Chapter 8 - Living Together

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I woke up at 7 o clock sharp feeling sicker than before. I got out of bed quickly and went to the bathroom. I thanked God that no one was in here. I started to unload all the food I had yesterday. I felt someone lift my hair up as I kept going. My back was rubbed as I just sat on my knees at the toilet.

I felt so emotional right now. I felt a tear slip down. I hated this. This is the worst feeling in the world. I am having a baby with a man I hardly know. I have morning sickness every damn morning. I get kicked out to live with Luke. I am being forced to marry him. I'm also still going to be going to school. I can't party. My life is of me being a mom now and I can't go anywhere.

I started to cry. I felt me being pulled and was now sitting. Arms were tightly around me. Two long legs were on each side of me as I curled up. I heard Luke's soothing voice in my ear telling me everything is alright. I know deep down that both of us have no clue if any of this is going to turn out okay.

When I calmed down enough I snuggled in closer to him. I felt safe and calm. There was a knock on the bathroom door.

"Hello?" We heard Leclair.

"It's us mama. Nicole's sick this morning." Luke told her.

"I'll be making breakfast. Come down when you two are ready." She said sweetly.

"Thanks mama." Luke answered back and kept rubbing my arm. We sat there for a few more minutes until Luke patted my arm. I was slightly falling asleep so it made me jump. I heard a chuckle come out of his mouth. "Come on. Let's get some breakfast if you're okay to do so." Luke said. I pushed away from him and nodded.

"I will be fine for now. After 9 I settle and I'm fine." I told him. He smiled and nodded. "Let me wash out my mouth and I'll be down."

Luke let go of me and we both got off of the floor. I flushed the toilet and watched Luke leave the bathroom. Once he shut the door I sighed and looked at myself. If pregnancy is like this I am not going through this much more.

I did wash out my mouth and then started to head downstairs. I heard laughing when I got closer to the kitchen. When I walked through the doorway I saw Luke's whole family sitting down and then one extra person. He was a fairly good looking man sitting next to Kelly. Luke had a seat opened next to him with a plate already made and orange juice right next to it.

When I sat down everyone looked over at me. Luke smiled slightly. Tommy nodded. Leclair had a smile on her face. Chris's mouth was full of food and Kelly had a smile with the man next to her.

"Good morning Nicole." Kelly said. "This is my fiancé Lee, Lee this is Luke's...."Kelly said with a smile and then got confused at what to call me.

"Since we are getting married soon just say fiancé." Luke said shrugging his shoulders.

"It's nice to meet you Lee." I said with a smile. He nodded and smiled.

"Nice to meet you too." He said.

"Luke got her pregnant so that's why they're getting married young. That's also why you've never seen her." Tommy said. Everyone just looked at him.

"Tommy." Leclair said in a scolding voice. I just looked down at my plate. Yeah. The best part of living here has already started.

"Daddy." Kelly said glaring at him. "I've already talked to Lee about this. You don't need to have Luke and Nicole feeling bad about any of this. They've created life and it's precious." Kelly said standing up for Luke and I. I looked up and smiled at her. She smiled right back at me.

"I think this is great." Chris announced. We all looked over at him. "Mama always loves babies around. I get a niece or nephew, Pa gets a grandchild before he hits 50. Kelly gets practice for when she and Lee have a baby. Also Luke will no longer have to worry about commitment." Chris said and laughed. "Just kidding bro." I smiled.

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