Chapter 10

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Chapter 10

Grant P.O.V!

They want me to tell them we’re spies! I can’t tell them we’re spies!! What the fuck am I gonna do?!

I looked round at the guys to see they all had looks of equal shock on their faces. I looked back at Hale, then looked at Kat and Simon to see they all had their own kind of smug look upon their faces!

“Do you mind if I talk to everyone else first? This kind of involves them as well.”

Hale looked thoughtful for a minute, nodded and walked out the room, followed by Kat and Simon. 1 minute later we heard the front door open and close. We then quickly scouted the area checking for anything that could record what we’re gonna say or record without audio which could easily be lip-read! We found 3 of each – I’ll give them something, there smarted and more sneaky than we gave them credit for. Seeing as it was my dare, I spoke up first.

“Okay guys, what are we gonna do. We can’t exactly revel that we’re spies in training! But I’ve never forfeited a dare in my life, and I don’t plan on starting anytime soon!”

We all looked at each other, all thinking of different possibilities and what to say. Cammie spoke up first.

“Why don’t you simply say that you’re the opposite of them. They wouldn’t necessarily mean spies; it could be a cop etc., I think that’s your best bet to be honest Grant.”

If she wasn’t so in love with my best friend, and me being in love with my British Bombshell I would have totally kissed her right then!

“Anyone got any other ideas?”

They all shook their heads – looks like we’ve got ourselves a plan then!

We all sat back down in our spots, while Macey went and got them. When they all came back in, we put our poker faces on, they looked slightly confused – HA they should be!

“Okay Grant, feel like enlightening us on what you are?” Hale asked questionably.

“Damn right I am! But I’m gonna say this first – I can only say the basics, I would get into some serious trouble if I gave you more than the basics.”

I looked up to see the guys still had their poker faces on, while Hale and that looked even more confused, before they looked at each other and nodded. This told me that they would accept them minimum that I could give them.

“Okay, so basically. We are the opposite of you! There ya go, that’s all I can give you!”

Everyone was sat in silence for a minute before they nodded.

I quickly spun the bottle and it landed on…………………………. ZACH!!

Zach’s P.O.V.

It landed on me – great(!)

My thoughts were suddenly taken away from my dare though. Cammie had stiffened next to me, and was looking wildly round the room – wonder what got into her?

“Gallagher Girl, are you alright?”  I whispered into her ear.

She continued to look around before she looked outside, her eyes widened in fear, then locked eyes with me.

“Of course she’s not okay Zachery, with you and her darling friends, and these people I’ve never met before constantly asking her – I bet she’ll never be okay again!”

A voice I hoped I’d never have to hear again replied, instead of my Cammie. I jumped to my feet when I first heard her voice.

“Mother, what are you doing here?  Thought you would have gotten your pain fix for the year already, what with what you did to Cammie over the summer! Cant you see that we’re having fun, why do you make it your personal mission to ruin everything that makes me happy?! First Joe, then Cammie, and now this! Why wont you just leave me alone, don’t you get that I don’t wanna know you!”

 I saw a look of hurt flash through her eyes when I said that. Ha good! She deserves it. I felt Cammie stand next to me, gripping my arm, in fear I presume. I also felt everyone else, even Hale, Kat and Simon come and stand by me.

“What do you want with me this time Catherine?”

Cammie P.O.V

“What do you want with me this time Catherine?” I said, with distaste dripping off every word I said.

I felt everyone look at me, wondering how I knew she wanted me I guess. I mean, its kind of obvious If you think about it.

She smiled wickedly at me – I automatically shivered with fear, as if that smile meant something to me! Something probably happened over the summer, that I cant remember. Just another thing!

“Good to know you remember that smile Cammie dear! I came here to see if you wanted to remember your summer? I have here the cure to what we did to you that made you forget, don’t you wanna know what fun we had, well I had, don’t you wanna know how your father denied us for so long, for you, and how we got him out of the way?”

I was stiff. I couldn’t move! I want to kill her!

“No! I don’t want to know! Someone once told me that there are things you cant unremembered, I don’t want to remember how you tortured me! How you tricked me into thinking my dad was still alive! How you tricked me into thinking my best friend was dating the guy I loved. But most importantly I don’t want to remember, how every morning you would come in and as me the same question, and when I wouldn’t answer, you would punish me!”

How do I know this?! How do I know what she did to me? I thought back over my summer, and was suddenly bombarded with memories, and pain so much pain. I screamed and blacked out. Last thing I remember seeing was Zach, Grant, Bex, Nick, Macey and Hale running at Catherine screaming to kill her, while she backed out screaming at Zach for mercy!

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