well by room I mean small square room with a small barred window, a bed with thin ripped sheets and some books, Harry Potter and Twilight to be exact, I mean talk about motivation about ways of escaping(!), I looked to the right and couldn't see anyone so I knew they must be coming from the left. I looked to where they were coming from and was greeted by a very horrible sight!

"Hey Steve. How's things going? Thought of any new ideas on way of getting me to remember something that I don't even know what you want me to remember?"

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