Chapter 14!!

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Chapter 14.

Abby P.O.V (YAY!)

I watched the bottle spinning, not really paying attention when it stopped spinning. And was pointing at me, oh yay.

I looked expectantly at Simon.

"Erm, okay well Truth or dare, miss?"

"First off, you can call me Abby; miss just makes me sound old! And I'm going to go with truth first I think" I said with a smile.

"Okay, well what's the one thing that you feel most guilty about?"

I looked at both Rachel and Squirt to see they both had tears slightly welling up in their eyes. They know what it is.

"Erm, tats a bit personal there Simon! But okay, I'm not one the back down, you guys know that, especially you Macey! The thing I feel most guilty about would be letting Matt, Cammie's dad and Rachel's husband, down when he needed me most. If I had been there for him when he actually needed me, he may still be here now!"

I could feel tears slowly rolling down my face, even now I still feel especially guilty about it!

There was an awkward silence after that until I got bored of it and spun the bottle. It spun and spun until it landed on….. SQUIRT!

Oh this will be fun! I looked up to see a look of shock and terror on her face when she realised it was me!

"Well squirt, truth or dare?"

"Well Aunt Abby, I think I'll go with dare – it should be interesting!"

"Okay, well I'm going to make this a group dare, for all you youngsters, not just the Gallagher and Blackthrone guys. I've called a couple of Gallagher alumni over here, just to make sure that there aren't any other Circle members hanging around the place, they are all disguised and have no idea of this mission. So….my dare to all of you is to get something from each member of the alumni without them knowing, describe what they look like and what they're wearing, and then meet back here. You all have an hour and a half to do this! Oh and don't bother coming back here until the hour and a half is over, as me and Rachel won't be here!"

I didn't tell them that we were leaving to head back to Gallagher to start the integration on Catharine, as I didn't want to upset squirt.

I looked up to see that they were all still shocked.

"Well what you waiting for guys? Maybe you should start planning and disguising yourself so there chance of them recognising you!"

Once I'd said that they all huddled in a group and started exchanging ideas, it's a good thing that I've included them all because then Kat and Hale can teach them some different techniques, like the ones they used at the Charity event where we first met. I snuck a glance at Rachel to see she was smiling as well, I hope she didn't mind that I took control on our exit strategy!

After 20 minutes I cleared my throat.

"Okay guys, it's time for you to go out and find it. I would give you comms units but if you tailing Gallagher Alumni I don't think that would be the greatest of ideas so instead I want you to text me there appearance and what you took of them, okay?"

There were murmured yes's and yeas and they went to Macey rooms, 10 minutes later a group of teenagers, I would recognise if I hadn't seen them walk in there walked out the door.

I looked at Rachel, she and she looked back at me.

"You ready to go interrogate the women who killed your husband and tortured you daughter?"

"You bet I am!"

I got quickly wrote a note for Cammie and the gang explaining why we'd gone, and to put all the bits of evidence in a little bag to give to me next time they saw me so I could return them. I also said to tell Kat, Hale and Simon that if they wanted out of their family business and to join the other side, to come back to Gallagher with the rest of the gang so we could see if we can find a place for them in Gallagher or Blackthrone, they would make great additions there! After that we walked out and back to the helicopter. We got ourselves strapped in, clicked all the buttons, flicked all the switches and took off and left. God I hope squirt will be alright!

Cammie's P.O.V.

We'd just left and were already tailing one person who was doing all the typical spy things, changing foot patterns, making sure no-one is following them etc. Zach decided that he was going to be the one to get something off of her. He walked up to her and 'accidently' bumped into her, just as they started talking, I heard the rumbling of a helicopter, the Gallagher helicopter at that. I guess Abby was serious when she said that they wouldn't be there if we got back early. I felt Bex, Macey and Liz look up at the sound of the rumbling as well.

"Hey, you okay Cam?"

To be honest, no I wasn't, but I'm a spy so I did what spy's do best and lied.

"Yea I'm fine Bex, I can't expect her to stay when she needs to be preparing for students to be coming back and she'll want to interrogate Catherine so…." I trailed off, not feeling the need to say anymore.

They just nodded and looked back at Zach. I saw him reach out for something, carry on talked for 2 minutes and then walk back to us smirking. He showed us what he had, a charm from her bracelet. We carried on with the dare/mission until we had successfully got each one. At the end of the mission, we had a charm, hair clip, an extra comms unit, bead, button, and secret camera.

When we got back to Macey's, I saw a note with my name written on it, in Abby's handwriting. I went a got it, it was a letter;

Cammie, I'm sorry we didn't tell you that we were going but we didn't want to upset you. We've got back to Gallagher so we can interrogate Catharine, and to find out why she kept you over the summer, why she was torturing you and who she answers to, like who her boss is. I know you probably still want your mum or me with you after collecting your memories back, but be assured that we wouldn't have left you if we didn't trust that your be alright and that the friends you have there will be there for you. Now as for the little mission I left you, I want you to write down all the descriptions as well as text them to me, and then put all the little bits of evidence you collected into an envelope or little bag so you can give them to me when you next see me when you return to school. Finally, tell Kat, Hale and Simon that if they want to get out of their family business and join the other side then to come back with you guys and we'll see if we can't find them a place at Gallagher or Blackthrone.

Your be fine Cammie,

Love Abby and Mum xxxxx

I read the letter twice, and then handed it to the guys to read. I went and sat back in the circle and waited until they'd all read the letter and sat back in the circle with me. I could see that they were all about to ask if I was okay after the letter.

"Before you ask anything, I'm fine! I'm so bored of everyone asking me that, so please just believe me when I say I'm fine!"

And with that I spun the bottle.

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