Chapter 2 - Getting Down

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Luke drove us out farther. We were laughing at basically nothing through the whole ride. I'm surprised that I am intrusting in him as much as I am. I know both of us shouldn't be in a vehicle especially both of us under the influence at the age we are at. I didn't care though. There was something about Luke that just kept me wanting more and not to leave.

I looked on the dash and it read 3:35. My eyes got wide. We were riding around for a while until he stopped. He stopped at this lake or pond. I never been out this far before. I didn't even know this was here. He turned to me and kept the lights on. He smirked at me a little.

"You don't mind getting wet?" He asked. I answered him without thinking.

"Depends on what you mean by that." Once I said it I realized I answered him like I would to any one of my other guy friends. He just looked at me and his smirk got wider. We both started to laugh.

"Either way you wanna take it baby. I was talking about getting out of some clothes and jumping in." He answered finally after we calmed our laughter.

I was in short shorts, and a tank top. I also had my boots on. I shrugged and started to take off my boots. I then took off my tank top showing my bra. I then opened the door and got out. I looked at Luke and he looked at me surprised again. I then saw how he was fumbling with his belt and opening the door. I giggled.

I took off my shorts and put them on the seat before shutting the door and walking in front of the truck to look at the water. I slowly crept towards the water to feel how cold it is. Once my toes hit the edge I felt two arms pick me up bridal style. I was about to wiggle out but remembered I could fall I just grabbed onto Luke's neck. He chuckled as he went in the water. I felt his bare chest against my side. My arms were around his neck and I just looked at him who was still chuckling. I then looked down to see how far in we were and we were just past his knees.

He got out a little further and I thought he was going to throw me or drop me. He didn't do either though. He fell back with me in his arms. He forgot to take his hat off. Our bodies went under water and he let go of me so I could go up on my own. I came up and flipped my hair. I looked around and saw him come up about two feet in front of me.

I was standing up and the water was right under my boobs. He looked over towards me and came over. He splashed me and that turned into a splash fight. That is until I went under and swam further away. He was confused at where I went when I slowly came up. I then felt something swim by my leg and it made me scream a little. Luke came over to me and started laughing telling me that it was only a fish.

We stayed in the water for a little longer. He gave me a piggy back out of it. I was still feeling the alcohol. Luke turned off his light and got a blanket out from behind his seats. He put it in the bed. We both hopped in and laid back looking at the stars. My hands were too my sides when I felt his hand go on top of mine. I looked over at him and he looked over at me.

"I have to say this is one of the best birthday's I've ever had." He said and then sat up. I slowly sat up and put my hands on my lap. "Nothing went wrong. I got to drink. There was a fire. I got to swim and trail ride with a gorgeous girl. Now I am in the bed of my Chevy with her barley clothed. I don't see how this could get any better." He smirked and looked over at me.

"I have to say that is better than any of the birthdays I've ever had." I smiled and looked at him.

"When is your birthday?" He asked.

"March 18th." I answered. He frowned.

"Well, I'll try to remember that and help make your birthday as good as mine is right now." He smiled.

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