Chapter 12 - It's A Baby

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Today Luke and I are going to find out the sex of the baby. We are both extremely excited. We were last week but the baby wasn't wanting to show anything. The appointment is for 11 in the morning so there was no sense in going to school to leave then to maybe come back. All our teachers knew it as well.

My baby bump has grown a lot. I am noticeable but I've been wearing bigger shirts and baggier pants. I haven't been wanting to say anything to anyone but I know especially in the locker room girls have been looking and saying stuff.

People in school haven't really started anything. People all know that Luke and I are together and I bet they all know that we are married. They must see the rings unless they are oblivious. That probably makes suspicions of me being pregnant. Sam knows everything so of course her brother and boyfriend know but I don't think any of them would say anything. The teachers have all told me basically the same thing and Miss Anderson and Mr. Mike both have been very helpful with answering questions with me and Luke.

I was already dressed and finishing up Luke and my laundry. I was behind because I was caught up in getting ahead on my school work. Luke has been doing things for his father to earn some extra money. He has been saving a lot of it for the baby which I am proud of him. I have been trying to make everything easier on him since he is doing that and I know he is going to get stressed out more and more.

My morning sickness has faded completely and I am a lot happier on that. I have been doing a lot of working out especially in gym. I do feel a lot better and I've been healthier than I ever have been. I am glad that I listened to my teachers.

"Nicole... Hello!" Luke said right into my ear. I came out of my daze of putting clothes away. I looked over at him.

"What? I'm sorry. Just thinking." I said smiling. He smiled and came over to hold me from behind. He put his hands on my stomach and rubbed it.

"Someone is excited huh?" He asked with a small laugh.

"Yes. I really want to know if it is a boy or a girl. I don't care either way but I do prefer a boy first."

"Same here. It's almost time to leave. Let's go downstairs and talk to mama before we leave." He said. I nodded and we both headed downstairs. To my surprise my mama was downstairs with Leclair smiling at us.

"Nicole." My mama said so joyful. She came over and hugged me.

"Hey mama." I said hugging her back tight but not too much.

"Your mama and I are joining. We can't wait till you get back to know what it is." Leclair said full of joy as well. I looked at both of them and just smiled. I looked over at Luke and he had a wide grin on his face.

"I'm glad you two are going. Memaw and Grandma get the first exclusive look at baby Bryan." I said. We all laughed.

"I'll drive all of us since I have enough room. We can all get lunch, my treat, afterwards." Mama said smiling wide.

My mama has been way more supportive the more my baby bump has grown. She is trying to be around a lot and make sure if I need anything she will try to help. She tries her hardest and I am so thankful she has come around. Pa is still not so close but mama says he will come around sooner or later. I think she says that to make me not feel as bad.

Dan has also been around a lot for me as well. He has offered to take me anywhere I need to go, to pick me up if I need it, and to basically do anything if Luke can't or his family can't. I am glad for that.

Alex has been making sure I have been okay at school. I have seen him popping up randomly. He also makes sure no one messes with me. He stands right behind me if he see's someone about to say something rude. I love him for that. I'm glad he is supportive as well.

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