Cuddle time with him

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Ashton: He enjoys holding you facing him. You two will stare into each others eyes forever. If you are watching a movie you will lie in between his legs and he will hold you from behind. Your cuddles are usually long and silent. There is no need for speaking, simply being in each others presence is enough.

Calum: The two of you would spoon. Him being the big spoon and you the little one. He would hold you tight and whisper sweet compliments in your ear. You would stroke his arm and kiss it softly sometimes. There was usually very little conversation aside from Calums quiet whispers.

Luke: You and Lukes way of cuddling was very different from many others. You would quite simply lie on top of him. He would wrap his arms around you and yours would be draped across his shoulders, your hands occasionally playing with his soft hair. You two would always talk about your day and share strange and funny stories with each other.

Michael: He enjoyed laying down with you two facing eachother. His arms would rest on your hips while yours would be draped around his neck. Your legs would be intertwined with one another's and there was almost always a blanket on top of you two.

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