You two get a dog

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Ashton: "PLEASE!!!" You beg as you sit there on your knees next to a small pen filled with husky puppies. Ashton looks down at you, his hazel eyes showing true compassion. "(y/n) are you like 100% sure about this?" He says kneeling down next to you. "Yes, yes 100% sure." You say grabbing his sleeves like a child and tugging on them. He glances over into the pen and giggles. "Hey look at that little one." He says pointing at the largest pup of the lot who is jumping excitedly over all of his siblings. He notices you and Ashton sitting there watching him and leaps over to you waging his tail excitedly. "Hey buddy," Ashton says in a baby voice as he pats the puppy gently on the head "aren't you a cutey?" He says in between giggles. He excitedly licks Ashtons fingers and then barks happily. You smile at how gentle he is with animals (or any living creature for that matter). "Can we take him please Ashy Bear?" You say joining Ashton in patting the excited little thing. "I guess we can." Ashton says through a wide smile. You leap to your feet and squeal in excitement. "Thank you Ashy!!" You say as you embrace him in a tight hug. "Anything for my girl." He says squeezing you tightly. Later that evening the three of you are sitting on the floor in your lounge playing. You still haven't found a name for the little boy yet. "What about Vegimite?" Ashton says placing a small treat on the ground for the still nameless dog. "You've already said that twice Ash." You say frowning at him. "And for the third time I'm going to say no." Ashton chuckles at you and says "Okay fine. What about Leo?" Something inside you clicks and you feel the name fall into place. "Leo is perfect!" As you say the name Leo looks up at you, his tounge out and tail wagging. "He's getting used to it already." Ash says moving closer to you. He places his arm around your shoulder and kisses you on the forehead. Leo walks over and lies in between you and Ashton letting out a large yawn.

Calum: The two of you were driving in his car on the way to Calums mom's friends house. Her dog had given birth to three Pikingese puppies earlier that day. You were so excited, you loved animals so much but especially baby animals. "I can't wait to see them." Calum said, placing his hand on your thigh and squeezing. You thought it was so adorable how happy he was about going to see the puppies. "Me neither." You say placing your hand on top of his. It takes 20 minutes for you two to get to the house. Before you get out the car you look at Calum and give him a huge kiss. You can feel him smiling as your lips meet and can't help but smile too. Once you climb out the car you are greeted by his mom's friend Monica. She introduces herself to you and invites the two of you inside. She leads you to a small room within which the puppies and their mum are lying in a small basket. "Can we-" he stops midway through his sentence as Monica nods pointing at the basket. He takes your hand and leads you towards the basket in the corner of the small room. You watch as he bends down and gently picks up one of the pups. It yelps while he is holding it in his hand. You glance into the basket to see two other puppies and the very tired looking mum dog. You reach into the basket and take the puppy closest to you. It is a girl with a white body and brown face. "They look like little rats." You say stroking the little girls body resting in your hand. "They do, don't they?" Calum agrees placing the puppy back in the basket. "But they're still adorable." You say holding the little pup close to your chest. You spend lunch with Monica and are soon home. You miss the little dogs already. Seven weeks later you and Calum are driving home from Monica house once again except this time you have your little baby, Cookie, sitting happily in your lap.

Luke: It was a typical Wednesday night and you were busy making yourself some instant noodles. You had just finished all your assignments and had some TV series to catch up on. You lay there on the couch wrapped in many blankets eating your noodles when you suddenly hear a noise that sounds like a car pulling into your driveway. Who would be coming at this time? You think to yourself as you look at the clock to see it is 11:45 pm. Your phone buzzes on the table next to the couch. It's a message from your boyfriend Luke telling you to come outside. "Luuuke." You groan as you force yourself up off of the couch, a blanket still wrapped around you. You walk outside to meet Luke and as you reach his car you see him sitting inside with a smile on his face. You open the door of the drivers seat where Luke is sitting and smile at him. "What on earth are you doing Lucas?" You say taking his hand as he climbs out the car. He embraces you in a tight hug and kisses you lightly on the cheek. "It's a surprise." He says excitedly leading you round the car. You giggle at his excitement and follow him. He opens the back door of the car and takes out a large cardboard box. "What on earth?" You say looking at your boyfriend very confused. "Look inside." He says holding the box closer to you. You slowly open the loosely closed flaps of the cardboard box and peek in. Lying there amongst a pink blanket is a little English Bulldog snoring softly. You heart leaps in happiness as you look up at Luke. You can't contain your excitement as you slowly back away with your hand clasped over your mouth. "Luke," you whisper softly "Why did you?" You are absolutely lost for words. "Do you like her?" He says smiling proudly. "She's beautiful." You say not sure of what to do. The two of you go back to your house and stay up for the rest of the night cuddling on the couch watching the sleeping puppy and trying to find a name for her. "What about Luna?" He says to you while drawing little patterns on your back. "That's so perfect." You whisper softly to him. He smiles as he kisses you on the cheek gently. You fall asleep to the sound of Luna snoring softly and the lovely feeling of Luke drawing patterns on your back.

Michael: "What should we name him?" Michael says to you. He's sitting on the floor of your living room playing with the newest addition to the family, a little dalmation puppy. "I'm not sure." You say as you join the two on the floor. The nameless pup leaps onto you and attacks you with lots of little "love licks". You giggle as Michael joins in but instead he attacks you with many little kisses. Eventually you find yourself lying on the floor gasping for air through the giggles. "Stop, stop!" You scream trying to shove Michael off you. He stops, looking down at you with the puppy next to him. "You guys are mean." You pout up at him as he leans down to place a tender kiss on your lips. "I think we should name him Dakota." Michael says out of the blue. "That was very sudden." You say as Michael helps you sit up. "I like it." You say smiling up at your boyfriend. "Hey there Dakota." You say in a baby voice to you little baby. Michael wraps his arms around you from behind as the three of you spend the rest of the day lying on the floor having endless "love lick" attacks.

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