Chapter 14 - Braxton Hicks

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I was sitting there in the room folding clothes. It was a normal day for me sense I am now a massive watermelon beach ball. Luke was helping his father sense we were home for the weekend from school. I am also currently not going back to school since I have about six weeks left until Luke and I see our little man.
Once all the clothes are folded and put away I decided to lay down and think. Everything was coming closer to see our little man. I was getting kind of nervous hoping that I would be as good of a mother as mine or as Luke's. I know I will have the support from both but I am going to have to do this on my own. It's a very big custom for a woman to do more than the man since the man has to make the money. It just scares me. Luke on the other hand keeps telling me I am going to be a wonderful mother and I am a wonderful wife as it is. I just hope he's telling me the truth and not just trying to make me feel better.
Luke and I still have yet to figure out what we should really name the child. I was thinking about going for his namesake and having a junior. Then again he and I were talking about mixing names from our families together. Holy cow my brother Daniel is very close to me and how he is close to his brother Christopher. Or we can name them Daniel Jacob just like my brother and father. We still have time to figure it out but I would love to know before this weekend's baby shower.
This weekend Kelly has a baby shower planned at her new house for us. She said she already has 90% of it planned with the help of her mother and my mother. I know that it's probably going to be amazing and they are probably going to be doing all the cooking and all the baking. Kelly is really great at decorating so I know it's going to look just right. In all honesty I don't know what I would do without Kelly sometimes.
I kept thinking about so many different thoughts that were flying through my mind. Then I started to feel pain in my stomach. It started to get worse. I was starting to hope that it was only a stomach cramp and I would have to go to the bathroom But as time went on it kept getting worse and it did not feel like regular stomach cramps. I quickly got up and went to go for the nearest person. I was hoping that it would be Luke's mother. I scurried quickly down the steps and to where I hoped Luke's mom was in the kitchen. Just my luck she was actually there.

"I think I need to go see a doctor." I said to mama Bryan.
"Honey what's wrong?" She asked quickly coming over to me.
"A lot of pain in my stomach where the baby is."
"Let's get you to the hospital. You could possibly be in labor." Mama Bryan said.

That was the one fear that was going through my mind at that current moment. I was still six weeks early and so much could be going on. I really hope that that's not true period I was also worried because Luke was not here and at this moment I'm I really really needed him.
Mama Bryan left a note for the boys and told them where we were. We quickly got into Mama Bryans vehicle and headed off to the hospital. The pains were still happening and I was really nervous.
Once we got to the hospital I was quickly emitted. I had a nurse and Doctor asking me so many different questions and all I could hope and think about what was 'was my baby okay?' They instantly could tell I was at least not in labor. They still had to do tests to make sure everything else was fine.
I was waiting for results with Mama Bryan. She ended up calling my mama and letting her know what was going on. Of course my mama and papa ended up being there quicker than Luke. I was getting really upset that Luke was not there when I really really needed him. Mama Bryan, my mama, and Papa were doing a great job trying to keep my mind off of things and making me laugh. The pains ended up stopping so at least I didn't think about them too much.
I was in the hospital for quite a while when I heard running steps and the curtain being drawn to having a extremely worried Luke staring at me in the bed.

"Baby what's going on?" Luke questioned coming over to my side quickly and holding my hand.
"Don't know yet. All we know is I had massive pain and I'm not in labor. The pain has subsided but I'm worried about our little man." I said with tears forming. Luke kissed my head and told me that it will be ok.  That is really what I've needed.
"Sorry we didn't get here sooner. We only got home no less than 15 minutes ago when we read the note. They were really busy at the store and I saw one of my old friends so we talked a little bit." Papa Bryan apologized.
"All that matters is you're here now." I said with a smile. He ended up smiling.

My mama and papa went outside to get some fresh air. Luke's father also went outside. He dragged Mama Bryan with them. That left Luke and I to be alone. Luke was able to pull up a chair close to where he can keep holding my hand. His other hand rested on my stomach and his thumb rubbed back and forth.
He and I stayed quiet just listening to each other breathe and the machines that were around the hospital. He and I would look at each other every once in awhile and give a small little smile to reassure each other.

"Everything is going to be alright. I have that feeling. You are such a strong woman. I also know that our baby is going to be okay." Luke said right before the doctor came in.
"Okay, Mrs. Bryan. I am here with some very good news. Well you can call it very good news. Your baby is perfectly fine." The doctor said. Luke and I both let out a sigh of relief. A smile was on my face until the doctor continued. "We do know the reason why you were having that pain. Is very simple and it is Braxton Hicks contractions.  these are basically contractions and well until your body is fully ready for labor. This kind of helps get your body ready to have the baby. You will probably have them not too often but often enough period they will feel basically like how you've had them today. When you start getting worst contractions to where they're also about 10 minutes apart or even 20 minutes apart because now you're not going to have them that close together but when they do become that close together you should come to the hospital because that does mean you are in labor specially if they're getting worse in pain." The doctor stated. My mind was basically blown.

This means that I am going to continue to have these until I'm actually in labor. This is going to be extremely annoying but this is a great relief off of me. This means that the baby is ok. I can go back to normal life until they start becoming closer together and more painful. What a relief.
I looked over to Luke and his face looked a lot more relieved as well. He looked like he was watching a horror movie in front of him. My hand squeezed his and his squeeze back. We both thanked the the doctor and had the Finish filling out a few forms for us to leave. The doctor also handed me a pamphlet to read over.
By the time we were ready to go everybody came back inside and we filled them in. Hugs all around happened. We all knew that the little man was okay and that we were going to be able to go home and not worry about him or May for the next few weeks hopefully.
When we got back to the house Luke and I went upstairs to relax a little bit and talk. We talked about how crazy all of this has been. It was just last summer that we got together and now we're getting closer to having a baby as a married couple.
Luke and I got to talking about names.
We both agreed that our little man was going to be named Ryder Joseph Bryan.

Thank you all for reading. I have actually did it I have created a chapter after so so so so long.
I hope you will really enjoyed this chapter. Please comment  below on what you think.

I actually just talked to my phone to finish this chapter because I've had it not finished and only a few paragraphs written. I know it may not seem like much but at least it is something that gets started.
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Thank you again,
- Pup

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