Chapter 4 - Thrilled Interuptions

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Thursday was very fun. We hung out the next three days. I learned a lot more about Luke. He helped his father out on the farm Monday through Thursday. He could actually play the guitar and sing. We hung out with his friends on Saturday with a small bonfire and that is where he and his friend Michael; which they called Carter; played guitar.

I had a lot of fun. My parents thought we were dating but nothing has been said between either of us. I feel like we are because we do continue to have sex with each other and hang out a lot. He took me to get ice cream and a movie. It's been a week and a half since I met him and he seems like my boyfriend. I don't think he wants me in that way though.

Today is a week since Thursday and I'm meeting his parents because they are curious who he keeps hanging out with till really late. He told me that he told them that he already met mine and said that he was not being fair by keeping me away. I thought that was funny so I was dressing up fairly well to meet them.

I had my favorite bra back and wore a tank top. I already had shorts on but not too short of ones like when I first met Luke. I kept my hair down and was waiting on Luke in my living room. My two little brothers were arguing again over a game. I ignored them and lay on the couch.

The front door opened and I sat up and looked to see Pa all greasy. I greeted him and he smiled as he walked towards the kitchen to see mama. Sean ran down the steps with a girl following close behind. I looked at him and he winked at me before yelling that he was leaving. I rolled my eyes and was going to lie down before I heard him yelling again.

"Nicole your boyfriend is here!" That made me roll my eyes more but quickly get up. I started to walk to the door.

"Bye sweetheart." Mama said. I turned and looked.

"Bye mama, bye daddy." I said smiling.

"Bye princess. Be good." He said coming out the kitchen and being stern.

"I will." I smiled. When I got to the door Luke was just standing there smiling.

"Hello Darlin." He said.

"Hey." I smiled at him.

"Ready?" He asked. I nodded he looked behind me. "Hello Mr. and Mrs. Taylor." Luke waved. I turned to see both look and wave.

Luke and I were then off in his truck to his parents. I didn't really feel nervous because they couldn't be worse than my father on his bad days so I think I could handle anything. It also was only dinner.

When we got there I noticed how big the house was. It made me wish my parents had a bigger house for all of the kids. It was very nice and there was flowers surrounding the desk on the front of the house. Luke opened my door for me and grabbed my hand leading me up to the door. He opened it and the inside was more beautiful than the outside.

He yelled that he was home and had me with him. I heard noises come from different directions. The first person I saw was a woman around my mother's age. She had a smile on her face and an apron around her. She had a smile just like Luke's.

Then two people came from upstairs. It must be his brother Chris and his sister Kelly. Kelly was beautiful. She had long brown hair and a smile to match Luke's and their mama's. His brother was the chunky one and dressed like Luke. He had a small smile plastered on his face. They all seemed very welcoming.

"Hello honey. I'm Luke's mama Leclair." His mother came over to me. Luke let go of my hand and his mother engulfed me into a hug. Once we stopped the hug his sister was in line next.

"Hey Nicole. I'm Kelly." She said hugging me nicely and letting go. Chris waved and smiled.

"I'm Chris. Nice to meet you." He said.

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