He helps with homework

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Ashton: "Sience?" He says staring down at the pile of notes you have scattered across your bed. You sigh and plop yourself down next to him. He looks at you and smiles. "It's okay beautiful." he says tucking your hair behind your ears. "Well this should be interesting." You say smirking at him as you take his hand. "Why?" He says chuckling at you. "I have no idea how I will concentrate while looking at your adorable face." He suddenly stands up and walks towards your cupboard. "Ashton," you say confused "what the hell are you doing?" He doesn't say anything as he rummages through your cupboard. He soon emerges with an awful looking Halloween mask on his face. "Seriously?" You say walking up to him pulling the mask off his face. The two of you giggle as he picks you up and throws you over his shoulder. "Ashton!" You shriek as he spins you round. "I won't put you down until you say I'm the hottest guy on the planet." He jokes. "Never!" You exclaim as you feel yourself getting more and more light headed. Eventually you give up and say "Fine, you are the hottest guy on the plant!" He comes to a sudden stop and places you gently on the wooden floor. You fall on your butt in a fit of laughter. He helps you up and the two of you sit on your bed. "Okay Ash we really need to focus now." You say in all seriousness as you sort through your pile of notes. "Okay (y/n), my undivided attention is on studying." You glance up at him and smile. Suddenly you feel his warm hands grab your face as he pulls you in for a passionate kiss. "Okay," he says as you giggle "now my undivided attention is on studying." For the rest of that evening the two of you go through millions of scientific formulas and many other things. By the end of the night you are both fast asleep, cuddling under the blankets.

Calum: "But English is easy!" Calum exclaims as you two sit down at the kitchen table which is now piled high with your many English handbooks. "I know it is," you say running your fingers through Calums hair "it's just," you look around at the mess that surrounds the two of you "there's so much to do." He places his hand on your thigh and squeezes. "It's okay babe, I'm here to help." He stands up from his chair and says "I'll start by making some tea." You smile to yourself, he really knew just what to do to make you feel better. "Thank you Calmin." You say in a baby voice as you grab a pencil and start working on your first assignment. Minutes later Calum arrives with a mug of perfectly made tea. He places it in front of you and kisses you on the cheek. "Here you go beautiful." He says as he sits back down next to you. "Thank youuu." You say smiling up at him. He sits back in the chair and watches you for a moment. "What ya doing?" He says leaning over your shoulder. "We're studying Othello." You say looking up at his gorgeous brown eyes. "Wha-hel-who?" He mumbles in a confused tone. "O-th-e-ll-o." You chuckle, slowly spelling it out for him. He still doesn't seem to comprehend what you've just said. "It's a Shakespearean play." You say placing your hand to his cheek drawing small circles on it. Slowly the two of you lean in and he kisses you, slowly and passionately. "Do you have to do this shit anyway?" He says, smiling cheekily at you. You place your entire hand on his face and push him back. "Later." You say laughing at him. "Fine, let's get this done then." He says excitedly. In all honesty he barely helped you at all. Just having him there was nice. After two and a half hours of pages of English assignment after English assignment you walk through to the lounge and see Calum lying there on the couch snoring softly. You giggle and think to yourself what a help he's been as you walk over to where he is lying in a peaceful slumber. You grab a blanket and cuddle up to him placing the blanket over the two of you.

Luke: "I seriously can't." You mumble into the sleeves of your sweater that were covering your face. "Yes you can (y/n)." Luke says gently taking your hands and pulling them away from your face. "I know maths really isn't something your strongest at but you can do it." He gives you a reassuring smile and rubs small circles on your arm. This would always calm you when you felt anxious. You still said nothing, just stared at the many numbers on the page that were now clouding your mind. Luke took your hand and squeezed it. "You will be fine." He says in a soothing tone. You look up at him and force a smile. "Thank you Lukey." You mumble squeezing his hand back. You take a deep breath to try calm yourself down. "Okay," you mumur softly to yourself "I'm ready." You say smiling up at Luke. He explains the concepts very slowly to you, breaking down each step into a much simpler form. You loved how gentle he was with you. He knew you would get anxious if you got overwhelmed with too many things at once so he really took it slow. After an hour of doing many, many sums he stands up and says to you "I think that's enough for tonight." You smile up at him and say "Yay, how did I do?" As you stand up he grabs you by the waist and pulls you into a tight hug. "You did so brilliantly (y/n), I'm so proud of my girl." You feel yourself blush as you bury your face into his chest. He always knew exactly what to say. "I love you." You say raising your head from his chest. "I love you too." He moves his hands from your hips up to your cheeks and leans in, kissing you tenderly. For the rest of the night the two of you cuddle on the couch until you fall asleep, breathing in the same rhythm.

Michael: "So I must just sit here," he says to you pointing at the white plastic chair "and stare off into space?" He looks at you confused as he places himself into the chair and leans back. "Yes Michael," you say to him with a hint of amusement in your voice "just sit there and look as beautiful as you normally do." He pulls an ugly face and you can't help but giggle. "Wow so beautiful Mikey." You say to him jokingly. "Thank you." He says grinning up at you in pride. You had asked him to help you with your art project. The two of you were in your empty garage that had many colourful murals all around the walls. You absolutely loved to paint. "Now Mikey," you say in a serious tone "it's is absolutely crucial that you..do not..move." He looks up at you with a concerned look on his face. "But what if I want pizza??" He exclaims, the worry showing clearly through his furrowed eyebrows. "You can have pizza after." You say giggling at him once again. "Fine," he says smirking at you "anything for my girl." After an hour and a half of consistent painting you gently place down your paintbrush and sigh. "Can I move now?" Michael says barely moving his jaw. You walk over to him and grab his hand, pulling him up. "Yes you can move now." You lead him to your easil and show him your half complete artwork. "This," he says with beaming eyes "is AMAZING." He grabs you by the waist and pulls you close to him. "How am I so lucky to have someone as talented as you?" You blush and turn your face away from his feeling embarrassed. The two of you stand there for a moment and look at the work. It is a picture of Michael sitting in a chair. He is completely black and white while the background of the painting is covered with small cartoons and splatters of vibrant paint. "Do you know what the assignment was?" You say as he wraps his arms around your waist from behind. "No, what was it?" He says curiosly. "We were told to paint something we love."

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