How you meet

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Ashton: You have a serious love of music. Every instrument to you is as beautiful as the next. You played the drums, guitar and piano but wished you could play more than that. One day while practicing one of your songs on the drums your snare broke. You felt a hot rage mixed with sadness rush through your body. I need to practice this bloody song for my gig this weekend you thought to yourself as you raise from your drum stool and head for the door, determined to get a new snare. You grab your car keys and head out to find the nearest music store. You type in directions to try and find one near you but unfortunately your phone takes you on a wild goose chase to who knows where. Finally you arrive late in the evening at a place far from anywhere near where you live. Slightly frustrated you climb out your car, slam your door, and walk into the music store. Inside smells strong of sweat and other awful smells. You slowly make your way to a small counter in the middle of the store almost completely hidden by thousands of instruments all piled randomly around the place. "Uh excuse me," you say to an elderly man with a grey ponytail who is sitting behind the counter, a guitar in his hand. "Hello there young lady, how can I help you?" He says with a smile placing the guitar next to him.
"Well I kinda need a snare. Mine just broke like now so yeah, could you help?" You say rubbing your arm uncomfortably. "Gosh, I'm not exactly the best with drums and that kinda stuff," he stops suddenly glancing around the store "hold on one second young lady." He says turning around and weaving his way through the maze of instruments. Not even a minute later he returns with a tall boy with a large smile plastered to his face. "So I heard you are in need of some help with getting a new snare." He says brushing his fingers through his curly locks. You nod smiling politely at him. "You play?" You ask him suddenly feeling more relaxed. He rests his elbows on the small counter and leans closer to you. "Indeed I do, love it with such a passion." You can't help but smile at him. He was so adorable and he played drums!! That was like a win win. After almost 30 minutes of discussing the best brands and choosing from what felt like hundreds of snares he helps you carry the box containing your new snare to the car. Once it's in your car he stops you before you can climb in. "Uh, would you like to go for a coffee or something?" He says rubbing his hand nervously behind his neck. You smile up at him. "Yes of course." He smiles at you looking more calm. The two of you drive to an adorable little coffee shop and chat away for the next four hours until the shop closes. By the end of the night he gives you his number in exchange for a kiss on the cheek. You drive home feeling very accomplished. You got a new snare and the phone number of a cute drummer boy. Score.

Calum: One Saturday afternoon you were tired and bored of sitting in your house with absolutely nothing to do. There was a little park a few blocks away and you thought why not just take a walk there and get some fresh air? You grab your phone and a sweater on the chair next to the door. As you walk outside and down the street you feel a sort of calmness wash over your body. You loved taking walks and just being outdoors. After about ten minutes of walking you hear footsteps coming closer and closer. They sound like slow sort of jogging footsteps so you move a little to the side not even glancing back to see who this jogger was. A minute later you hear the footsteps right up behind you and then a boy with dark hair wearing a grey shirt stained with sweat stops and walks next to you. At first he doesn't say anything, he just smiles at you. You are slightly taken a back, he was seriously adorable and his eyes were a gorgeous brown. You love brown eyes. Eventually he speaks "Hello there." He smiles again and looks at you. "Hello." You say smiling cheesily not looking at him. He suddenly comes to a stop and you do the same. He hold out his hand and you take it, shaking it slowly. "I'm Calum by the way." He says flicking his dark hair out of his eyes. "I'm (y/n), it's nice to meet you." You say letting go of his hand still staring into his eyes. You look away and carry on walking, him right behind you. "Where are you heading?" He says walking next to you once again. "Just to the park down the road" You say staring up at the sky. He smiles and says "Well if that's where you're going I guess that's where I'm going." You laugh at him and the whole way to the park and back to you're house the two of you talk. Apparently he plays bass in a band called 5 Seconds of Summer. You love it if a boy can sing and play and instrument. Once you reach you're house he gives you his number. "You should come check out me and my band at one of our gigs." He smiles at you and then looks down at his feet. "Of course I'd love to!" You exclaim giving him a quick kiss on the cheek. "Bye Calum." You say walking up back to you're house. You feel proud of you're decision to go for a walk, definitely the work of fate.

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