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Ashton: "I'll get it!" You yell up to Ashton as the doorbell rings. You jump down the stairs to land in front of the door. Your entrance hall is decorated with beautiful festive decorations and fake snow that had been placed in some of the corners. You open the door and your family greets you with huge smiles. You all hug and then head up stairs to where Ashton has set the table for Christmas breakfast. As you reach the kitchen Ashton is standing there with a huge grin on his face. "Hi everyone." He says in a cheery voice as he walks over to give your mom a hug and to shake your dad's hand. Your parents absolutely loved him. For breakfast you and Ash made the most delicious pancakes with chocolate chips. Once breakfast was over you all sat and chatted while drinking some hot chocolate. "I think it's time for gifts." You exclaimed as you took everyone's empty mugs. "Yes, I agree." Ashton says while helping you clear up the table. In the kitchen you and Ash are alone. He comes up behind you and wraps his arms around your waist. "Merry Christmas (y/n)." He whispers into your ear. You loved when he did that. "Merry Christmas Ashy." You say back, turning around and giving him a huge kiss. You two walk back to where everyone is sitting and get ready to open gifts. After opening all the gifts Ashton gives you one last thing, a box wrapped in red and white stripped paper with a green bow around it. "Saving the best for last." He says giving you a quick kiss on the cheek. Everyone sits there in silence and watches you open your gift. You gently unwrap it to see underneath a flat black box. You lift off the lid to find a white picture frame with the words 'Love is Forever' in silver written on the bottom left corner. In the frame itself is your favourite picture of you and Ash. You are at the beach standing in the waves. He has his arm around you and you are kissing his cheek. You couldn't help but smile. It was the best gift by far. You lean in and give him a huge kiss, your entire family 'awwwing' as you do.

Calum: This was your 4th Christmas together. Every year you would do the same things: have dinner at your parents house on Christmas Eve, stay over the night, go to his parents in the morning, open gifts and then spend the 26th by yourselves. This year Calum wanted to change things up bit. He decided to take you to New York. You had landed that day (24th). The airport was absolute chaos. Outside it was cold and snowing a tremendous amount. As you drove in the cab through the many tall skyscrapers you noticed that almost every one was decorated with lights. "It's so beautiful here." You exclaimed as Calum placed his hand on your thigh. "I know, I love it here." He smiled at you and placed his hand on your cheek stroking it gently.
"I love that I get to be here with you." You loved him so much, you couldn't imagine being here with anyone else. You arrived at the most beautiful hotel decorated with the most amazing Christmas decorations. After an hour of unpacking and having a shower, you climb into bed and cuddle up to him. He let's out a large sigh and says "Do you want room service?" You scooch even closer to him and interlock your legs with his. "Yes please Cal." You say closing your eyes. Suddenly you feel him moving out of the bed. "Where are you going?" You don't even open your eyes to look where he is. "Just grabbing something." He says climbing back into bed. You open your eyes and see he is sitting next to you holding a little black box. You sit up and look at him, confused. "What's that?" You say as he places an arm around you. "A Christmas gift." He says smiling. "Cal I thought we opened gifts in the morning." He shrugged and passed you the box. "For my girl."
You open the box to find a silver locket shaped like a heart. "Calum." You gasp not sure what to say. "Open it." He says pointing to the locket. You gently pick it up and open it. Engraved in each side of the locket is your names. 'Calum' on the left and '(y/n)' on the right. He takes it from your hands and brushes your hair over your shoulder. He places it over your head and round your neck. He kiss your cheek from behind and whispers into your ear "So you will always have a piece of me no matter where in the world you are."

Luke: It was a beautiful evening. The fire was going, the house was decorated all festive and snow was falling silently outside. This year you and Luke decided to have Christmas eve at your new shared house. You would invite both of your families, it was going to be a very long and busy night. You and Luke were busy in the kitchen making delicious meals. He was making a salad while you iced the little cupcakes that were for dessert. After a while of neverending cupcake icing he comes and stands next to you, placing his head on you shoulder. "Hello Lukey." You say rubbing his hair. He sighs and says "I wanna go play in the snow outside." He sounded like a whiny kid. You place the icing bag down on the counter and look at him. "Well Lukey-Wookie," you say mocking him with a baby voice "when you're finished with the salad you can go." He looks over at the half complete salad and pulls puppy dog eyes at you. "Fine, go then." You say giggling at his adorableness. He wraps his arms around you from behind and says in your ear "But I want you to come with me." He starts rocking you back and fourth to the beat of the Christmas music playing all around the house. You couldn't resist him, he was just so cute. "Fine." you say taking his hand and waking out the kitchen to grab your snow jacket. You get outside and the snow has increased, it's falling down hard. The Christmas music is blaring through the outside speakers as well. Luke walks up to you and takes you by the hands. "May I have this dance?" He says in a fake posh accent. You giggle. "Yes you may." You say in reply with a posh accent. The two of you dance around in the snow to the music. He trys to dip you but loses his grip and drops you. You fall into the powdery snow giggling. He bends down with a concerned look on his face. "(y/n) I'm sorry, are you okay?" Still giggling you say "Of course Lukey." He helps you up and the two of you go inside now covered in snow. Your hair is full of miniscule snowflakes. You take off your snow jacket and Luke brushes all the snow out your hair. He looks up and hanging right above the door, is misletoe. You smile at him and he places his hands on your cheeks. "Merry Christmas (y/n)." He kisses you gently, the music still playing.

Michael: It was you and Michaels first Christmas together. It was also Michaels first time of meeting your entire family. He had odviously met your parents but never your grandparents, aunts, uncles, cousins, second cousins, god parents... You had a pretty big family. Your mom invited Michael to come along and join in the family celebrations but you could tell, he was nervous. When you arrived at your house Michael didn't move. He sat there looking at his hands. "Mikey," you said placing your hand on his shoulder "they are going to love you, I promise." He looked up at you and smiled. "I really hope they do." He leaned towards you and kissed you passionately. You two sat there in the car having a heated make out session for at least 15 minutes before breaking apart. You noticed by Michaels window was your 12 years old cousin, Josh, standing with his mouth wide open. You felt yourself go red. "What?" Michael said laughing. You pointed at Josh and said "Meet my cousin, Josh." Michael waved awkwardly at him. Once he was gone you got out the car and trudged through the snow to the house. Your mum was at the door to welcome you two in. She warmly hugged both you and Michael. The three of you spoke for a bit and then she led you inside to the family room. You took Michaels hand and gripped it tightly, you could see in his eyes that he was terrified. As you walked into the room everything went silent, for a moment everyone looked at you two standing there holding hands. You looked over at your grandma who had a large smile on her face. She stood up and walked up to you. "(y/n)!" She exclaimed giving you a hug. She walked to Michael and embraced him in one of her gooshy grandma hugs and whispered in his ear "Welcome to the family Michael." She pulled away from him and placed her hand on his shoulder now facing the whole family. "Everyone, say hello to Michael." In a chorus of greetings everyone stood up to either shake his hand or give him a huge slobbery kiss. Your family seemed to love him. He seemed to have settled, he was loving the attention. Dinner was lovely. Everyone sitting around talking, eating and sharing events from the past year. Your cousin Josh was sitting next to Michael talking about the band. He was also really interested in music. You had your youngest cousin, Lizzy, sitting on your lap dribbling away. At the end of the evening everyone departed and went to sleep. You and Michael disappeared into your room. He sat you on the bed and said "Close your eyes and hold out your hands." You obeyed him and sat there waiting. "Michael Clifford what are you up to?" You giggled as he placed something into your hands. You opened your eyes and saw, sitting in your hands, was an old snow globe. "Michael." You said lost for words. "Your grandfather gave it to me and said I must give it to you." He shrugged and sat down on the bed next to you. "He said he gave it to your grandma on their first Christmas." You felt tears forming in your eyes threatening to roll down your cheeks at any moment. "It's so beautiful." You say chocking up. It was really special.
"I love you." He said placing his hand on you cheek. You two fell asleep watching, through your window, the snow gently falling.

Merry Christmas!!
Its my favourite time of the year to be honest, I'm a very festive person.
I hope you all had a wonderful Christmas and enjoyed this Christmas Special.
Lots of love and hugs!!
Princess Ali xx

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